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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

Become a Partnership Accelerator trainer in the Caribbean

The Third International Conference on Small Island Developing States was held in September 2014 in Apia, Samoa. At the Conference, member States recognized - through the outcome document, the SAMOA Pathway - that international cooperation and partnerships of various kinds and across a wide variety of stakeholders are critical for the implementation of the sustainable development of SIDS. Such partnerships are to be based on the principles of national ownership, mutual trust, transparency, and accountability.

Multisectoral partnerships have the capacity to enhance the effectiveness/impact of interventions and accelerate progress in achieving these development plans. There is a science and building blocks to effective partnering. However, while the need for partnerships is widely recognized, there exists limited formalized training in this area and a pool of professional trainers within the Caribbean.

The application process to become Partnership Accelerator trainer in the Caribbean is now open. Those selected will receive relevant material, virtual training, coaching, and take part in an in-person national partnership workshop in the region to gain hands-on training experience. The purpose of the trainers is to ultimately contribute to the replication of partnership support in the region.

More information at apply at: