UNEA Adopts a Bold Resolution on Promoting Synergies in Environmental Action

26 February–1 March 2024, Nairobi, Kenya
Leading the way in this rapidly expanding field, Japan put forward a resolution that was adopted at this year's UN Environment Assembly, on “Promoting synergies, cooperation, or collaboration for national implementation of multilateral environmental agreements and other relevant environmental instruments”. The resolution, supported by Fiji, Canada, Chile, Switzerland, Norway and Peru, specifically references the 2023 Global Report on Climate and SDG Synergy entitled “Synergy Solutions for a World in Crisis: Tackling Climate and SDG Action Together.” There solution aims to accelerate SDG achievement by fostering a common understanding of the importance of synergies in addressing planetary crises. It calls for enhanced cooperation and the exchange of good practices to maximize co-benefits. UNEP is requested to support member states in enhancing synergies and to report on the resolution's implementation at the seventh session of the Environment Assembly.