ERA-GLONASS State Automated Information System
Embassy of the Russian Federation in the Kingdom of Thailand
Increasing road safety is one of key priorities of the Russian government. In 2009 the Russian presidential Committee for the Modernization and Technological Development of Russia’s Economy adopted a resolution to create the ERA-GLONASS system in order to reduce mortality and injuries in road traffic accidents, prevent harm to human lives, health, environment.
The ERA-GLONASS system is a distributed infrastructure of an operator (including a navigation and information platform, a data transmission network and a cellular network based on the principle of a "virtual operator") and devices (automated system in terms of the standard) installed in cars. In case of an accident (according to federal standards, the device must identify a frontal collision, side collision, rear impact), the automobile device in accordance with the algorithm embedded in it assesses the severity of the accident, identifies the location of the injured vehicle via GLONASS and / or GPS satellites, establishes communication with the infrastructure "ERA-GLONASS" and in accordance with the protocol transmits the necessary data about the accident. One can make a call manually - by pressing the special SOS button. In this case, the operator of the ERA-GLONASS contact center verifies the details of the incident by voice and in case of confirmation of the information or in the absence of an answer, sends emergency response services - rescuers, ambulance, traffic police. The functioning of the system is carried out on the basis of the general availability and gratuitousness of the transmission of information about road transport and other accidents on roads in the Russian Federation to emergency operational services from vehicles on which emergency services call devices are installed.
According to statistical data, implementation of the "ERA-GLONASS" system led to a reduction in the response time in accidents and other emergencies, which made it possible to reduce the rate of mortality and injuries on the roads and increase the safety of freight and passenger traffic. Currently there is around 7 mln vehicles registered in the system, contact centers received around 10 mln calls (around 120 thousand validated as true).
Enabling factor is active support of the project by the Russian government and constructive cooperation of all partners of the initiative.
The system “ERA-GLONASS” has already been replicated in a number of countries. From January 1, 2017 the requirement entered into force on the mandatory equipment with emergency call devices (systems) of all passenger and freight vehicles put into exploitation for the first time on the territory of the Eurasian Economic Union. From 2019 JSC GLONASS expands cooperation with Serbia, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Finland. The analogue system is being created in Uzbekistan.
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Other beneficiaries
Main beneficiaries are drivers and passengers of transport vehicles in the Russian Federation. The authorized federal executive body responsible for establishment and operation of the State Automated Information System "ERA-GLONASS" and the operator of this system is the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation. The initiative is supported by leading national mobile network operators, Russian Association of Motor Insures and some companies in the sphere of satellite navigation.
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