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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

Strengthening Capacity of Local and Provincial Governments in the Context of Federalism in improving access to modern energy services

    Local and Provincial Governments will have capacity to enhance and develop renewable energy projects based on roles and responsibilities given by the Constitution of Nepal 2015 and Local Government Operational Act 2017. Both national and sub-national governments will be able to self-administer the overall cycle of renewable energy project with Alternative Energy Promotion Centre (AEPC) intervening through national and global initiative such as the Sustainable Development Goal No. 7. AEPC will be responsible for tracking progress, analysing data, publishing results and recommending changes to relevant national and international organizations.
    Implementation of the Project/Activity

    o The initiative will be carried out by implementing following methodologies
    ♣ Preparation of Nine-Step Energy Plan
    ♣ Preparation of Best Available Technology assessment
    ♣ Preparation of GIS based Energy Planning Software
    ♣ Orientation and Training to local and provincial government
    ♣ Partnership mechanism for energy service providers, local non-government agencies, financial institutions, research institutions and development partner


    o AEPC will work with national and sub-national departments and units responsible for implementation of renewable energy projects. AEPC will also partner with renewable energy service providers, local and international finance, research institutions, training and skill organizations and various development partners<br />
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    o AEPC will develop capacity of the local government in key areas and renewable energy development including cost effective GIS based energy planning, policies and initiatives, activities and programs, implementation strategies, after sales service through local partnerships, orientations, trainings, assessment toolkits, updated guidelines and standards. <br />
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    o AEPC will support provincial government to formulate performance indicators for monitoring and evaluating progress of local governments. AEPC will also enable the provincial government in assessing and minimizing capacity gap, process evaluation, partnership performance, research need and knowledge requirement. <br />
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    o AEPC at federal level will conduct research, publication and recommendation on progress and demonstrate new projects and initiatives. AEPC will also be the centre for national and international knowledge exchange.<br />
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    o AEPC will evaluate the impact based on the number of energy plans developed at the local level, number of projects initiated based on the plan, number of beneficiaries from the projects and the amount finance in the renewable energy sector.


    Goal 7

    Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all

    Goal 7


    By 2030, ensure universal access to affordable, reliable and modern energy services


    Proportion of population with access to electricity


    Proportion of population with primary reliance on clean fuels and technology


    By 2030, increase substantially the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix

    Renewable energy share in the total final energy consumption


    By 2030, double the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency

    Energy intensity measured in terms of primary energy and GDP


    By 2030, enhance international cooperation to facilitate access to clean energy research and technology, including renewable energy, energy efficiency and advanced and cleaner fossil-fuel technology, and promote investment in energy infrastructure and clean energy technology

    International financial flows to developing countries in support of clean energy research and development and renewable energy production, including in hybrid systems


    By 2030, expand infrastructure and upgrade technology for supplying modern and sustainable energy services for all in developing countries, in particular least developed countries, small island developing States, and land-locked developing countries, in accordance with their respective programmes of support


    Installed renewable energy-generating capacity in developing and developed countries (in watts per capita)

    Name Description
    Preparation of methodology and piloting of cost effective GIS based Municipal Energy Plan integrated with Best Available Technology assessment technique
    Publication of guideline for Municipal Energy Plan and training to selected municipalities
    Preparation of performance indicator for local government and priority and target setting for provincial government in renewable energy and clean cooking
    Preparation of strategy for harmonized renewable energy plan, policies, activities and budgets for Provincial Government
    Staff / Technical expertise
    Experts from RERL, inherently located inside AEPC, provided direct technical assistance to the Centre. For pilot energy planning, cost of enumeration has been leveraged from participating local government.
    Other, please specify
    A clear and systematic strategy will be required for priority and target setting to reflect both national and global initiatives. Further research and pilot of new technologies and clean cooking solutions (electric and efficient thermal technologies) will
    Other, please specify
    Based on the first three deliverables, AEPC will develop a framework to develop harmonized plans, policies, activities and budgeting to reduce conflict in resource sharing between local governments as well as with other sub-national governments. Experts w
    No progress reports have been submitted. Please sign in and click here to submit one.
    Action Network
    SDG 7 Partnership Exchange
    This initiative does not yet fulfil the SMART criteria.
    01 July 2017 (start date)
    01 July 2020 (date of completion)
    Alternative Energy Promotion Centre
    Geographical coverage
    Lalitpur, Nepal
    More information
    Contact Information

    Ram Prasad Dhital, Executive Director