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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

Anti-Corruption Workshops and Anti-Corruption Events - activities in the field of education (Goal 16.5)


    In order to raise maximum awareness with regard to corruption throughout Austria, the Federal Bureau of<br />
    Anti-Corruption (BAK) has been developing and promoting a comprehensive range of anti-corruption and<br />
    integrity trainings in the field of education. In order to enable the target group to apply the entire content to<br />
    their everyday lives, maximum practical relevance is a priority. The Workshops and Events are based on the<br />
    BAK’s approach to take measures to prevent corruption as early as possible. Awareness-raising measures are<br />
    meant to increase awareness with regard to corruption phenomena and corrupt acts including all<br />
    consequences, prevent possible misconduct, and promote integrity.

    Objective of the practice

    The aim of the Anti-Corruption Workshops and Anti-Corruption Events is to contribute to the adolescents’<br />
    development in a holistic way, with the focus being on cognitive, emotional and behavioural skills. In terms of<br />
    corruption-related cognitive skills the students get to know the basics; definitions, mechanisms, possible forms<br />
    of and background to the phenomenon of corruption. In addition, their awareness regarding corrupt acts<br />
    increases. They are made aware of the dangers of corruption and learn about measures to prevent it. Students<br />
    are introduced to relevant legal provisions and social norms. They are encouraged to critically discuss<br />
    corruption and reflect on related issues. As the content is very practice-oriented, students are able to apply it<br />
    to their current everyday and future professional lives, thus enhancing their general and professional skills. In<br />
    the framework of further activities, they also get the opportunity to explore the topic of compliance, and an<br />
    approach to prevent non-compliant behaviour.

    The Austrian Federal Bureau of Anti-Corruption (BAK) runs the Anti-Corruption Workshops and AntiCorruption Events together with Transparency International-Austrian Chapter. They also cooperate closely with school principals and teachers.
    Implementation of the Project/Activity

    The BAK offers two kinds of anti-corruption training for schools: Anti-Corruption Workshops and AntiCorruption Events.
    Anti-Corruption Workshops take place on the premises of the respective school or of the BAK, in the
    traditional school setting, or, on certain grounds, in a different setting. A whole gamut of different teaching
    methods employed during the Workshops is designed to inspire the target group to take a critical look at the
    topics of corruption, corruption prevention and integrity promotion. Additionally, students are given the
    assignment to elaborate on some of these subjects themselves so that they have as many light bulb moments
    as possible and can use what they have learnt in their everyday and professional lives.
    At an Anti-Corruption Event several classes take part simultaneously. There is no more traditional classroom
    setting where usually, students of different ages are studying in separate classrooms. Classroom doors open
    and the event takes place on entire school premises. After a brief joint introduction, the students form small
    teams and rotate through a total of eight stations featuring different content on the topics of corruption
    prevention and integrity promotion. When dividing the students into groups, BAK staff is careful to mix classes
    and grades. In doing so, students improve their social skills, as they have to take leadership responsibility and
    work in teams. Each Anti-Corruption Workshop or Anti-Corruption Event is preceded by an intensive
    preparation phase in which teachers are involved. After each Workshop or Event, there is a follow-up support
    phase where the content can be discussed and reflected upon. Post-event discussions surrounding the topic
    make students think and raise their awareness for the fact that it is them who are to shape the future and take
    up an active part in the fight against corruption. The follow-up support phase is concluded by the “Letter to
    Yourself” method, where students are asked to write a declaration of self-commitment. Once a few years have
    passed, the BAK posts the letters, each one to the very student who wrote it to his or her future self. This
    innovative concept is designed to ensure sustainable effects of the activity.
    Anti-Corruption Workshops and Anti-Corruption Events are offered throughout Austria and can be requested
    by teachers and principals. Implementation requires close cooperation with the respective school.

    The aim of Anti-Corruption Workshops and Anti-Corruption Events is to contribute to the adolescents’
    development in a holistic way. The Workshops and Events serve to promote self-competences, social
    competences, competences regarding ethical standards and social structures, emotional-affective
    competences, language competences, creative competences and corruption-related cognitive skills. The
    participants in the Workshops and Events gain and deepen the general and corruption-related skills
    mentioned. Upon completion, the students receive a certificate of participation confirming that they dealt
    with these topics and acquired the skills mentioned. The certificate can, inter alia, be used for future
    applications for employment. The practice helps schools to fulfil their socio-political mandate in a more
    comprehensive way. This is another very effective practice by the BAK to contribute to the prevention of
    Enabling factors and constraints
    In the following, let us present the development and adaptation of activities in the field of education:
    In the course of 2016, many new and active methods were incorporated into the schedule for Anti-Corruption
    Workshops for upper secondary school students. The aim was to increase the level of participation by
    adolescents and young adults. It was important for the BAK to contribute to the adolescents’ development in a
    holistic way, enabling them to acquire and further develop cognitive, emotional and behavioural skills. The
    workshop is dedicated to increasing awareness with regard to corruption phenomena and corrupt acts
    including all consequences, prevention of possible misconduct, and promotion of integrity. Its content was
    tailored to the everyday and future working life of the target group, with practical relevance being a priority. In
    order to increase the reach of the BAK’s preventive measures in 2016, in most cases, trainings were held on
    school premises.
    In addition to the already established Anti-Corruption Workshops, Anti-Corruption Events were developed for
    upper secondary school students. At the Events, there is no more traditional age-homogenous school setting;
    classroom doors open and if possible, entire school premises are put to good use. What is special about AntiCorruption Events is that students get to know different contents regarding corruption prevention and
    promotion of integrity while rotating through several stations in small groups. When allocating students to
    groups, BAK staff is careful to mix classes and grades. This is to increase the students’ social skills as they have
    to take leadership responsibility and work in teams.
    Sustainability and replicability
    The sustainable effect of the Workshops and Events is achieved by students dealing intensively with the topic
    of corruption for a full day. The various methods employed during training encourage active participation on
    the part of the students. In order to enable the target group to apply the entire content provided to their
    everyday lives, such content sports a maximum of practical relevance.

    Anti-Corruption Workshops and Anti-Corruption Events are based on the BAK’s approach to take measures to<br />
    prevent corruption as early as possible. Awareness-raising measures, which belong to the field of primary<br />
    prevention, are intended to increase awareness regarding corruption phenomena and corrupt acts including<br />
    all consequences, prevent possible misconduct, and promote integrity.

    Other, please specify
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    Action Network
    SDG Good Practices First Call
    This initiative does not yet fulfil the SMART criteria.
    01 January 2011 (start date)
    01 January 0001 (date of completion)
    Federal Ministry of the Interior, Department I/11
    1. Europe
    Geographical coverage
    The Anti-Corruption Workshops and Anti-Corruption Events were designed for Austrian students of academic secondary schools as well as of intermediate and upper-level vocational schools (upper secondary school students aged 14 to 19)
    Anti-Corruption Workshops and Anti-Corruption Events - activities in the field of education (Goal 16.5) Anti-Corruption Workshops and Anti-Corruption Events - activities in the field of education (Goal 16.5)
    Website/More information
    Contact Information

    Isabella Palla, Mag.