SDG Corporate Tracker Colombia (SDG CT)
United Nations Development Programme Colombia
United Nations / Multilateral body
The SDG Corporate Tracker (SDG CT) is a multi-stakeholder initiative that measures and reports the contribution of the business sector to the SDGs. It has an online platform that collects data in a standardized method for the analysis of the contribution of the private sector. The platform integrates social, economic and environmental modules, and as a response to COVID-19, a new chapter was included to learn about the impacts and actions companies are developing to respond to the pandemic. To date, 439 companies have registered, restating their commitment to the 2030 Agenda and acknowledging their role as strategic partners for its implementation in the national territory.
The SDG CT is the result of a strategic partnership between three actors : (i) founding partners (UNDP Colombia, BCtA, GRI and the DNP), responsible for leading the strategic, technical and operational aspects of the initiative and promoting it in different scenarios, (ii) the implementing partners (Bogota’s Chamber of Commerce, Cartagena’s Chamber of Commerce, ProAntioquia, ProPacifico, ProBarranquilla, ANDESCO, Colombia’s Mining Association, Claro Colombia), private sector organizations that participate as allies for the dissemination of the initiative and support the reporting process in the online platform, and, (iii) private sector companies of any size and economic sector that have operations in Colombian territory, who report and use the online platform. Currently, the initiative has three monitoring mechanisms in place: Directive Committee, Technical Committee, and monitoring meetings with the implementing partners. After the pilot in 2018, the SDG CT was formally relaunched by July 2020, since then, the companies started reporting the information of their activities of 2018 and 2019. The platform will be collecting information from 2020 activities during the first semester of 2021. Parallelly, the founding partners participate in dissemination activities and permanent adjustments to the technological platform. As part of the priorities for 2021, is the development of a report that analyses the information gathered to date. All the founding partners have contributed in-kind through their participation in the technical development of the initiative, and economic resources of UNDP Colombia and BCtA have financed the technological platform and the participation of experts and personnel.
By December 2020, the SDG CT achieved the registration of more than 442 companies to the online platform, 304 are active and 216 of them have reported the information. The initiative has proven to be: (i) innovative in terms of government participation, since it leads and recognizes the importance of understanding the contribution of the private sector to the SDGs; (ii) Successful in complementing the VNRs and providing public policy recommendations, with an integrated vision of the VNRs by promoting private sector inclusion, and lastly, (III) It has been a multi-stakeholder initiative at different levels that guarantees the participation of the government, cooperation and the private sector. It has provided the opportunity to include different visions and understand the needs and motivations of specific sectors. It is expected that the tool will empower and increase interest within private sector to the SDGs, and use it to align their activities and investments to the 2030 Agenda.
Important lessons learned and enabling factors have arisen during implementation that are relevant for potential replication processes: (i) the participation of the government and the private sector play a fundamental role in the design, validation and promotion (ii) agreeing on the governance and data management aspects, roles and responsibilities of the partners should be clear, (iii) formalizing monitoring mechanisms and guarantee permanent communication(iv) guarantee minimum economic and human resources required for the implementation of the initiative, (v) Developing the right incentives private sector participation
The SDG CT has important challenges in terms of its consolidation and sustainability which are relevant to mention: (i) achieve sustainability and ownership of the initiative by the national government and private sector, guaranteeing financial and in-kind contributions by all of the founding partners, (ii) finalize the adjustments to the platform to generate value for all users of the platform, (iii) invite additional implementing partners to achieve scalability, and, (iv) invite other key strategic actors that can contribute positively such as academia or national business organizations. During the first trimester of 2020, the SDG CT was transferred to UNDP CO in Peru. Additionally, UNDP CO and BCtA has recently shared the initiative with other countries, such as Thailand and Costa Rica, who have shown interest in the replication. The SDG CT can be adopted to other contexts but needs to be adjusted to respond to national institutional, economic and political needs of each country.……
The SDG CT was planned to be launched during the first trimester of 2020, but it was postponed three months due to the COVID – 19 pandemic. However, during this time it was decided to include an additional chapter to the platform to learn about the negative and positive impacts, as well as the measures taken by companies to protect their workers, their response to the health crisis, expectations regarding government policies to face the emergency and actions taken by the companies to adapt to the new reality. Additionally, two webinars were conducted to discuss the implications and effects of the pandemics on MSMEs and participating companies in the SDG CT.
SDGS & Targets
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Partnership Progress

Other beneficiaries
The SDG CT is a multi-stakeholder initiative lead by UNDP Colombia, BCtA, the GRI and DNP, which are the founding partners. To guarantee escalation within different regions and economic sectors, the initiative works with 8 implementing partners. The beneficiaries include: the government ( VNR, policy discussion and decision making) the private sector ( measures their contribution to the SDGs) and the population (access to information).
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Contact Information
Javier, Program Specialist - Poverty Reduction and Inequality