Inclusive, equitable and quality access and permanence route
Bogota's Secretary of Education
Local / Regional Government
The "Access and Permanence Route to promote inclusive and equitable quality education" seeks to close the gaps between territories (urban-rural) and populations (high incomes-low incomes, among others) in Bogotá. The route strives to reduce the risk factors of school dropout and grade repetition, and works as an organized set of actions, responsibilities, and procedures to be carried out by the different actors involved in the official education system—all of those, with the final goal of reaching, between 2021-2024, a 98% school attendance in the city (in 2019 was 94,5%). At the end of 2020, the results of various strategies implemented by SED had a positive impact on access and retention in the city's official schools, given that over the year, there was an increase in enrolment of around 5,441 students (0.69%)
The initiative consolidates several strategies for access and permanence in education that Bogotá has and articulates them with other national or district institutions' actions, guaranteeing a complete trajectory through the education system. - Active Search Strategy for the out-of-school population: to identify and characterize the people outside the system and guarantee their school return. The search is done in person, by telephone, or virtual contact. - Virtual enrolment during the current state emergency to facilitate applying for places, enrolment, and transfers. - Actions aimed at reducing the risk of possible school dropout through telephone follow-up with families of the population at most risk of dropping out of school and articulating the targeting of the various strategies of the SED. - Support for educational institutions with the highest dropout rates. 100% of schools in which there is evidence of an increase in school dropout rates above the city average receive guidelines according to the institutional offer and each school's specific problems. - Flexible educational models and strategies allow the vulnerable populations access to the education system and use the regular offer in agreed timetables, with attention spaces, pedagogies, and differentiated and inclusive didactics. - Strategies for school retention with free education, school meals, healthy lifestyles, devices to help close the digital divide, and affirmative action for the most vulnerable.
The 2016-2019 version of the route enabled Bogota to have a comprehensive strategy to address access and permanence in education and recognize life stages and the differential approach. Through coordinated actions, it contributes to guaranteed complete educational trajectories. At the end of 2020, the SED strategies' results had a positive impact on access and retention in the city's official schools, given that over the year, there was an increase in enrollment of around 5,441 students (0.69%). The route has a positive impact on poverty rates, as academic education increases economic opportunities, encourages participation in public life, and improves people's life prospects. The expansion of educational coverage was also encouraged, achieving a school attendance rate close to 95% by the end of 2020.
- Coordination with non-governmental organizations. -Inclusion of strategic objectives in the city's development plans. -Continuity between development plans. - Articulation of actions at institutional, local, and district levels. -Transfer of resources to schools for free education, for the population served, infrastructure, recognition for implementation of flexible education strategies, and rural education policy implementation. -Implementation of the strategy of pedagogical support to 100% of schools to formulate the respective institutional improvement plans and strengthen school retention
The route has a legal and normative basis that supports each of the actions framed not only to the national and district level but also to an international policy line. The route considers a territorial approach and the needs of the context, ensuring conditions of equality, eliminating gender disparities in education, and guaranteeing education for all. It also promotes a culture of peace and non-violence, valuing cultural diversity and cultural contribution to sustainable development, favoring safe, non-violent, and inclusive learning environments. It is a participatory route, as each educational agent and the beneficiary population has a voice. It has financial resources, indicators, goals, and objectives that allow for periodic measurement and monitoring. Finally, it has documentary support, which helps consultation, analysis, and evaluation by external actors. Due to the route's design, other territories could implement it.…… Red de permanencia escolar…
Bogota's Development Plan 2020-2024 includes creating a new citizens' contract with equal opportunities for social inclusion, which will make it possible to counteract the effects of the COVID-19. One of the objectives is to achieve "Education for all: access and permanence with equity and emphasis on rural education". For that, SED implements strategies to favor access and permanence in schools during the current emergency. Also, identify the causes and mitigate the effects through the characterization of participation in home learning strategies, the difficulties for involvement in the process due to connectivity issues or lack of technological resources and support for students in the virtual and learning methods through platforms.
SDGS & Targets
Deliverables & Timeline
Resources mobilized
Partnership Progress
Other beneficiaries
-During 2016 -2019, the "active search for the unschooled population" achieved a 5% higher than the established. Twelve thousand six hundred forty-three students served. - 795339 enrolled students in 2020 and benefiting from permanence strategies. - 6369 adult students in the period 2016-2019 and 2,647 young people and adults with a flexible educational approach at the end of 2020. - 100% of schools benefiting from free resources to guarantee their proper functioning.
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Contact Information
Edna Cristina, Secretary of Education