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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

Samoa Renewable Energy Partnership Framework

New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
    At the Pacific Energy Summit held in Auckland in March 2013, the Government of Samoa (GoS) and the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs (NZ MFAT) decided to work in partnership to increase the generation of energy in Samoa from renewable sources.The goal is to have an efficient, reliable, safe, affordable and sustainable electricity supply for Samoa. The desired outcomes are:- Reduction in cost of electricity (to households, businesses, government and the Samoa Electric Power Corporation (EPC))- Increased least-cost energy generated through renewable energy - Reduced reliance on imported fossil fuels - Savings from reduction in diesel fuel use
    Implementation of the Project/Activity

    The Partners undertook conceptual designs for four areas of potential investment:1. Support to the Energy Sector2. Investment in Photovoltaic Electricity Generation3. Feasibility, Design, and Potential Investment in Wind Energy Generation4. Investment in the ADB-led Hydro-Power Generation and Rehabilitation Project Additional activities or investments may be considered and progressed under the Partnership where these have been prioritised and endorsed by the GoS and approved by the PSG.


    A range of delivery modalities are being used to progress Partnership activities/investments:1. Provision of direct technical assistance (for advisory or design roles) by funding partners as facilitating agencies2. Direct contracting of detailed design and supervision and construction/installation by funding partners as facilitating agencies3. Grant funding of GoS-led delivery managed according to GoS systems 4. Projects tendered for private sector delivery by the EPC.


    The Partnership is governed through a Renewable Energy Partnership Project Steering Group (PSG) comprising representatives of: GoS via Ministry of Finance; NZ MFAT; and EPC. Other development partners active in the energy sector, particularly the EU and Asian Development Bank (ADB) have been invited to join the PSG.

    Samoa Electric Power Corporation, Government of Samoa, New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
    EU/NZ Energy Access Partnership
    Asian Development Bank

    Goal 7

    Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all

    Goal 7


    By 2030, ensure universal access to affordable, reliable and modern energy services


    Proportion of population with access to electricity


    Proportion of population with primary reliance on clean fuels and technology


    By 2030, increase substantially the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix

    Renewable energy share in the total final energy consumption


    By 2030, double the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency

    Energy intensity measured in terms of primary energy and GDP


    By 2030, enhance international cooperation to facilitate access to clean energy research and technology, including renewable energy, energy efficiency and advanced and cleaner fossil-fuel technology, and promote investment in energy infrastructure and clean energy technology

    International financial flows to developing countries in support of clean energy research and development and renewable energy production, including in hybrid systems


    By 2030, expand infrastructure and upgrade technology for supplying modern and sustainable energy services for all in developing countries, in particular least developed countries, small island developing States, and land-locked developing countries, in accordance with their respective programmes of support


    Installed renewable energy-generating capacity in developing and developed countries (in watts per capita)

    Faleata Sports Complex (Gym and Racecourse) and Salelologa Power station Photovoltaic sites completed
    Least-cost energy investment plan
    Technical Assistance and EPC Capacity Building Programme delivered
    Rehabilitation of cyclone-damaged facilities and construction of new hydro facilities on Upolu and Savaii (as per ADB design)
    Financing (in USD)
    Staff / Technical expertise
    Technical assistance
    No progress reports have been submitted. Please sign in and click here to submit one.
    Action Network
    Small Island Developing States
    21 December 2017 (date of completion)
    Ministry of Foreign affairs
    1. Asia and Pacific
    More information
    Contact Information

    Callie Stewart, Special Advisor, UN Conference on SIDS