Expert Group Meeting on Science and Sustainable Development Goals
New York
In partnership with ICSU and ISSC
One of the main outcomes of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20), held in Rio de Janeiro in June 2012, was the agreement by Member States to launch a process to develop a set of sustainable development goals (SDGs). A 30-member open working group (OWG) of the General Assembly is tasked with preparing proposals on the SDGs. The Rio+20 outcome document provides that the OWG should develop modalities to ensure the full involvement of relevant stakeholders, including the scientific community.
The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN-DESA), International Council for Science (ICSU) and International Social Science Council (ISSC) are jointly organising the Expert Group Meeting on 'Science and Sustainable Development Goals'. The Expert Group Meeting will take place at the United Nations Headquarters in New York on 20-21 March 2013.
The Expert Group Meeting is meant as an occasion both for the scientific community to discuss among itself how science can best inform the SDG process, and for the scientific community to initiate a dialogue with the policy makers, who are engaged in intergovernmental deliberations on the SDGs.
The aim of the EGM is to support informed policy-making by the OWG as it begins to deliberate on some of the key questions surrounding the conceptualization and formulation of the SDGs. The two-day meeting will be structured around expert panels, breakout group sessions and plenary discussions. On day two the EGM will present a summary of its work to Member States and other stakeholders at the UN Headquarters in an interactive dialogue.
An extensive meeting report will be posted soon as well.
UN Webcast
The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN-DESA), International Council for Science (ICSU) and International Social Science Council (ISSC) are jointly organising the Expert Group Meeting on 'Science and Sustainable Development Goals'. The Expert Group Meeting will take place at the United Nations Headquarters in New York on 20-21 March 2013.
The Expert Group Meeting is meant as an occasion both for the scientific community to discuss among itself how science can best inform the SDG process, and for the scientific community to initiate a dialogue with the policy makers, who are engaged in intergovernmental deliberations on the SDGs.
The aim of the EGM is to support informed policy-making by the OWG as it begins to deliberate on some of the key questions surrounding the conceptualization and formulation of the SDGs. The two-day meeting will be structured around expert panels, breakout group sessions and plenary discussions. On day two the EGM will present a summary of its work to Member States and other stakeholders at the UN Headquarters in an interactive dialogue.
An extensive meeting report will be posted soon as well.
UN Webcast