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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

Energy for all! (Problem solving)


    Problem solving of ENERGY FOR ALL. Students were asked to study about energy and its importance with focus on the ways of producing electricity and its importance. The following problem was given to students to work with: <br />
    “You are a member of a philanthropic organization. Your team is located in a remote village that has no electricity. Your mission is to help community residents gain access to electricity to meet some of their basic daily needs”.

    Objective of the practice

    The Concept and Importance of Technological Justice and the Role of renewable energy sources to Achieve Energy for all.

    Cyprus public high school were engaged under the subject of Design and Technology. Teachers of Design and technology were engaged with their classes on solving through the design process the problem of Energy for all
    Implementation of the Project/Activity

    Students in each school worked in groups and studied and investigated the problem given: “You are a member of a philanthropic organization. Your team is located in a remote village that has no electricity. Your mission is to help community residents gain access to electricity to meet some of their basic daily needs.”
    They followed the design process to propose as well as implement a solution (model construction).
    Each group created their own ideas and implemented different solutions which at the end they evaluated them and presented them to their class.
    The problem solving process engaged students in various activities.
    Throughout their design process, students investigate several climate changes issues (utilizing the software “Focus on climate change”), they learn about the Greenhouse effect, the non-renewable energies and their drawbacks and suggest actions to combat climate change.
    They also, investigated the ways of producing electricity with renewable and non-renewable energy, they saw the positives and the negatives of each procedure and they concluded on the energy issues, the global climate changes and the environmental pollution effects on human beings. The students learned to search information on the above subject throughout internet resources, demonstration-models of electrical energy production (solar panels, wind turbines models) and reading from the “focus on climate change” software/library. They also learn about the energy labels (eco labels, A++ energy etc.) and energy consumption of products (i.e. washing machines) and suggest ways of reducing energy consumption.

    Throughout this practice we saw that students were engaged in many activities that helped them to realize the importance of clean energy technology and sustainable energy. Students learned the importance of Energy for all as well as the environmental issues that we face nowadays. Students learned to be critical to suggest and implement ideas for facing the issue of no electricity.
    Enabling factors and constraints
    Students projects were undertaken under the Design and Technology subject and they worked in teams. All the necessary materials and equipment was provided by the school and the Ministry of Education. The Design and technology labs and equipment were of great help for the students to succeed/work on their project. They learned to be creative, to work in team, to exchange ideas and realize the importance of energy, technology and the environment.
    Sustainability and replicability
    Through the problem solving process, environmental problems were investigated. Also, students suggested through their proposals/model-products the use of renewable energies that are efficient and friendly to the environment. Many ideas were utilizing the solar energy to produce electricity.

    Students learned about:<br />
    - The importance of Energy for the everyday life.<br />
    - The importance of technology and clean energy and how technology can help overcome environmental issues.<br />
    - The importance of electricity and ways of producing electricity.<br />
    - The importance of renewable energies vs non-renewable energy.

    Other, please specify
    Development of training programmes.
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    Action Network
    SDG Good Practices First Call
    This initiative does not yet fulfil the SMART criteria.
    01 September 2015 (start date)
    01 June 2017 (date of completion)
    Ministry of Education and Culture
    1. Europe
    Geographical coverage
    Implemented in public high schools of Cyprus.
    Website/More information
    Contact Information

    Georgios Koutsides, School Inspector