Poverty eradication
Related Goals
In 2001, the Chairperson of the United Nations Committee on Economic,
Social and Cultural Rights requested the Offi ce of the United Nations High
Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) to develop draft guidelines on
a human rights approach to poverty reduction strategies.1 As a fi rst step,
three experts, Professors Paul Hunt, Manfred Nowak and Siddiq Osmani,
prepared a discussion paper that identifi es some of the key conceptual
and practical issues that arise from the integration of human rights into
poverty reduction strategies. The present publication is a revised version
of the discussion paper.
Following the Secretary-General?s reforms of 1997, a major task for the
United Nations, and in particular the OHCHR, is to integrate human rights
into all of the Organization?s work, including the overarching development
objective of poverty eradication.
Social and Cultural Rights requested the Offi ce of the United Nations High
Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) to develop draft guidelines on
a human rights approach to poverty reduction strategies.1 As a fi rst step,
three experts, Professors Paul Hunt, Manfred Nowak and Siddiq Osmani,
prepared a discussion paper that identifi es some of the key conceptual
and practical issues that arise from the integration of human rights into
poverty reduction strategies. The present publication is a revised version
of the discussion paper.
Following the Secretary-General?s reforms of 1997, a major task for the
United Nations, and in particular the OHCHR, is to integrate human rights
into all of the Organization?s work, including the overarching development
objective of poverty eradication.