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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

Improvement of food quality and income generation with wheat products - SDG (Goal 1, 2, 5 and 8)


    Health problems related to poor diet, and the lack of professional qualification of low-income Brazilian women, mean that many of them do not contribute to social transformation in the family. Considering these two aspects Embrapa Wheat has been practicing it since 1998, with is carried out through baking courses that include knowledge and technologies that can improve the quality of the family's diet, boosting its business through the provision of more nutritious products and better quality and group dynamics aiming to strengthen self-esteem and generating expectations for a better future.

    Objective of the practice

    It is possible to link the four objectives of this project with SDG's: a) To qualify the target audience for the production of wheat-based products for self-consumption, it is linked with Goal 1 - End poverty in all its forms everywhere, in its target 1.2 - By 2030, reduce at least by half the proportion men, women and children of all ages living in poverty in all its dimensions according to national definitions; b) Qualifying the target audience for the manufacture of wheat products to be marketed in the local market, links with Goal 8 - Promote sustainable, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all in its target 8.2 - Achieve higher levels of economic productivity through diversification, technological upgrading and innovation, including through a focus on high-value added and labor-intensive sectors; c) To provide families with knowledge and practice on basic nutritious and healthy food, aiming at physical and mental development, equates to Goal 2 - End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture in its target 2.1 - By 2030, end hunger and ensure access by all people, in particular the poor and people in vulnerable situations, including infants, to safe, nutritious and sufficient food all year round. d) Contribute to the development of entrepreneurial characteristics through a set of actions which lead to female empowerment is linked with Goal 5 - Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls in their target 5.b - Enhance the use of enabling technology, in particular information and communications technology, to promote the empowerment of women.

    The beneficiaries of the training involve urban and rural publics and the partnerships were established with public and private entities, which allocated financial and human resources and infrastructure to carry out the activities. To date, there have been 24 participating institutions. In addition to the implementation of four agribusinesses, reports from several partners showed that the training promoted improvements in income with a consequent improvement in the quality of life of the families.
    Implementation of the Project/Activity

    The project has been executed through courses on the manufacture of wheat products, especially breads, cakes and biscuits. They are developed through theoretical and practical classes, by a team of three instructors and booklets are distributed as support material. During the course participants are encouraged to exchange experiences, moments in which self-esteem and empowerment are worked out. It is also encouraged to overcome difficulties and the search for new knowledge and challenges. The project started in 1998, at the request of Emater-RS, the largest technical assistance and rural extension company in Rio Grande do Sul (RS), which needed to train its technicians to act as multiplier agents. Subsequently, several institutions requested similar training to Embrapa. Each training is customized according to the target audience, which determines the degree of deepening of the contents: multipliers - agents of technical assistance and rural extension (ATES) and educational institutions and urban and rural public, direct users of knowledge and technologies skills. The courses are divided in four moments: 1st - Presentation of the instructors and the participants, with a brief report of their experience in the area, as well as their motivations and expectations regarding the training; 2nd - theoretical part - several audio-visual resources and real objects are used. The following topics are presented: The history of the use of wheat as food; Forms of consumption of wheat and its derivatives; Ingredients, utensils and equipment used in baking; Processes used in the manufacture of products; Suggestions on how to market the products; Notions of hygiene in food production and notions about healthy eating, with the use of wheat products; 3rd - Practical part, the trainees are divided into teams and all components participate, under the guidance of the instructors, in the execution of the recipes. When selecting the recipes, the ingredients can be predominantly obtained in the property (eggs, fruit and vegetables, dairy products and meats) are used, consequently the sustainability of the property is worked; 4th The products are presented in a table to demonstrate how the team can prepare, in a short time, a great number and variety of products, working the association as a way of reaching common goals. Following is the tasting of the products, discussion on the individual preferences and it finalizes with the evaluation of the course and delivery of the certificates. From 1998 to the present, more than 1600 people have been trained in 81 courses, covering the following target audiences: ATES agents - Emater-RS, Emater-PR, COOPTEC and CETAP; members of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology, Federal Institute of the Mining Triangle and Educar Institute; Urban public of entities: Committee of Public Entities against Hunger and for Life, Municipal Committee of Citizenship, Open School Project for Citizenship, Caritas Diocesana, Pastoral of the Child, Residents Associations and Regional Prison of Passo Fundo, and Bradesco Foundation; Rural public - Farmers, settlers and resettled agrarian reform, quilombola community and women's collective of the Federation of Family Farm Workers.

