UN-IATT-WS6 Capacity Building Course on Technology for Development: Innovation Policies for SDGs in the Arab Region
In the framework of the UN Inter-Agency Task Team (IATT) on Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) -Work Stream 6 (WS6), seven UN agencies namely UNDESA, UNIDO, UNESCO, UNCTAD, ITU, WIPO and UNU-Merit have developed a 5-day capacity building course on the framework, policies and measurement of innovation in the context of SDGs. The course aims to introduce the participants to the five aspects of innovation: policies, conceptual framework of the STI for SDGs, design and implementation, as well as monitoring and evaluation.
The Technology for Development Division (TDD) at the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) is organizing, in collaboration with the IATT-WS6, a regional capacity building course on Technology for Development: Innovation Policies for SDGs in the Arab Region. The course will be held during the period 15-19 April 2018 in Amman-Jordan.