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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

2019 Annual Plan - Core Institute of Music


    The Core Institute is a non-profit association dedicated to educational and cultural activities. The Core Institute of Music emerged with the mission of forming high performance musicians that will integrate the youth and youth orchestras, forming the basis of a future professional philharmonic orchestra. This project aims to enable a better structuring of music classes. The institution promotes social inclusion through musical training in childhood, adolescence and youth, increasing access to culture in the community of Joinville. Currently the attendees are concentrated in the age group of 04 and 11 years.

    Objective of the practice

    The objective of the project is to carry out activities focused on the training of high performance musicians for the Youth and Youth Orchestras of the Institute. In this way, in addition to promoting social inclusion and expanding access to culture in the community of Joinville, the initiative works closely with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.<br />
    According to Objective 04 of the &quot;Agência 2030&quot;, the activities of the Core Institute aim at ensuring quality education in an inclusive and equitable manner. By guaranteeing quality musical education, we train young people who are more conscious and capable of acting in society.<br />
    We offer an excellent training in music, with carefully selected teachers, thus benefiting children and adolescents from 04 to 16 years. Another fundamental point that interlinks with the ODS is that 50% of the students attended by the Institute receive a full scholarship, studying for free and earning the musical instrument for study. All these students come from the public school system, reaching a large portion of the poorest sections of the population. Thus, it is possible to eliminate the educational disparities between the social strata, besides including the most varied public in the initiative.

    The project has a partnership with the Secretariat of Education through the Campaign "Discover a new way to reach the best grades", which encourages the participation of students in the public school system. It is part of the planning, to extend this partnership contemplating also the training of teachers and the realization of didactic concerts. There is also interaction with other artistic languages for the sum of efforts and exchange of knowledge, as well as the search for partnerships with the private initiative to promote fundraising, through the Rouanet Law, exchange of products and services, donation of instruments and volunteering.
    Implementation of the Project/Activity

    The project began in 2017 with courses aimed at children musicalization and musical initiation, aiming to promote social inclusion, democratize the culture in the community, raise the students&#39; school performance and offer a career choice in music. We believe that these factors are linked to the goals of sustainable development, as they promote the social, cultural and economic development (professionalization) of a community acting in a transformative way in the lives of children and young people served. Currently, the project is attended by 150 students (50% full scholarship) with daily classes, which will integrate youth and youth orchestras, forming the basis of a future professional philharmonic orchestra. The Project has students with syndromes and refugee students. Great talent who would not have access to the education of quality erudite music, in the Institute has the opportunity to develop with teaching of the highest level.
    The project implements its activities by dividing its students into two large groups: Children from 4 to 6 years old in Children&#39;s Music and children from 7 years old in musical initiation. The courses promote musical literacy through theoretical and practical classes that work the posture and the tuning, in addition to the instrumental principles.
    The objective is to contribute, through the teaching of music, to the intellectual and musical development of the participants, to improve the ability to work in groups and to generate excellent musicians to compose the CORE Orchestras.
    The presentations of the Institute are moments of great concentration, which motivate and stimulate the participants, where the community can appreciate the dedication and dedication of the students, developed to the logo of every year. The methodology used is based on several educational and technical aspects, however, the student&#39;s relationship with music in its various spheres is the main objective. The making and feeling the music individually and in groups, understanding the rules of coexistence in the musical space is of paramount importance.

    We understand the main differentials of the project, the teachers, renowned musicians from all over Brazil and also international, aiming to provide exchanges for students and interlocution with other artistic languages, as a joint presentation with groups such as Bolshoi, etc. The Core Institute democratizes and expands access while fostering cultural production.
    As a great educational tool, children's music development, through experimentation and musical games, develops concentration, motor coordination, socialization and countless benefits since the age of four. This musical sensitivity is proven beneficial for the training of children. In a year of work already can be observed the improvement of the school performance among the students served by the project. After the previous results, there is still an increase in the offer of places with the acquisition of more instruments, the decrease of the absenteeism index among the students and the optimization of their school performance.
    Enabling factors and constraints
    The project was created to act in the improvement of Innovation, Education and Culture, increasing the opportunities of the participants through the formation of quality. Through a specific methodology that aims at the complete musical training, the students have an experience in orchestra. The orchestral training plan has an extended duration, leading to the maturation of a new generation of high-performing musicians.
    The methodology used is a great differential that with a global didactics, assists in the construction of creative, independent and creative musicians. The creative and innovative potential of the project intensifies while students are offered opportunities for exchanges and interchanges with other artistic languages, as well as presentations and partnerships with other groups. An important part of the work is that we look at each student as an individual, and that therefore each has its own rhythm and different moments of learning. Our role is to understand each child in a global way, and from this, respect their individualities and needs, having the teacher an important role in the sensibility of evaluation and observation, thinking about different methodologies, ways and even games to be able to send this student to a healthy and enthusiastic development with his instrument
    Sustainability and replicability
    The project has a sustainability plan until 2030, when it intends to launch the Professional Philharmonic Orchestra, formed by students who started the project. The fixed costs are guaranteed by the Core Institute, which has the International School of Joinville, a bilingual school of Brazilian identity, under its management and as a source of income, certified internationally. Believing in the potential of the Project of the Core Institute of Music, the Council approved the acquisition of a land for the construction of a Music Training Center with capacity to attend 400 students. The architectural design was already made possible by the M2 office and the artistic architecture will be signed by Nagata Acoustics, which is a reference in the world in acoustic architecture having in its portfolio spaces such as the Philharmonie de Paris, New World Center Concert Hall in Miami, Walt Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles and the Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg, Germany. With the formation of a Base Orchestra, the project intends to compensate young musicians and further increase the transformative potential of the project. For this, it will commercialize artistic presentations as a source of income for the project and as a tool for students' professionalization, in front of large stages and diverse publics.
    In relation to the environmental care policy, the project provides for some actions such as where the activities of the Institute are held (classes and auditions) has a selective collection of garbage. The water used in the discharges of the restrooms comes from rainwater and all the students receive guidance on the conscious use of water and electric energy, as well as on the selective collection.

    In addition to the teaching of music, the Core Institute works its actions intending to contribute to the citizens&#39; formation of the students. We welcome volunteers willing to offer diverse contents that impact on the life of each one, for example: sustainable attitudes, quality of life, healthy nutrition, domestic economy, among others. The community also participates in supporting the project, both individuals and corporations, who donate resources and musical instruments.<br />
    We believe that the objectives of the project correspond to the proposal of this call, because they promote the social, cultural and economic development (professionalization) of a community acting in a transformative way in the lives of the children and young people served

    Other, please specify
    Law Rouanet - Federal Law of Incentive to Culture (Law 8313/91-Art.18), allows companies and individuals to allocate part of their income tax to cultural projects.
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    Action Network
    SDG Good Practices First Call
    This initiative does not yet fulfil the SMART criteria.
    01 January 2019 (start date)
    30 December 2019 (date of completion)
    Core Institute
    1. Latin America and the Caribbean
    Geographical coverage
    The Core Institute of Music is located in Joinville, a municipality in the northern region of Santa Catarina state, with 583,144 inhabitants (estimated by the IBGE in 2018). It is the largest city in the state, at the head of the capital Florianópolis
    Website/More information
    Contact Information

    Karla Flores, 2019 Annual Plan - Core Institute of Music