    In addition to the knowledge and technologies passed on in training, some initiatives have resulted in concrete actions, such as the Cooperativa de Costureiras Unidas Venceremos, located in the Sarandi neighborhood, in the outskirts of Porto Alegre (RS). Formed by 25 seamstresses, the group expanded its activities by setting up a bakery, whose project was presented by the Committee of Public Entities in Fight Against Hunger and for Life (COEP - RS) and Embrapa Wheat participated, training the cooperatives to the production of various types of bread and making the cooperative a supplier of exclusive and differentiated products. In Nova Santa Rita, RS, beneficiaries of the RS Rural Program, which financed a bakery, received training in artisan bread making, and offered to the population of this municipality, bakery products of better nutritional and sanitary quality. In Candiota, RS, nine farmers from the Settlements of Santa Fé and São Pedro II were provided with a Community Bakery, financed by INCRA, through the Terra Sol project, in the amount of R$ 352.000,00, to attend the Food Acquisition Program and the National School Feeding Program. In Passo Fundo (RS), in the framework of the "Zero Hunger" project, a communal kitchen including a bakery was installed in St. Judas Tadeu Church, generating income for assisted families. Fairgrounds in Passo Fundo and Erechim have used the acquired knowledge to expand the offer and improve the quality of the products. Several other results have been reported by partners and include informal income generating activities. Also, in Candiota, the traditional "Spring Festival" held on September 23, 2012, farmers from the Settlements of Santa Fé and São Pedro II offered, for marketing, products that were the object of apprenticeship in the course of baking taken in that locality.
    Enabling factors and constraints
    The project was created from a demand of a company of technical assistance and rural extension that, in forming the multipliers of several municipalities of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, they began to replicate the knowledge and technologies received and, with that, other institutions became aware of the work and began to ask Embrapa Wheat similar training. Several formal and informal partnerships have been established since then, including: the project "Sustainable Development of Agrarian Reform in Rio Grande do Sul" which was signed in 2008, aiming to develop actions to qualify productive practices of farmers, settlers of agrarian reform, including the production of safe and healthy food. This project made it possible to carry out training in ten municipalities in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. Partnership with the Family Agriculture Workers' Federation allowed courses to be held in seven other municipalities in the State of Rio Grande do Sul. Bradesco Foundation, which aims to provide free and quality education for children, youth and adults, primarily in regions of socio-economic vulnerability, included in its annual courses the training offered by Embrapa. The training model adapts to the most different infrastructure conditions, however, it is necessary at least the water and light supply, as well as ovens to cook the products. Because the courses do not require high financial value and complex infrastructure for their implementation, it facilitate their implementation, even in difficult access locations. One of the great contributions of the courses was to promote the use of raw materials produced in properties, in the production of foods with higher added value and with an increase in nutritional value, replacing the traditional ways of making.
    Sustainability and replicability
    Over twenty years of execution of this project, a working methodology has been developed that meets the proposed objectives. It is not expected to expand its action now, only adding new themes for the courses, including other forms of utilization of wheat and its derivatives.

