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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

WASH in School

Asia Pulp and Paper Sinar Mas (
Private sector

    Covid-19 has changed the social fabric in various aspects, included in the world of education. The stopping direct learning process in Indonesia as an urgent measure to protect both students and teachers has been taken. But the government has also announced an education scheme to adopt of new normal, by allowing schools in the green zone to implement face-to-face teaching and learning activities with several health protocols. Therefore, APP Sinar Mas conducts a Healthy Lifestyle Program that aims to raise community awareness in adopting lifestyle during the pandemic outbreak by providing portable handwashing and training to three elementary school at Wanakerta village.

    Implementation of the Project/Activity

    The project started team conducted the first survey by visiting and meeting with Local Government to find out the Wanakerta Village community's condition and the constraints faced, especially in the community's socio-economic needs. In this step, APP Sinar Mas collaboration with Habitat for Humanity Indonesia assessed the School's most needed access to clean water and sanitation. In the dissemination step, we works together with stakeholders to introduce the school project. Meetings and presentations are conducted during the socialization steps. For Program Activities in Wanakerta village due to a change from the original plan to provide clean water sources for 100 families to the provision of proper sanitation in 3 schools (SDN Wanakerta 1,2 and 3), the formation of the committee was carried out by meeting with the school and parents' representatives. Students to discuss development plans in each school. Construction of SDN 01 Wanakerta School toilets and Water Drilling began in August 2020. It subsequently built the SDN 02 Wanakerta School toilet in parallel and opened a network for PAM. After completing the construction at SDN 02, the school toilets at SDN 01 continued and carried out drilling to provide clean water sources. Construction was completed in October 2020. Hand washing facilities are provided for three schools, where each school gets three units (1 unit consists of 3 sinks). This program is implemented and ends in October 2020. As the last program in this activity, we conducted a Clean and Healthy Lifestyle Training (PHBS) for students and teachers. This practice that aims to raise public awareness about the importance of clean and healthy living during the COVID-19 virus outbreak.


    Before the practice implementation, some conditions of toilet facilities are not feasible, such as the building of toilet was damaged, Have a toilet, but it is not used because of the unavailability of water, and There is a clean water source in an irrigation channel whose water is quite clear and widely used by residents around 50 meters from the school. These conditions make students not care about a clean and healthy lifestyle. Through WASH in School improve the quality of water and sanitation facilities in school of Wanakerta village. Students and teachers can use proper WASH facilities in schools are improved like have access to a clean water facility, have access to the toilet and increased their knowledge to prevent and mitigate the pandemic through training get awareness and knowledge of healthy living. To measure the increase in knowledge of trainees through the following pre-test and post- test results and based on the endline survey's interview feedback program evaluation.

    Enabling factors and constraints

    Enabling conditions that helped the program succeed is local community support and social contract. This social contract is the basis of cooperation between team and the School. This social contract shall cover sustainability issues of the support provided. Agreement with the School that consists of Willingness to cooperate and support during the process; Agreed to maintain and maximize the facilities use; Promote changes in student behavior to become cleaner and healthier. The supporting documents that are included by the school are the land grant agreement and development permit from each school.

    Sustainability and replicability

    Clean and Healthy Lifestyle Behaviour (PHBS) basically an effort to share experiences about healthy lifestyles through individuals, groups or the wider community with communication channels as a medium for sharing information. Sustainable PHBS movement is a program to improve the quality of health through a process of awareness raising as the beginning individuals contribution to implement a clean and healthy lifesty behaviors so it can break the chain of the virus transmission or disease. By implementing the program, the water supplies, sanitation and hygiene services in schools are improved. Students and teachers have access to clean water and use proper toilets.150 students and teachers at 3 schools also got training to improve the knowledge of healthy lifestyle. Based on the interview survey to get feedback on program evaluation, teachers and students get knowledge increasement and understand how to implement a clean and healthy lifestyle, and also to prevent and mitigate the pandemic or other transmitted disease.

    COVID-19 Impact

    Implementation program during the COVID-19 pandemic somewhat choked up taking in the restrictions on activities implemented by the government and fairly strict health protocols, especially in the Clean and Healthy Lifestyle Behavior training activities. It creates new experiences and new methods for how to continue to carry out activities regarding health procedures and applicable regulations, to prevent the spread of virus. Changing the initial preparations that have been made with the community and village authorities to convey information about changes in the program. The local government and community understand and are in complete support this program. Implementation WASH training was conducted gradually, beginning with 6 small groups consisting of 20 students with 2-3 teachers in each group. Training activities are carried out at different times for each group but in compliance off safety and health protocols.

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    01 April 2020 (start date)
    31 December 2020 (date of completion)
    PT. Pindo Deli Pulp and Paper Mills (Karawang Mill)
    Other beneficiaries

    This program collaboration with Habitat for Humanity Indonesia through the "Karawang Clean Water Access Project" to improve the quality of life of the Wanakerta community by providing clean water and residents' awareness of the importance of a clean and healthy life. WASH training was conducted for 150 people by observing the Covid-19 security protocol and limiting the number of people to gather.

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