JwAh1s respect ve oping aou~ t s lava to it Zi )'t t water potential thxo4g
in estment.tn mulct purpose water Ynfirastructtures ;by!public p 1vate partnerships and!
governance . International,, community 'as well as', regional and multilateral'
development, banks arid, financial ''institutions are urged to assist in providing
financial resources to the countries and regions in need .
When the amount of water per capita is less than 1000 cubic meters, this is
considered `as an important factor constraining economic development . Therefore ; in
ordeuto overcome the water scarcity problem, desalination and waste water recyling
techniques are widely used by the water stressed countries . In this framework, if the
wastewater, treatment is not effective and reliable, food crops which are irrigated by
treated waters can be contaminated . On the other hand, due to high costs,
desalination is not widely used ,by developing and water stressed countrie,,s. or t es
reasons, other alternatives including water transfer projects from w ric" oun es to
water stressed ones should be kept in mind .
Widely disputed concept the "virtual water" can also be solution to meet the
demands of increasing population . By virtual water, I mean sharing the benefits of
water instead of water itself. Assuming that 1500 m3 of water is needed to grow 1
ton of wheat, the water equivalent of 1 million tons of imported wheat is around 1 .5
billion m3 . The South Eastern Anatolia Project, for instance, carried out by Turkey
is one of the best examples as for its contribution in food security in the Middle East
in estment.tn mulct purpose water Ynfirastructtures ;by!public p 1vate partnerships and!
governance . International,, community 'as well as', regional and multilateral'
development, banks arid, financial ''institutions are urged to assist in providing
financial resources to the countries and regions in need .
When the amount of water per capita is less than 1000 cubic meters, this is
considered `as an important factor constraining economic development . Therefore ; in
ordeuto overcome the water scarcity problem, desalination and waste water recyling
techniques are widely used by the water stressed countries . In this framework, if the
wastewater, treatment is not effective and reliable, food crops which are irrigated by
treated waters can be contaminated . On the other hand, due to high costs,
desalination is not widely used ,by developing and water stressed countrie,,s. or t es
reasons, other alternatives including water transfer projects from w ric" oun es to
water stressed ones should be kept in mind .
Widely disputed concept the "virtual water" can also be solution to meet the
demands of increasing population . By virtual water, I mean sharing the benefits of
water instead of water itself. Assuming that 1500 m3 of water is needed to grow 1
ton of wheat, the water equivalent of 1 million tons of imported wheat is around 1 .5
billion m3 . The South Eastern Anatolia Project, for instance, carried out by Turkey
is one of the best examples as for its contribution in food security in the Middle East