Sustainable safe drinking water supply for rural areas as a point-like technology giving instant solution for the water-challenges with an investment value of less than €25 per capita and less than €5 per capita supply cost
Puraset Water and Metal Solutions Ltd.
Private sector
PurAID® drinking water treatment unit and IDWP concept: PurAID® DRINKING WATER
PurAID®, the modular, mobile drinking water treatment unit and PurAID®-based point-like, close-to-customer solutions to provide safe and healthy drinking water for communities
2.1 billion people worldwide cannot access healthy, clean drinking water. This affects the lives of the people who live in these areas. When there is no water in or near homes and it has to be collected from far away, the women and children living there mostly pay for water with their time and lost opportunities. Walking miles to fetch water puts a disproportionate burden on them, especially girls, who are responsible for providing water for the family and who are deprived of schooling because of the time spent carrying water every day.
Significant investment is needed to fill the infrastructure gap to have safe water supply operation, which can only be completed by innovative, cost-effective and sustainable water solutions. The PurAID® system offers an immediate solution for municipalities and institutions where investment-heavy centralised water treatment plants with distribution networks may take 3–5 years to achieve in a world economy struggling with scarce resources.
Ensuring safe, clean and drinkable water supplies for communities across Africa and worldwide is a growing concern due to deteriorating groundwater quality, aging infrastructure, increasing population growth and lack of adequate capital injection into the treatment sector. Due to the high risk of exposure to contamination in groundwater supplies, point-of-use (POU), near-to-consumer water treatment is gaining global acceptance.
PurAID®, the modular, mobile drinking water treatment unit
PurAID® technology as a POU solution where no pipeline construction is needed gives immediate answer for the water challenges with an investment value of less than €25 per capita instead of the €500-2,000 per capita value need in the developed world (with pipeline included). PurAID® means a sustainable and affordable solution through high-quality, modern regenerable filter technology and via the packaging-free drinking water supply. PurAID® is a uniform technology that can be easily designed and installed into an existing cleaning line or as a new purification plant, there is no additional pipeline construction needed, which also means moderated investment need. PurAID® water supply for rural communities entitled to secure with short installation time the continuous safe water source for locals.
PurAID®-based point-like, close-to-customer solutions - Independent Drinking Water Provider (IDWP)
After the first positive experiences, a new concept with PurAID® was developed the PurAID® DRINKING WATER project as an Independent Drinking Water Provider (IDWP) concept. Goal of IDWP is to make the system more comfortable and easier-to-use for the local people.
In the heart of IDWP there is the PurAID® system, with IDWP, clean water is easily fetchable without generating plastic waste.
According to our plans, PurAID® DRINKING WATER is a solution for every community needing safe drinking water access.
The Independent Drinking Water Provider Concept aims at:
- Giving instant solutions for water-challenges
- Encourage packaging-free drinking water consumption
- Providing a system that is easy to install, relocate and provides residents with safe drinking water
- Giving access to clean and sustainable borehole water supply to rural communities
- Establishing partnerships with relevant stakeholders, including government agencies, NGOs, community groups, research institutions and private sector entities
- Contributing to public health by reducing waterborne diseases and health risks associated with contaminated groundwater.
Protecting the environment and providing everyday healthy drinking water for people is not just about building innovative technologies. The long-term successful operation of facilities developed and implemented entirely on a tailor-made, local basis requires the training of local professionals and the education of the population, with special attention to the youngest generation. Preserving clean water sources and groundwater resources depends not only on building a modern infrastructure but also on education and awareness raising. Our model is not only about the innovative product we provide but also about involving the future generation by educating them on the value of water.
Our PurAID® system offers an immediate solution for municipalities and institutions where investment-heavy centralised water treatment plants with distribution networks may take 3–5 years to achieve in a world economy struggling with scarce resources.
With PurAID® no pipeline construction is needed, it gives fast answer for the water challenges with an investment value of less than €25 per capita instead of the €500-2,000 per capita value need in the developed world (with pipeline included). Close-to-consumer systems mean sustainable and affordable solutions through the high quality and packaging-free drinking water that can be provided for the population with this technology in the areas concerned and for less than €5/person/year
Additional impacts:
- No plastic waste is generated, but healthy drinking water is provided.
- It is a complex solution without high infrastructure investment and network operation cost.
- PurAID® and PurAID®-based technologies means an immediate solution for rural communities, settlements without network water, public institutions schools, hospitals
- During backwashing, the drinking water supply is continuous. The backwash water can be drained into a rainwater system or canalization.
- Beside the engineering work our experts trained the local staff to operate and maintain the plant, we contributed to sustainability not only with our project but with the knowledge sharing we provided.
- Taking water from the PurAID® system is safe
- Local jobs are created (operation and maintenance of PurAID® systems)
- Growth of local businesses around the PurAID® water intake point, community building
IDWP-related impacts:
- reduction of required capital investment
- increase coverage of sustainable and clean groundwater
- reduction of treated groundwater cost by 50% versus the consumption of a packed water in rural Ghana,
- reduction of water fetching time from an average of 30mins to 1 or 5 minutes at PurAID® WATER sources,
- reduction of distances from contaminated groundwater sources to clean and sustainable PurAID® WATER sources from 1km to 500 meters respectively.
Hungarian Water Partnership, Hungarian Water Association, Pureco Africa Ltd., Ghanaian Community Water and Sanitation Agency Countries: Ghana (Further extension possibilities: Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Rwanda, Egypt, India and more)
International scientific literature and research results demonstrate a deep and wide gap in the costs and values related to water. Facilities related to water and sewerage networks providing urban water utility services are more expensive than any other public service infrastructure. The smaller the unit of supply, the size of the settlement, and the higher the per capita infrastructure and service costs are. The statement is based on a national water utility asset valuation (generated by settlement, at object-level, based on replacement values) which shows not only the substantial differences in the per capita investment costs but also the relation of the treatment facilities and the distribution/collection networks. The average per capita replacement costs of all water and wastewater infrastructure per municipality group are about five times higher in municipalities with less than 100 inhabitants, and twice as high in municipalities with 1,000 to 2,000 inhabitants than in municipalities with more than 100,000 inhabitants. It is further complicated by the fact that in developing countries, especially in rural areas, but also in general, the supply of drinking water to the population and the condition of existing pipelines is extremely low. Drinking water supply in these areas is provided from partially undrinkable water sources and with or without partially and intermittently operating pipeline networks. Most water treatment systems require capital-intensive facilities, long years of construction with extensive distribution infrastructure and a labour force to operate it. This makes it challenging to deploy in rural areas, thereby limiting access to safe drinking water for many communities. PurAID® technology as a point-like solution where no pipeline construction is needed gives fast answer for the water challenges with an investment value of less than €13-15 per capita instead of the €500-2,000 per capita value need in the developed world (with pipeline included). End of pipe-related systems mean sustainable and affordable solutions through the high quality and packaging-free drinking water that can be provided for the population with this technology in the areas concerned and for less than €3/person/year
Hungarian Water Partnership, Hungarian Water Association, Pureco Africa Ltd., Ghanaian Community Water and Sanitation Agency Countries: Ghana (Further extension possibilities: Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Rwanda, Egypt, India and more)
About the adsorbent technology:
About PurAID®:
About the first PurAID® pilot project in Ghana:
About IDWP concept and the first Ghanaian project:
SDGS & Targets
Goal 6
Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all

