Education is a Right – construction of classroom blocks for deprived rural communities through community participation concept.
Student Business Organization for Sustainable Development (SBOSD)
Non-governmental organization (NGO)
Introduction: Education is a Right project is designed to provide quality education for the rural populace through construction of classrooms. Motivation behind the projects is the identification of classrooms under trees and poor study environment in some rural communities in Ghana. The projects were to bring hope to the rural poor farmers regarding their children’s education.
The projects implementation took the approach of collaboration between SBOSD and the beneficiary communities. The two communities’ direct participation in the total budget represents 41%. In other words, each community's direct participation was 20.5% towards the total budget. The beneficiary communities provided wood (cost for chainsaw work was financed by SBOSD), white sand for making blocks (labour cost of block makers was financed by SBOSD), fetching water to mix concrete, communal labour to carry concrete, and carrying of blocks to site. SBOSD was responsible for the following: cost of vehicle to convey white sand to site, labour cost of an architect/building contractor, cost of chainsaw machine to cut wood, cost of transporting materials to site, building materials like iron rods, cement, nails, cost of paint, windows and window frames, doors and door frames, plywood, labour cost of painter, etc. The projects were designed with reference to sustainable development concept. From the beginning of the physical projects implementation, the communities were involved in the monitoring aspect of the projects and shall continue the monitoring work with SBOSD and the District Assembly. By January 2019, the following activities were done at the two communities concurrently: Fund mobilization including the communities’ resources, transporting raw materials to the community, and project siting. In February: clearing the ground, digging the foundation, and laying of profiles. Between March and July 2019 the projects were completed.
The output of the projects are two separate three-classroom blocks for Onaa community near Duampopo in the old Juaben Municipality and Weila in the Kintampo South District. All are in the Ashanti Region of Ghana. The classrooms are approved by the GES (Ghana Education Service) as standard and conducive learning environments for primary education. The presence of the school buildings have encouraged enrolments by 60%. The identified situation of the school (tent structure) before our intervention had little and limited potential for enrolments in both communities. The school project has positive impact on the community in regard to both social and economic development in the future.
The Republic of Czech Embassy in Accra has been the main financier. SBOSD as an NGO has worked very hard to implement the projects with the support from the communities through labour and materials like wood and sand. However, there were some constraints in the course of the projects implementation: One of the communities failed to honor its responsibility to provide wood for the project despite earlier agreement with them.
The projects implementation took the approach of sustainability concept. We therefore used only quality and standard materials and measurements. Monitoring aspect of the project is a collaboration between SBOSD and the Unit Committee members of the communities.
The projects implementation took place in 2019 and therefore never had any effect of the COVID-19.
SDGS & Targets
Deliverables & Timeline
Resources mobilized
Partnership Progress

Other beneficiaries
The beneficiaries are the entire populace of Onaa and Weila communities as well as the surrounding villages. The main stakeholders are SBOSD (Student Business Organization for Sustainable Development), The Embassy of Czech Republic in Accra, and the beneficiary communities.
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Contact Information
Isaac , Mr.