Local and regional governments have been playing a key role in the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, through the localization of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), aiming to ensure that no one and no place is left behind.
Whether it be through the provision of education, food, water, waste management or health beyond healthcare, the provision of local public services has been central in responding and addressing the multiple crises, illustrating the intrinsic connection between SDG 11 on sustainable cities and territories and the other SDGs.
Within this context, the High-Level Local and Regional Governments Forum (LRGF), a Special Event to be held during the 2023 High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF), will illustrate the interconnected importance and breadth of SDG11 to the whole 2030 Agenda as well as how local and regional governments are localizing the SDGs through high-impact localization policies.
A special focus will be given to the five SDGs under review in the 2023 HLPF: SDG 6 on clean water and sanitation, SDG 7 on affordable and clean energy, SDG 9 on industry, innovation and infrastructure, SDG 11 on sustainable cities and communities, and SDG 17 on partnerships for the Goals.
Special emphasis will be placed on showcasing impact and hope, by highlighting high-impact localization policies and partnerships for the goals currently in place as well as reflecting on specific localization needs that could contribute to bringing SDG implementation back on track.
During the Special Event, the role of Voluntary Local Reviews (VLRs) and Voluntary Subnational Reviews (VSRs) in fostering policy transformation towards the achievement of the SDGs will be highlighted, as well as their connection with Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs).
This Special Event will be an opportunity for the constituency of local and regional governments to share localization policies, key messages and inputs towards the SDG Summit, to be held in September 2023.
The Local and Regional Governments Forum will therefore bring together local, regional, and national governments as well as representatives from the United Nations and other stakeholders to discuss how high-impact localization policies, partnerships, multilevel governance and financing can close the gap in the implementation of the SDGs.
The event will be webcast live on UN WebTV.
Related Events
Don't miss the sister special event: Local 2030 Coalition Special Event, to be held from 3:00-6:00 p.m. on 12 July 2023, in Conference Room 6, UNHQ.
Looking for more events during the 2023 HLPF on the Local Track? Check out this detailed list of Local Track events at 2023 HLPF for more information.
Check out the latest Concept Note under "Documentation"!
Check out the latest Draft Agenda under "Documentation"!
Background documents
Concept Note
Opening Remarks