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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

Issues Brief 14 - Population dynamics and sustainable development

Publication Year: 2012 Publisher: UN-DESA


The recent report by the United Nations Secretary]General?s High Level Panel on Global Sustainability reaffirms that ?unsustainable lifestyles, production and consumption patterns and the impact of population growth? are key drivers of the planet?s sustainable development challenge.1 The report highlights the need to understand demographic change, particularly in developing countries where there are large youth populations, and makes clear the importance of integrating population dynamics into effective government policies. As discussions leading up to Rio+20 progress, issues related to population growth, reproductive rights, family planning, and population composition and distribution are gaining increased attention. This issues brief serves as a contribution to the discussions: It provides an overview of population dynamics and reproductive health rights in the context of sustainable development, and reviews related global commitments and their achievements since the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development.