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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

Maria da Penha Patrol - MPP (Patrulha Maria da Penha - PMP). SDG Goals 5 and 16.


    According to art. 2 of the creation decree, the purpose of the MPP is to accompany and care for vulnerable women, victims of domestic and family violence, as well as to monitor compliance with urgent protective measures, acting directly to address violence against women. In addition to the follow-up of the victims, the Patrol is involved in campaigning for the victims of domestic and family violence, lectures and explaining its functionality, made by Colonel Augusta, Major Edhyelem or the police officers who work there. have the capacity to do so.

    Objective of the practice

    It enables the care of women victims of violence who request protective measures aimed at support, follow-up and necessary interventions in the psychosocial and health field.<br />
    The main challenge is the difficulty of citing the aggressors, which makes it difficult for the MPP to act, since, according to the government decree, in order for the care of women victims of violence to be initiated, it becomes essential to notify the aggressor .<br />
    Its objective is to be an excellent activity in monitoring and supervising compliance with the Emergency Protective Measures (Mission); Guide, prevent, protect and contribute to public policies to combat violence against women (Vision); Ethics, respect, culture of peace, commitment, teamwork, trust, empathy, cooperation and solidarity (Values).

    Maria da Penha Patrol acts in the fight against domestic violence, in an integrated way with the governmental organs or not, community, through the execution of preventive actions, bringing more dignity to the woman.
    Implementation of the Project/Activity

    The Maria da Penha Patrol (MPP) was created by means of state decree no. 31,763, dated May 20, 2016. Its physical facilities were established on October 24, 2016, at the Community Security Command (CSC), located on avenue Conselheiro Hilton Rodrigues, nº 50, Olho D&#39;água. The policing activities began on February 2, 2017, after a meeting with the agencies involved to discuss the demands and actions to be taken. Training was also carried out through the Maria de Penha Patrol Implementation Seminar, where contents relevant to the group&#39;s performance were taught.
    Actions are monitored through 11 (eleven) types of care reports and evaluation procedures.
    Maria da Penha Patrol acts in the fight against domestic violence, in an integrated way with the governmental organs or not, community, through the execution of preventive actions, bringing more dignity to the woman.

    In two years of operation, quantitatively, the increase in the number of women attended, more than 2,000, can measure that the inspection of the protective measures, offers them a greater sense of security, through rounds and periodic visits in their home or professional environments. Qualitatively, we emphasize that this work of fundamental importance in the fight against domestic and family violence was recognized through its results at the national level by the Seal BFPS - Brazilian Forum of Public Security. The BFPS seal of Innovative Practices in the fight against violence against women 2018 is granted to initiatives that deal with the theme: coping with violence against women, of which Maria da Penha Patrol was awarded in the category for Public Safety Agents in active duty. In addition, the Maria da Penha Patrol was also recognized through the VIVA PRIZE - for the lives of all women - granted by the magazine Marie Claire Institute Avon to institutions that work in the fight against violence against women.
    Enabling factors and constraints
    Support from the Government of the State of Maranhão and the network's own service to women in situations of violence.
    Difficulties basically in the quantitative of effective, insufficient for the full attendance of the protective measures received in the MPP.
    As an innovation, it enabled the assistance of women victims of violence who request protective measures aimed at support, follow-up and necessary interventions in the psychosocial and health field, through referrals after MPP's visits, to the organs that are part of the Network for the care of women in situations of violence.
    Sustainability and replicability
    Expansion project for the cities of the interior of the State of Maranhão, being a headquarters of the Maria da Penha Patrol implemented in the city of Imperatriz / MA, in October 2017.

    Maria da Penha Patrol, based on the guidelines of the Pact for Peace, established by the Secretariat of Public Security, provides care, monitoring of women, victims of domestic and family violence, and supervises compliance with emergency protective measures issued by a competent authority. It also carries out educational, social and educational campaigns with women and society, in order to ensure the dignity and integrity of those women who are in a vulnerable situation.<br />
    Its implementation was extremely important, as the public policies aimed at the gender of women, with integrated action of the organs and with the development of actions aimed at the combat and prevention of domestic and family violence, bringing more protection and dignity to the woman.

    Staff / Technical expertise
    Maranhão Military Police
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    Name Description
    Action Network
    SDG Good Practices First Call
    This initiative does not yet fulfil the SMART criteria.
    20 May 2016 (start date)
    31 December 2022 (date of completion)
    Maranhão Military Police
    1. Latin America and the Caribbean
    Geographical coverage
    Operates in the following municipalities of the state of Maranhão: São Luís, São José de Ribamar, Paço do Lumiar, Raposa and Imperatriz.
    Maria da Penha Patrol -  MPP (Patrulha Maria da Penha - PMP).  SDG Goals 5 and 16. Maria da Penha Patrol -  MPP (Patrulha Maria da Penha - PMP).  SDG Goals 5 and 16. Maria da Penha Patrol -  MPP (Patrulha Maria da Penha - PMP).  SDG Goals 5 and 16.
    Website/More information
    Contact Information

    Augusta Andrade, Colonel