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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

Alliances for Development in Guatemala


    Alliances can be formed across public institutions, for implementation and monitoring, and between public and private sectors to ensure that each one plays its role and their actions are complementary rather than contradictory. During 2018, Guatemala, through the Secretariat of Planning and Programming (Segeplan), has established an alliance with the General Comptroller’s Office,the public institution in charge with monitoring the execution of the public sectors plans and budgets. A second alliance with CentraRSE, a conglomerate of over a 100 private companies that promotes the principles of global citizenship and corporate social responsibility.

    Objective of the practice

    Forming alliances with key actors of the public and private sector to advance the implementation of national development priorities

    General Comptroller’s Office
    Implementation of the Project/Activity

    Creating alliances for the implementation of the SDGs is a key factor for the process, this has been recognized in SDG 17 and in the eighth component of Guatemala’s National Strategy for Implementation of the National Development Priorities. Therefore, in 2018, an agreement was signed between the Secretariat of Planning and Programming (Segeplan) and the General Comptroller’s Office. Segeplan has the legal mandate to guide and advise all public institutions in the formulation of their annual and multiannual plans. These are the plans that are used for the formulation of the national budget. Therefore, Segeplan has the capacity to direct national institutions to prioritize certain topics according to national plans, international commitments and public policy in general. This is one of the reasons why Segeplan has been designated as the conductor of the implementation of national development priorities and the SDGS. However, Segeplan is not an auditing institution, therefore, it lacks the capacity to reinforce its guidelines to ensure a correct execution of the plans. In this context, during 2018 Segeplan established and alliance with the General Comptroller’s Office, which has the legal mandate to control, audit and examine the work of public institutions. The cooperation agreement was made official in May 2018, through a signed document by the Secretary and the General Comptroller. This agreement seeks to establish an strategic alliance to monitor the implementation of the SDGs, to promote transparency and accountability amongst public institutions responsible of executing actions toward these goals. Both institutions commit to generate and share information that will facilitate the monitoring, as well as promoting sectorial auditing, including the adherence of public institutions to guidelines and timelines established as well as their financial execution related to the SDGs. Traditionally, the CGC has worked mainly in financial and performance post-audits, this agreement seeks to enable their role to be also as a monitoring entity during the implementation process.

    The second alliance established in 2018 was also a cooperation agreement, between Segeplan and the organization CentraRSE. CentraRSE is a national organization that seeks to promote global citizenship and corporate social responsibility principles with private companies. Currently, over a 100 companies are associated to CentraRSE, and the organization has sought to integrate the SDGs in their strategic planning for the upcoming years. Therefore, in 2017, Segeplan was invited to present advances in the appropriation process of the SDGs in Centrarse’s annual forum, which led to an ongoing relationship between both. In 2018, this relationship was strengthened through the cooperation agreement signed in October by the Secretary and the President of Centrarse. The objective of the agreement is to share information and data to monitor the implementation of the SDGs, promote the national development priorities in different spaces and presentations that each entity takes part of, strengthen the knowledge and capacities of the staff.

    There have been several events between Centrarse and Segeplan in which both have shared spaces and panels, and Centrarse is currently participating actively in the process of preparation of 2019’s VNR.
    In November 2018, representatives from both the General Comptroller’s office and Centrarse were
    part of the First Iberoamerican Forum on Implementation Mechanisms of the 2030 Agenda, hosted by Guatemala, alongside Segeplan. Both were part of a panel on alliances for development.
    Enabling factors and constraints
    Enabling factors include the existence of an organization like CentraRSE that is part of the Global Compact and that houses and promotes these principles among the companies, it would be far more difficult to create an alliance with each of them separately.
    Constraints include the adaptation periods in both agreements to the way of work of each entity and ensuring sustainability in the long term due to changes in authorities. Constraints also entail assuring that member entities of the organization are aware and adopt the principles and guidelines in their daily work.
    Sustainability and replicability
    Both alliances are based on written agreements, which gives them a back up for sustainability. In both cases, the agreements were written with a long term approach, inviting the parties involved to review them periodically.
    These initiatives are replicable when key actors find common ground and there is a high-level will to commit towards joint work.

    Sustainable development encompasses multiple actors and a trust-based agreement between these actors can be a way to foster concrete action plans and binding actions.

    Other sources of information
    Staff / Technical expertise
    Staff at all the institutions involved.
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    Name Description
    Action Network
    SDG Good Practices First Call
    This initiative does not yet fulfil the SMART criteria.
    01 January 2017 (start date)
    31 October 2018 (date of completion)
    Secretary of Planning and Programming of the Presidency
    1. Latin America and the Caribbean
    Geographical coverage
    Website/More information
    Contact Information

    Luz Keila Virginia Gramajo Vilchez, Advisor of the Executive Office