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High Level Retreat: Investing in ocean solutions-Towards a brighter future for the ocean

Tue 14 Jan 2025 — Wed 15 Jan 2025, Incheon ROK

In anticipation of the third United Nations Ocean Conference (UNOC3), the Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) in collaboration with the United Nations Office for Sustainable Development (UNOSD) will convene a High-Level Retreat on Investing in Ocean Solutions: Towards a Brighter Future for the Ocean. The Retreat will be held in Incheon, Republic of Korea, from 14 to 15 January 2025 at Sheraton Hotel. 

This high-level retreat will serve as a precursor to UNOC3 and aims to provide   opportunities for Communities of Ocean Action (COAs) to review, reinvigorate, and reorganize their efforts by aligning priorities with the co-hosts of UNOC3 and forging coalitions with key stakeholders. The Retreat will offer an informal yet substantive platform for principals of the Communities of Ocean Action, representatives of the UNOC 3 co-hosts, and key stakeholders to Share Information on Recent Developments, Foster Interaction with Stakeholders, Practitioners and VC Holders, Brainstorm Pathways Forward and Enhance substantive preparations for the UNOC3. 

The COAs, established following the 2017 UN Ocean Conference, have been instrumental in advancing the implementation of Voluntary Commitments (VCs) for concrete action to advance implementation of SDG 14. The online registry of VCs, managed by UNDESA, currently hosts over 2,100 commitments from governments, UN entities, philanthropic organizations, NGOs, and other stakeholders. 

More information:


From Lisbon to Nice: Implementing SDG 14 with the Communities of Ocean Action

Tue 14 Nov 2023 — Wed 15 Nov 2023, Incheon ROK

This high-level workshop aims to bring government representatives, policy makers, practitioners from developing countries to enhance their capacity of ocean data access and collection including traditional knowledge, data sharing and utilization in their decision making and to better monitor and measure the progress of implementation of SDG14. Also bring together the focal points of the nine Communities of Ocean Action and some key holders of Ocean Commitments to assess the voluntary commitments of the 2022 Conference and identify how to support the implementation of those VCs particularly in developing countries.

This event will get an update on the implementation of the Voluntary Commitments by each COA by stock-taking of progress and identify gaps and challenges as well as to share best practice and lessons, and maintain the momentum on ocean action ahead of the upcoming 3rd UN Ocean Conference in 2025 and brainstorm innovative ways to mobilize more commitments of high impacts.

The 2-day workshop will have an high-level opening session on Day 1 which will include remarks from Mr. Li Junhua, Under Secretary General for Economic and Social Affairs, representative from the co-hosts of the 2022 UN Ocean Conference, Portugal/Kenya, the Special Envoy for the Ocean, H.E. Ambassador Peter Thomson, senior officials from ROK as well as representative of COAs. The open session will be followed by a presentation on the Ocean database mapping report and interactive dialogues and Q&A. Day 2 will feature panel discussions, update of the work on each COAs by respective co-focal points and a closing session.

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