At a time of compounding crises, young people fear an uncertain future. The economic lives of working-age youth are being challenged by increases in the cost of living, inflation, un- and underemployment, conflicts as well as an escalating climate emergency and rapid digital transformation. The European Union and the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) are co-organizing a special event at the HLPF on Wednesday 19 July 2023, bringing together young people and decision-makers from across the globe to discuss youth economic empowerment and the progress of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Through two intergenerational panel discussions on challenges and solutions, this event aims to provide ways forward on what skills and investments are needed to empower youth economically and expedite the achievement of the SDGs.
Webcast link
The event will be webcast live on UN Web TV.
Join the Conversation
This Special Event will feature two interactive panels. The first one will be a quick-takes conversation session, focusing on the challenges in implementing the SDGs. The second panel, a sunlit conversation session, will focus on practical solutions. Each panel will be followed by an interactive discussion that will invite participants in the room and around the world to offer reactions and/or recommendations to contribute to the panels’ remarks. Interventions should be 2 minutes maximum with focused and short comments.
To participate in the discussion, participants following the event on UN Web TV can ask questions to the panelists by posting them on Twitter or Facebook and tagging them with #YOUTH2030.
Learn more about the speakers under Documentation!