Joint Event of the General Assembly and the Economic and Social Council “The role of partnerships in the implementation of the Post-2015 Development Agenda”
Trusteeship Council Chamber
The Outcome Document of the Special Event to Follow‐Up Efforts to Achieve the Millennium Development Goals held on September 25th of 2013 underscored the need to strengthen the existing global partnership for development under MDG 8 and build new partnerships for sustainable development.
With less than 800 days remaining, efforts must be intensified for the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals by 2015, building on successful, effective and well-managed national, regional and global strategies that have allowed the international community to meet several of the MDG targets and to achieve significant and substantial advances in those goals and targets that have not yet been met. Strengthened global partnerships for development will be a catalyst for the international community to aspire and advance towards an ambitious and transformative sustainable development agenda beyond 2015.
National ownership will be a fundamental factor of the post 2015 development agenda. National efforts will also need to be assisted by international support and an enabling international environment. The mobilization and effective use of all resources, public and private, domestic and international, will be vital. A renewed sense of partnership holds the key to both leveraging new public and private resources and leveraging stakeholders’ comparative advantage, including in the areas of research, technology, innovation, finance and human capacity.
With less than 800 days remaining, efforts must be intensified for the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals by 2015, building on successful, effective and well-managed national, regional and global strategies that have allowed the international community to meet several of the MDG targets and to achieve significant and substantial advances in those goals and targets that have not yet been met. Strengthened global partnerships for development will be a catalyst for the international community to aspire and advance towards an ambitious and transformative sustainable development agenda beyond 2015.
National ownership will be a fundamental factor of the post 2015 development agenda. National efforts will also need to be assisted by international support and an enabling international environment. The mobilization and effective use of all resources, public and private, domestic and international, will be vital. A renewed sense of partnership holds the key to both leveraging new public and private resources and leveraging stakeholders’ comparative advantage, including in the areas of research, technology, innovation, finance and human capacity.
Closing Session
Opening Session

Multi-stakeholder partnerships
Related Goals