By 2030, achieve universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water for all
Proportion of population using safely managed drinking water services
By 2030, achieve access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all and end open defecation, paying special attention to the needs of women and girls and those in vulnerable situations
Proportion of population using (a) safely managed sanitation services and (b) a hand-washing facility with soap and water
By 2030, improve water quality by reducing pollution, eliminating dumping and minimizing release of hazardous chemicals and materials, halving the proportion of untreated wastewater and substantially increasing recycling and safe reuse globally
Proportion of domestic and industrial wastewater flows safely treated
Proportion of bodies of water with good ambient water quality
Change in water-use efficiency over time
Level of water stress: freshwater withdrawal as a proportion of available freshwater resources
By 2030, implement integrated water resources management at all levels, including through transboundary cooperation as appropriate
Degree of integrated water resources management
Proportion of transboundary basin area with an operational arrangement for water cooperation
Change in the extent of water-related ecosystems over time
Amount of water- and sanitation-related official development assistance that is part of a government-coordinated spending plan
Support and strengthen the participation of local communities in improving water and sanitation management
Proportion of local administrative units with established and operational policies and procedures for participation of local communities in water and sanitation management
SDG 14 targets covered
Name | Description |
Deliverables & Timeline
Successful PurAID® project in Ghana. The PurAID® with a daily capacity of 10 m3 is used to remove iron and manganese contaminants as well as disease-causing bacteria from the water of the public wells in the town of 12,000 inhabitants
2024. the very first PurAID®-based Independent Drinking Water Provider (IDWP) Project was launched in Assin Amoabin, Ghana in partnership with the local authorities, to give healthy and safe drinking water for local communities.
PurAID® modular, mobile, pallet-based water purification unit, one unit can serve 2,000 – 3,000 people with healthy drinking water daily.
Resources mobilized
Partnership Progress
Action Network

- Africa
- Asia and Pacific
Other beneficiaries
local (rural) communities, schools, health centres
More information

Contact Information
Csilla, managing director