Progress report for
Parliamentarians Advancing Anti-Corruption through UNCAC
Achievement at a glance
GOPAC endorsed Resolution 8/14 from the Conference of the States Parties to the United Nations Convention against Corruption on its eighth session, held from 16 to 20 December 2019, “Promoting good practices in relation to the role of national parliaments and other legislative bodies in preventing and combating corruption in all its forms.”Challenges faced in implementation
Implementation in the run-up to the UNGASS 2021Next Steps
As part of our UNGASS 21 contributions, we urge States parties to include within the draft POLITICAL DECLARATION a commitment to the role of Parliamentarians as a key common commitment to effectively addressing and countering corruption.GOPAC endorses Resolution 8/14 from the Conference of the States Parties to the United Nations Convention against Corruption on its eighth session, held from 16 to 20 December 2019, “Promoting good practices in relation to the role of national parliaments and other legislative bodies in preventing and combating corruption in all its forms.”
In particular GOPAC urges the inclusion of 8/14:
1. Urges States parties to take effective measures, in accordance with the fundamental principles of their legal systems and the relevant obligations under the United Nations Convention against Corruption, to support the role and strengthen the capacity of parliaments and other legislative bodies to prevent and combat corruption, including in areas where they have a mandate for review or oversight;
2. Encourages States parties to identify and implement any legislative or other measures that may be necessary to implement the Convention and address relevant recommendations emerging from the Mechanism for the Review of Implementation of the United Nations Convention against Corruption;
Along with the commitment in (3) to also encourage States parties to strengthen interparliamentary dialogue and cooperation, through parliamentary organisations such as GOPAC.
GOPAC also calls to enhance the role of legislative bodies in the management of public finances and their traditional exercise of budget oversight, along with enhancing the role of parliaments in oversighting integrity mechanisms.
GOPAC calls for recognition of the key role of the parliament in criminalizing and responding effectively to acts of corruption along with legislating for cooperation across borders, the recovery of stolen assets