Progress report for
Local Governments Actions for SDGs in the Republic of Korea
Achievement at a glance
Korea National Sustainable Development Goals (KN-SDGs)Korean Ministry of Environment has developed Korea National Sustainable Development Goals (hereafter K-SDGs) for ensuring sustainability overall government sectors and officially recognized at the cabinet meeting on December 24th, 2018 in succession to the 3rd General Plans for Sustainable Development. Under the vision of “A Sustainable Nation Embracing All”, 5 strategies along with 17 goals and 122 targets have been developed. Participated with more than 90 civic groups, 192 private sector experts, and 23 government branches, inclusiveness was the fundamental philosophy over the entire process of developing K-SDGs.
Korea Local Sustainable Development Goals (KL-SDGs or L-SDGs)
In 2019, MoEK is sharpening the targets and indicators of K-SDGs while supporting the local governments to develop their own Local SDGs (called L-SDGs) under the guidance and consultation supported by National government. In the meantime, several regional and local governments in Korea are even ahead of the national government. 5 Metropolitan and regional governments like Seoul, Gwangju, Gyeonggi-do, Chugbuk-do, and Chungnam-do have already finished with developing L-SDGs and monitoring systems. And 8 from the local level government including Suwon, Dangjin, Yeosu, Damyang, Dobogn-gu(Seoul), Gangbuk-gu(Seoul), Michuhol-gu(Incheon), Bupyeong-gu(Incheon) have completed with developing their own L-SDGs.
Challenges faced in implementation
Institutionalization of Sustainable Development for multi-level actionsIn Korea, we experience a bit controversial situation when it comes to the institutionalization of sustainable development at the national level. There have been two overlapping acts on sustainable development at a different level. Sustainable Development Act (former Framework Act on Sustainable Development) and current Framework Act on Low Carbon, Green Growth which was enforced in 2010 while dragging down the former framework Act on Sustainable Development from presidential level to ministerial level (MoE). This controversial move was made due to the government policy basis of the cabinet at the moment, “Low Carbon, Green Growth”, and lack of understanding on the relations between sustainable development and green growth. Theoretically, the former one covers the later one which focuses on economic growth and job creation with respect to environmental aspects as well as in response to climate change. Therefore, the sustainable development act should be restored to its original status where it embraces low carbon, green growth agenda as the pillars for economy and environment.
Next Steps
Normalization of Legal System for Sustainable DevelopmentIn order to address above mentioned institutional challenge, local government networks including ICLEI, Korea Local Government Alliance for Sustainable Development (KLGASD), and Local Sustainability Alliance of Korea (LSAK) are organizing series of event advocating the restoration of Framework Act on Sustainable Development which is expected to act a great role in mainstreaming Sustainable Development in South Korea especially in localizing SDGs on sound legal and institutional basis.
Despite being mentioned and highlighted as the key player for SDGs, local governments in South Korea have not been entitled adequate roles in the process of developing K-SDGs. Few local governments have participated in the process with their own interest and inspiration, so the inputs from the local perspective are very limitedly reflected K-SDGs. So, local governments and actors are expecting more structured support from national government such as knowledge support with the manual for establishing L-SDGs and financial support.
In the meantime, LSAK, in cooperation with ICLEI Korea Office and more than 100 local government councils for sustainable development, is organizing the 2019 Korea Festival on Sustainable Development at Geoje city in September. This event is expected to spark the local action for sustainable development and highlighting the crucial role of locals in delivering K-SDGs by attracting nationwide attention to sustainable development.
All the citizens in South Korea