Progress report for
PCSD Partnership – A multi-stakeholder Partnership for Enhancing Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development
Achievement at a glance
The PCSD Partnership is on an excellent track. It has launched well over 87 initiatives – many of them open-ended – since its inception in July 2016, all aiming to support SDG17.14. Eleven new Partners joined in 2018-2019, bringing the total number of partners to 44, operating in more than 20 countries.During 2018-2019, the PCSD Partnership achieved 57 deliverables; 31 are in progress. Major joint deliverables in 2018 included 1) the organisation of a Learning Session during the 2018 HLPF and 2) the contribution to OECD’s annual publication on PCSD 2019.
Challenges faced in implementation
Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development , as a means of implementation that cuts across all the SDGs is challenging to conceptualise, analyse and communicate to decision makers and the public.Moreover, some Partners continue struggling in attracting funds for their projects. Lack of resources and capacity as well as political engagement from decision-makers are other important challenges that PCSD Partnership members have faced during the last year.
Despite the latter, the PCSD Partnership, which is a knowledge-sharing partnership, has managed to achieve many of its core initiatives with limited or no extra funding. It encourages potential partner institutions that work on similar issues to exploit complementarities, add value to ongoing work, and avoid duplication.
Beneficiaries include members of the OECD Network of National Focal Points for Policy Coherence, policy makers, parliamentarians, researchers, civil society organisations and private sector actors that work to implement the SDGs locally, nationally and globally.