Exploring Sustainable Development: A Multiple-Perspective Approach
Publication Year: Publisher:Background
The United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (DESD) signalled a new purpose for education. This purpose, articulated in the Bonn Declaration, is that “education should be of a quality that provides the values, knowledge, skills and competencies for sustainable living and participation in society and decent work” (UNESCO, Federal Ministry of Education and Research, & German Commission for UNESCO, 2009, p. 118).
Sustainable development addresses the interdependencies between social, economic, cultural and environmental dimensions of life. Education for sustainable development (ESD) is education, which promotes the balancing of economic growth, environmental conservation, cultural diversity and social well-being in a way that is inclusive of marginalized populations and attends to gender issues (UNESCO, Federal Ministry of Education and Research, & German Commission for UNESCO, 2009).
Sustainable development addresses the interdependencies between social, economic, cultural and environmental dimensions of life. Education for sustainable development (ESD) is education, which promotes the balancing of economic growth, environmental conservation, cultural diversity and social well-being in a way that is inclusive of marginalized populations and attends to gender issues (UNESCO, Federal Ministry of Education and Research, & German Commission for UNESCO, 2009).