Mr. Chairman
On behalf of Nigeria, I wish to align myself with the statement of the
Representative of Pakistan on behalf of the G-77 and China
Mr. Chairman
Industrial development is a priority for developing countries. Lack of
infrastructure, adequate financial resources, capacities in terms of institutions and
human resources for development, research and development diversification and
technological transfer are major constraints to industrial development.
Nigeria has put in place national industrial policy that encourages public and
private partnerships in investments and development of the industrial sector. It has
also streamlined and simplified the bureaucratic procedures for investment.
Progress so far has been marginal because of limited access to formal credit
markets, poor information network, weal technical know how, etc.
We recognise the need for co-ordinated policies at both national and
international levels to advance industrial development. Among the most important
international policies are those that ensure unobstructed market access to the
exports of developing countries, including addressing issues of tariff escalation and
non-tariff barriers as well as access to foreign technologies. The global enabling
environment is critical in assisting the developing countries in diversifying
production and exports, upgrading technologies and in promotion of the SMEs.
We firmly support the dire need for corporate environmental and social
responsibility and accountability. We also support the policy recommendations at
the international level (Section IX) of the Secretary-General?s report
Mr. Chairman
It is imperative that developing countries should pursue their industrial
development to achieve the MDGs and the targets of the JPOI. I thank you.
On behalf of Nigeria, I wish to align myself with the statement of the
Representative of Pakistan on behalf of the G-77 and China
Mr. Chairman
Industrial development is a priority for developing countries. Lack of
infrastructure, adequate financial resources, capacities in terms of institutions and
human resources for development, research and development diversification and
technological transfer are major constraints to industrial development.
Nigeria has put in place national industrial policy that encourages public and
private partnerships in investments and development of the industrial sector. It has
also streamlined and simplified the bureaucratic procedures for investment.
Progress so far has been marginal because of limited access to formal credit
markets, poor information network, weal technical know how, etc.
We recognise the need for co-ordinated policies at both national and
international levels to advance industrial development. Among the most important
international policies are those that ensure unobstructed market access to the
exports of developing countries, including addressing issues of tariff escalation and
non-tariff barriers as well as access to foreign technologies. The global enabling
environment is critical in assisting the developing countries in diversifying
production and exports, upgrading technologies and in promotion of the SMEs.
We firmly support the dire need for corporate environmental and social
responsibility and accountability. We also support the policy recommendations at
the international level (Section IX) of the Secretary-General?s report
Mr. Chairman
It is imperative that developing countries should pursue their industrial
development to achieve the MDGs and the targets of the JPOI. I thank you.