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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

Chinese companies making efforts towards SDGs


    Enterprises are encouraged and mobilized to be actively involved in in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda in China. China Ocean Shipping Company (COSCO) has actively worked to improve both the hardware and software of educational resources in hinterland regions like Tibet, Yunnan, and Hunan, while Didi Chuxing Company, using its online ride-hailing platform, has helped hundreds of thousands of poor people in inland provinces like Sichuan, Anhui, Shaanxi, and Hubei to find jobs and increase incomes, making their own contribution to the achievement of related SDGs.

    Objective of the practice

    COSCO is an active player in providing help to localities paired with them in achieving SDGs. Poverty relief through education is one of their focuses. Measures have been taken to promote fair and inclusive education with a total of input of RMB 100 million. The middle school enrollment ratio in Luolong County, one of the counties COSCO paired with reached 98.1% in 2017. 150 students graduated from their Hope classes in Yunnan, 149 of whom entered colleges. <br />
    First, building new and renovating dilapidated schools in Tibet. For 16 years COSCO has invested over RMB 41 million to fund the building of 14 schools and the improvement of teaching facilities. <br />
    Second, providing scholarships. COSCO has offered a variety of scholarships and subsidies totalling RMB 8.1 million under the name of “Flowers of Happiness”, helping more than 4,700 students and teachers to complete education and improve their livelihood. <br />
    Third, offering incentives for teachers to teach in poverty-stricken regions. Working with Beijing Normal University, COSCO has invested over RMB 2.83 million under UNESCO’s “Teach Future China” program to fund 96 teacher volunteers to teach in 23 schools in the mountainous counties in inland provinces. <br />
    Fourth, pairing assistance. The pairing assistance program between COSCO and Yongde County has provided financial support to 342 poor students, totaling 680 person-times. <br />
    Didi uses its online ride-hailing platform to create jobs for low-income people, including migrant workers. The platform now covers 565 government-listed poor counties, generating income for 703,200 local drivers with a stable monthly gross income of RMB 3,335. on average. 6.7 percent of the drives are poor people prioritized by the state for poverty alleviation. Didi has also established a care foundation. As of July 2018, 196 drivers and their families have been helped by the foundation whose mission is to aid those with heavy economic burden as a result of natural disasters, life-changing accidents, or severe diseases and illnesses.

    Enterprises support the development philosophy and policies of the government and take the initiative to help deliver on the policies with their own resources, contributing to the realization of SDGs. In the case of COSCO, the company has established partner assistance relationships with poor counties in Tibet, Yunnan and Hunan, understanding local needs from local authorities and helping realize local development agenda. In the case of Didi, the company has matched the advantages of its business model with identified target population and development bottlenecks, and helped the government create decent jobs for a large number of poor population.
    Other, please specify
    This project is supported by Chinese enterprises.
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    Name Description
    Action Network
    SDG Good Practices First Call
    This initiative does not yet fulfil the SMART criteria.
    01 January 2003 (start date)
    31 December 2018 (date of completion)
    The Department of International Economic Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the People&#39;s Republic of China
    4 8 1
    1. Asia and Pacific
    Website/More information
    Contact Information

    wang zehao, staff member