    The high consumption of industrialized foods produced with high levels of fats, sugar and sodium, associated with a diet with low fibre intake, sedentary lifestyle and the consumption of licit drugs, have contributed to the onset and aggravation of chronical non-transmissible diseases, being these, the main problems of public health in Brazil. According to data from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, the consumption of French bread is 53g bread / day and this food contributes to sodium intake of 320mg / 50g of product, while the maximum amount to be ingested, as recommended by the World Health Organization, is 2,000 mg of sodium per day. That is, only a French bread of 50 grams represents 16% of the amount of sodium recommended per day. On the other hand, the family workforce, especially of the women, is partially idle. Lack of qualification and of expectations for a better future, and low self-esteem are some of the factors that cause many women to contribute little to social transformation in the family. Other women, whether in the formal or informal labor market, especially those who have as a source of income the homemade production of bread and other wheat products, generally have little theoretical knowledge that could boost their business through the supply of a more varied and a better quality of products. The problems mentioned above occur in both urban and rural populations, and in different social classes. Specificaly in the urban low-income and rural population, including traditional people such as Quilombolas, they have, in many cases, less access to the information conveyed at their level of understanding. This way, there is a tendency to perpetuate "ways of doing and living" inherited from their family group and the like, with little innovation. Per capita consumption of bread in Brazil is estimated at 33.5 kg / inhabitant / year, according to the Brazilian Association of the Bakery and Confectionery Industry; biscuits, 6.3 kg / inhabitant / year (National Association of Industries of Biscuits) and pasta, 6.0 kg / inhabitant (Brazilian Association of Industries of Pasta, Industrialized Bread and Cake). These products, in addition to other wheat derivatives, are of great importance in the Brazilian diet, that is why Embrapa Wheat, within the scope of its duties, as the Embrapa Product Centre, this project, which is according to its mission, which is "to enable research, development and innovation solutions in the production chain of wheat and other winter grains for the competitiveness and sustainability of agriculture for the benefit of Brazilian society" and, in addition, is in accordance with State policies emphasizing economic development, social inclusion and preservation of the environment, conditions that aim to reduce poverty, social inequality and collaborate with a more environmentally sustainable world.

    Other sources of information
    CÁRITAS de Passo Fundo realiza curso de panificação doméstica. Brasília, DF: Cáritas Brasileira, 2011. Disponível em: <…;.

    CÁRITAS de Passo Fundo conducts homemade baking course . Brasília, DF: Cáritas Brasileira, 2011. Disponível em: <…;.

    BREAD course encourages the use of vegetables. Passo Fundo: Embrapa Trigo, 2005. Disponível em: <…;.

    EMBRAPA promove palestras e minicursos na Expointer. Porto Alegre: Secretaria da Agricultura, Pecuária e Desenvolvimento Rural, 2014.
    EXTENSIONISTAS da Emater/RS-Ascar participate in a course at Embrapa Wheat. AgroDiário, 2 nov. 2012. 2 p.

    FERREIRA, P. E. P.; ANTUNES, J. M.; GUARIENTI, E. M.; FONTANELI, R. S.; LIMA, M. I. P. M.; MACHADO, J. R. de A.; NORONHA, A. Technology diffusion actions with winter cereals CONFIE agreement - five-year 2011 to 2015. In: REUNIÃO DA COMISSÃO BRASILEIRA DE PESQUISA DE TRIGO E TRITICALE, 10., 2016, Londrina. Anais... Londrina: Comissão Brasileira de Pesquisa de Trigo e Triticale, 2016. 5 p. 1 CD-ROM.

    GUARIENTI, E. M. Homemade breadmaking: improving food quality and income generation. Moinhos e Negócios, n. 14, p. 35-38, jun./jul. 2013.

    GUARIENTI, E. M.; TIBOLA, C. S.; ALVES, R. C. Handmade production of breads, cucas, cakes and biscuits. Brasília, DF: Embrapa, 2012. 66 p.

    HOMEMADE breadmaking: improving food quality and income generation. In: ANUÁRIO Brasileiro da Agricultura Familiar 2014. Erechim: Bota Amarela, 2014. p. 467. E em: EMBRAPA. Soluções tecnológicas e inovação: a Embrapa no ano internacional da agricultura familiar. Brasília, DF, 2014. p. 35. Separata do Anuário Brasileiro da Agricultura Familiar 2014.
    Staff / Technical expertise
    For the execution of the training, Embrapa participates with specialized technical personnel, preparation of support materials and transportation of the team.
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    Name Description
    Action Network
    SDG Good Practices First Call
    This initiative does not yet fulfil the SMART criteria.
    06 January 1998 (start date)
    31 December 2018 (date of completion)
    Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation – Embrapa Wheat
    8 2 5 1
    1. Latin America and the Caribbean
    Geographical coverage
    The project, in its 20 years of execution, included courses in three states - Minas Gerais, Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina, and in the Federal District, totalling 31 municipalities (Figure 1, file in attachment).
    Website/More information
    Contact Information

    Eliana Maria Guarienti, Doctor