Local Governments and Municipal Authorities (LGMA) Constituency High Level Panel: Connecting the Critical Agendas of COP 27,COP 15, the Convention on Wetlands and the Wetland City Accreditation Scheme
Wed 22 Mar 2023, 12.30 pm
Conference Room B, UNHQ, New York
ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability, ICLEI–Local Governments for Sustainability; Ministry of Environment, Climate,Tourism & Hospitality Industry, Zimbabwe; WaterNet; CaP-Net UNDP; WRC; East Africa Local Government Association; Ministry for Kampala
Examine the Knowledge-Policy-Practice nexus between COP 27,COP 15, the Convention on Wetlands & Wetland City Accreditation Scheme: Connecting Critical Agendas to accelerate achievement of SDGs 6&11.