Progress report for
Establishment of an acoustic and fishery information system to improve knowledge of marine ecosystems and its resources through the use of data from fishing vessels, incorporating actors from other countries.
Achievement at a glance
In the 2018-2020 period, the SNP, the Salvamares Program will collect acoustic, biological and satellite monitoring information, during activities coordinated with IMARPE, carrying out six anchovy evaluation surveys, of the anchovy, and Anchovy, Jack mackerel and Chub mackerel fishing seasons. Information that has contributed to the better management of the fisheries.o Vessels with an acoustic detection system to observe the ecosystem were increased to 57
o There are 76,952 data on anchovy fishing coves with biometric information. Reducing the percentage of juveniles and reducing bycatch.
o By 2020, two trainings were carried out, reaching a total of 87 crew members trained (Salvamares) in the "correct identification and release of marine predators", by IMARPE, which has improved the quality of the information.
o There were 7,443 releases of top marine predators that interact with the Anchovy, Jack mackerel and Chub mackerel fisheries; of which 385 are individuals of species with a common name and 7,058 are individuals of species with a scientific name, and according to the IUCN: 03 are critically endangered, 08 endangered, 15 vulnerable, 5,639 of least concern and 1,393 near threatened.
o 07 Anchovy, Jack mackerel and Chub mackerel diagnostic workshops were held with the participation of researchers from IMARPE, NGOs and Universities.
o Updating of the PESCADATA platform, with information processed and scientifically analyzed from the ecosystem, hosted on the web
o The SNP contributes to the SPRFMO, providing scientific information to the Jack mackerel Habitat Group and to the Peruvian delegation.
o Recognition for the PODS-Peru program in the Planet category, and for the National Environmental Award of the Ministry of the Environment-Peru in the Natural Peru category.
Challenges faced in implementation
o Continue with the activities of the Salvamares program, complying with the protocols implemented by the Covid-19 Pandemic.\r\no The successful use of virtual systems to continue with training, organization meetings, anchovy and horse mackerel diagnostic workshops, conferences, among others, which has made it possible not to paralyze the activities of the Salvamares program.\r\no Provide scientific personnel, logistical and financial resources for the operation of the data collection systems of fishing vessels.\r\no Sensitize the participants of the Salvamares program in the care of the marine ecosystem and the sustainable use of resources.\r\no Strengthen the strategic alliance with IMARPE, in order to ensure that the information collected by industrial vessels is standardized in accordance with the policies and regulations that govern the scientific entity.\r\nBeneficiaries
o The Peruvian marine ecosystem since, thanks to the constant updating of the monitoring system, better fisheries management is carried out.\r\no IMARPE, since the industry makes suitable industrial vessels available to carry out scientific studies, as well as the daily shipment of anchovy biometrics during fishing seasons, allowing IMARPE to carry out adequate monitoring of the resources.\r\no The national and international scientific community, as they will be able to access a structured database that allows them to develop new research on the marine ecosystem and continue ongoing projects.\r\no The academy, NGOs and the fishing community in general because they can access information and research, in addition to participating in the SNP Marine Sustainability Conferences. Between 2018 and 2020, a total of 19 conferences were held on experiences in fisheries management, marine research and new technologies.\r\n