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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

State Program of Social Inclusion - More Income. SDG Goals 1 and 8


    It organizes and structures individual or family productive ventures of the economy of the popular sectors, enabling the productive inclusion of families in situations of vulnerability and social risk, which are registered in the Single Register for Social Programs of the Federal Government - CadÚnico.

    Objective of the practice

    - To favor the socio-productive inclusion, by work, of the people in situation of poverty, with a view to its economic emancipation;<br />
    - Reduce the economic and social vulnerability of Program beneficiaries;<br />
    - Increase the income of the population in a state of poverty;<br />
    - To dynamise, in a democratic way, the economic activities of the State, promoting the strengthening of individual or family productive enterprises related to the economy of the popular sectors

    Municipal Secretaries, Social Assistance, Private Entities
    Implementation of the Project/Activity

    The State Program for Social Inclusion - More Income, established by State Law No. 10,400 / 15, provides beneficiaries with training in the human, technical and managerial axes; promotion of acquisition and donation of equipment and productive inputs; technical and managerial follow-up of entrepreneurs; promotion, encouragement and support to the actions of credit offer and formalization with the Individual Microentrepreneur-MEI.
    The selection is made through the application of a socioeconomic questionnaire.

    A total of 1,773 productive enterprises were organized and structured by the families working in the popular sectors;
    Qualified and certified 2,000 entrepreneurs in situations of vulnerability and social risk;
    Enabling factors and constraints
    Average income increase by 150% and the volume of sales of products generated by the enterprises in 100%, generating a 90% increase in sales;
    Of these, 50% were included in the Single Micro Entrepreneurs modality and 22% accessed the targeted productive microcredit.
    Sustainability and replicability
    With the expansion, it is intended to qualify more people, celebrating the improvement in the quality of life with autonomy, financial sustainability and with entrepreneurial spirit. It is a project of income generation, of a social nature for those who need help, with a much more comprehensive dimension for society and the partners who in one way or another participate in the implementation of this public policy, giving opportunities for professional training, education , a sense of respect and recognition.

    Opportunities have been created for those economically disadvantaged, with qualification, promotion of fair trade, gender equity, a safe and healthy working environment, not child labor, environmental preservation practices and responsible production and trade relations based on solidarity, respect mutual trust and confidence that contribute to the growth of fair trade.

    Staff / Technical expertise
    Multidisciplinary technical team (lawyers, agronomists, pedagogues, nutritionists, beauticians, administrators, accountants)
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    Name Description
    Action Network
    SDG Good Practices First Call
    This initiative does not yet fulfil the SMART criteria.
    29 December 2015 (start date)
    31 December 2022 (date of completion)
    State Secretary for Social Development
    1. Latin America and the Caribbean
    Geographical coverage
    In 08 planning regions of the State of Maranhão, comprising the municipalities of São Luís; Raposa, Paço do Lumiar, São José de Ribamar, Timon, Caxias, Codó, São Mateus, Imperatriz, Açailândia, Primeira Cruz, Santo Amaro, Água Doce, Araioses.
    Website/More information
    Contact Information

    Jair Sousa, Manager of Promotion of Productive Activities