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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

Program Travessia (Crossing)– connected with SDG 11 (Make cities inclusive, resilient, sustainable)


    The program Travessia (Crossing) is intended for the displacement of people who use wheelchairs, the visually impaired and children with microcephaly, hydrocephalus, other neurological diseases causing permanent reduced mobility and the elderly<br />
    The program was designed to serve only wheelchair users, and was recently expanded to reach children with microcephaly and visually impaired. According to the 2010 IBGE/Census, the Upaon Açu Island has approximately 40,000 visually impaired people, considering only those who have at least great difficulty seeing the best eye, which fit the prerequisites to use the program

    Objective of the practice

    Beneficiaries of the Program Travessia are people who use wheelchairs, the visually impaired and children with microcephaly, hydrocephalus and other neurological diseases that cause permanent reduced mobility<br />
    The TRAVESSIA will be exclusively destined to the transport of users in health conditions compatible with the offered service, not operating, in any hypothesis, like service of emergency or emergency removal. It is a palliative service and does not replace regular public transport.<br />
    The Crossing Service is a complementary transport, and does not replace public transport.

    We have partnerships with the disability movement, through the State Council for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the Personnel with Disability Policy Management Committee, the Maranhense Forum of Personnel with Disabilities and Pathology, the Public Ministry and the State Public Defender.
    Implementation of the Project/Activity

    The step-by-step for structuring the Program Travessia (Crossing) and the main concepts are:

    The TRAVESSIA will offer door to door transport, meeting the individual needs of the user duly registered.
    *SCHEDULE: Prior request for travel;
    *BPCO: Programming and Operational Control Bulletin;
    *CAOP: Service Center and Operation of the TRAVESSIA of the Contractor responsible for the operationalization of the services, including the registration of the user, telephone service, scheduling and cancellation of trips;
    *REGISTRATION: Registration with CAOP and previously approved by the STATE AGENCY FOR URBAN MOBILITY AND PUBLIC SERVICES - MOB, to use the services offered;
    *CANCELLATION: Communication to the CAOP of the withdrawal of the scheduled trip;
    *CONTRACTED: Contracted company, responsible for providing services;
    *AVERAGE AGE: It is the result of the sum of the age of the vehicles used, divided by the number of vehicles;
    *INCLUSION: Insertion of user who did not travel in a vehicle programmed for reasons of force majeure or accidental event, in another vehicle without prior programming for the vehicle used;
    *INTERRUPTION: Period requested by the user in which their scheduled trips are suspended;
    *PENALTY: Punishment to be applied for infraction to the provisions of this Regulation, legislation and norms pertinent to the service.
    *KMD: Distance from the displacement to the passenger bag, in and out;
    *KML: It is the displacement loop, that is, the distance traveled from the first to the last user;
    *RECYCLING: Periodic updating of user registration data;
    *REMEDY: Regulatory guarantee of review of an act that is considered unfavorable or unfair by the applicant;
    *PORT TRANSPORT PORT: Travel whose origin and destination are fixed, residential, commercial or institutional address;
    *USER: Person with permanent disability, who only movs with the use of wheelchair, visually impaired and children with microcephaly, hydrocephalus and other neurological diseases causing permanent reduced mobility that use the Progra,TRAVESSIA;
    *VEHICLE: Vehicle for the collective transport of passengers, equipped with adaptations to transport people with disabilities, wheelchair users, the visually impaired and children with microcephaly, hydrocephalus and other neurological diseases causing permanent reduced mobility;
    *TRAVEL: Displacement from one point to another, according to previous scheduling;
    *PER CAPITA FAMILY INCOME: ratio between the monthly family income and the total number of individuals in the family

    In three years, the Travessia Project has already served 37,536 users carrying out more than 68 thousand trips in 28 municipalities of the State. The service operates with 5 vans and two minivans on the Big Island, traveling with four wheelchair users and four companions, as well as two people with visual impairment, totaling 10 passengers per trip.

    The Travessia Project has brought dignity and citizenship to people with disabilities and children with hydrocephalus and microcephaly. Through it, we provide access to health, education, work and leisure services, taking into account the need and the right to come and go, materializing public social inclusion policies developed by the Maranhão State Government and allowing people with disabilities to effectively guarantee these rights.

    The Travessia Project operates in São Luís with 05 vans and 02 minivans and covers four municipalities of the Big Island (São Luís, Raposa, São José de Ribamar and Paço do Lumiar). In Imperatriz and region, there are 04 vans and 01 minivan available for children with microcephaly. The city of Caxias has 02 vans, one for the Classic Crossing and another for the Best Age Crossing. In Timom, the project includes 02 vans, while Pinheiro, Bacabal, Santa Luzia do Paruá, Presidente Dutra and region the service is developed with a van.
    The Travessia Project serves 2,058 registered users, in three years already benefited 37,536 users, making 68,170 trips
    Enabling factors and constraints
    With service capacity for up to 1000 tickets / month, the Crossing Service is executed in four vehicles of the VAN type, adapted, air conditioned and with capacity to take up to three wheelchair users and their companions,
    The Crossing has guaranteed citizenship to the people of the State of Maranhão, we carry out a service that mobilizes in a positive way the life of the people, giving our public the possibility of a life with more dignity. With the expansion and interiorization of the Crossing we will continue our work of bringing accessibility and quality of life to people.
    The extension of the Travessia (Crossing) was the need for a broader service. Today, we serve the person with microcephaly and the tendency is that it grow even more. We will incorporate more people with difficulty of locomotion and serve more municipalities.
    Sustainability and replicability
    In reason of the positive impactss achieved by the implementation of the program,(in 2018 we extended the program to 8 Regions of the state of Maranhã) the government resolved to enlarge the program.. Until 2020, the program will be implemented in 50 municipalities.

    With the objective of solving the mismatch between the large number of wheelchair users living in the Imperatriz region and the small supply of quality public transport destined to them, the Government of the State of Maranhão comes through the State Agency of Transportation and Urban Mobility - MOB to implement the Crossing Service.<br />
    The State Agency for Transport and Urban Mobility (MOB) has strategic goals in the implementation of public policies aimed at urban transport and mobility of the State Government of Maranhão. Among these, the Travessia Service stands out, as it aims to offer wheelchair users access to quality transportation for the exercise of their daily and leisure tasks, constituting an important government project by providing an essential right to the disabled population.

    Other, please specify
    The program was built with resources funded by the state government, through source 101, of the state treasury.
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    Name Description
    Action Network
    SDG Good Practices First Call
    This initiative does not yet fulfil the SMART criteria.
    24 February 2016 (start date)
    31 December 2022 (date of completion)
    Agency for Urban Mobility and Public Services
    1. Latin America and the Caribbean
    Geographical coverage
    The program operates in 28 municipalities of the state of Maranhão.
    Program Travessia (Crossing)– connected with SDG 11 (Make cities inclusive, resilient, sustainable) Program Travessia (Crossing)– connected with SDG 11 (Make cities inclusive, resilient, sustainable) Program Travessia (Crossing)– connected with SDG 11 (Make cities inclusive, resilient, sustainable)
    Website/More information
    Contact Information

    Cricielle Muniz, State Coordinator of Traverse Service