National Capacity Building Workshop on “Improved Local and National Government Capacities for Localizing SDGs Through Voluntary Local Reviews” in Eswatini
Tue 15 Oct 2024, 9.00 am — Thu 17 Oct 2024, 6.00 pmRelated
The Division for Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DSDG/UNDESA), in collaboration with the Ministries of Economic Planning and Development and of Housing and Urban Development of the Kingdom of Eswatini, the Resident Coordinators Office and UNDP Eswatini, is organizing a series of webinars and a capacity development workshop on Voluntary Local Reviews and the Localization of the SDGs in Eswatini.
The webinars were held from 17-19 September 2024 in advance of an in-person capacity development workshop on SDG localization scheduled for 15-17 October in Matsapha, Eswatini. The webinar series focused on general introduction to voluntary local reviews, stakeholder engagement as well as on data and statistics for preparation of VLRs.
This capacity building workshop aims to support the acceleration and scaling up of SDGs implementation and localization in Eswatini through the preparations of voluntary local reviews and their linkages to national development plans and, through this process, to build the capacities of government officials at the national and subnational levels for effective SDGs implementation through an innovative, evidence based and inclusive process at all levels, and reviewing and monitoring of progress.
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