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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

Desa Makmur Peduli Api Program (The Integrated Forestry & Farming System)

Asia Pulp and Paper Sinar Mas (
Private sector

    Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) Sinar Mas is committed to sustainable business practices. One manifestation is through APP Forest Conservation Policy that was launched in 2013. Based on this principle, in the end of 2015 APP Sinar Mas introduced a program called ‘Desa Makmur Peduli Api’/DMPA (Integrated Forestry & Farming System/IFFS) as improvement of various previous programs. The ultimate goal is to empower village community surrounding our operation to actively participate in sustainable forest management through agro-forestry, non-fire use of farming practices that couple community prosperity, forest sustainability, and reducing forest fire. IFFS is targeted to be implemented in 500 village’s communities within and around the APP Sinar Mas’ pulpwood suppliers’ concession areas in 5 provinces namely Riau, Jambi, South Sumatra, West Kalimantan and East Kalimantan

    Implementation of the Project/Activity

    The IFFS program is developed based-on participatory approach involving all elements of the village community to map their potentials : human, natural and social resources, including respect for customary rights. The program also prioritizes collaboration among different stakeholders: village communities, markets, local governments, companies, CSOs and academician. The IFFS consists of six main pillars: Village Participatory Mapping, Transferring Technology and Knowledge, Protecting and Maintaining Forest Areas, Preventing and Solving Conflicts, Product Marketing Partnerships, Improving Forest and Management Livelihoods.


    The IFFS program has led to tangible results and achievement. 390 villages have been covered by this program with potential beneficiaries of 31,418 households. The total budget of IDR 49.21 billion has been allocated engaging 196 combined farmers groups with 100 farmer champions as agents of change, 9 cooperatives, and 130 village-owned companies. The IFFS program also supports women empowerment and to date has supported 84 women groups. Its impact to local economy, to name a few, the program has created employment opportunities leading to the income increase among communities. The program also has an impact on protecting environment by preventing and reducing harmful farming practices, such as using fire for land preparation.

    Enabling factors and constraints

    Major challenge to the program is to scale up the results and achievement for the bigger impacts to communities. Other challenges include quality control of the products as well as opening wider access to market and finding the offtakers. We also need to leverage this program through a mutual synergy with government programs and other relevant initiatives, such as Village Development Forum, Village Flagship Product Program, Kampung Iklim Program, and PISAgro network.

    Sustainability and replicability

    The IFFS program is very potential for replication at both national and local levels. Strong commitment and close collaboration among village communities, government partners, industry and NGOs are needed as the important key for the success of the program.

    COVID-19 Impact

    During the pandemic the IFFS program was very strategic to increase family income and support the food security of the beneficiaries, because the community could submit proposals for activities on agriculture, livestock and fisheries that were provided with capital support, capacity building, group strengthening and assistance for marketing.

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    This initiative does not yet fulfil the SMART criteria.
    01 December 2015 (start date)
    31 December 2020 (date of completion)
    APP Sinar Mas Group
    1 2 5 8 13
    Other beneficiaries

    390 villages have been covered by this program with potential beneficiaries of 31,418 households. The total budget of IDR 49.21 billion has been allocated engaging 196 combined farmers groups with 100 farmer champions as agents of change, 9 cooperatives, and 130 village-owned companies. The IFFS program also supports women empowerment and to date has supported 84 women groups. The program has partnerships with APP’ wood supplier companies, villages government, district government agencies and non-governmental organizations.

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