Progress report for
Implementation of a monitoring and sensitization program in peruvian industrial anchovy fishery, based on the ecosystem management approaches
Achievement at a glance
The experience of TASA was collected in a handbook called Pesca Responsable and registered in *INDECOPI under file number N 1058-2017. This handbook details the stages of the program, the Sustainable Fishery Kit on Board and the educational material like syllabus and methodology guide used for training. During 2018, we are going to prepare a new edition of the handbook for its spread among organizations in the fishery sector interested in implementing the program.<br>
<br>Since 2015 we have been able to spread the program through a total of ten presentations among forums and science congresses at the national and international level. We can name the most outstanding events: in 2016 during the XI SOLAMAC (Latin American Society of Specialists in Aquatic Mammals) in Valparaso, Chile, we won the second place in the videos night. In 2017 we presented at the ICES ASC 2017 (Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA) a scientific poster showing the preliminary results of fish releases and sightings during the past nine years. In addition, our TASA Cuidamar made presentations in two workshops where they shared their experiences with crew members from other companies: (I) Workshop for release of sea turtles, organized by the Sociedad Nacional de Pesqueria (SNP) and NGO WWF Peru, (II) Workshop Onboard Observer Training, organized by SNP and the NGO CEDEPESCA.
<br>On February 7th, 2018, we officially delivered to the NGO Pro Delphinus our complete data about sightings and releases of diverse species of marine top predators. This data was collected by our crews on board of our 48 vessels since 2008. The objective of sharing this information is to contribute to the sustainable marine management of the Peruvian fishing industry, through scientific fishing and marine research.
<br>*INDECOPI: National Institute for the Defense of Competition and Protection of Intellectual Property.