Outside the Conference Venue Side Events Summaries 2022 UN Ocean Conference OBZ_A call to Action from artisanal fishing communities, essential users of the oceans.pdf OBZ_Addressing Marine Pollution in the Atlantic Ocean_ The role of interregional cooperation and EU leverages.pdf OBZ_Belgian-Portuguese Routes for the Blue Economy - Living Labs _ Pilot Tests.pdf OBZ_Biomolecular Observations in support of conservation and sustainable development.pdf OBZ_Biorock® Technology for Climate Proofing Beaches, Regenerating Marine Ecosystems, and Sustainable Mariculture.pdf OBZ_Breakfast Briefing_ Fisheries Management as Climate Action.pdf OBZ_Building a Bridge between Science and Sustainable Action in Managing Impacts of Non-Indigenous Species in the Mediterranean Sea.pdf OBZ_DIALOGUES FOR MARINE CONSERVATION AND ARTISANAL SMALL-SCALE FISHERIES_ A VISION FROM ARTISANAL SMALL-SCALE FISHERIES, SEEKING EQUITY, SOCIAL JUSTICE, SUSTAINABILITY AND PEACE.pdf OBZ_Digital Ocean Systems to support _ strenghthen implementation of the sustainable development goals.pdf OBZ_Driving Ocean Protection _ Tourism in the Blue Economy.pdf OBZ_EAF-Nansen Programme_ a long-term partnership for sustainable use of the Ocean.pdf OBZ_Educating Ocean and Maritime Leaders_ A Legacy of Excellence and Future Plans at the World Maritime University.pdf OBZ_Empowering Women for the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development.pdf OBZ_Future Earth’s marine networks_ a trans- and interdisciplinary scientific community working toward the achievement of the SDGs.pdf OBZ_Global Innovation through Science and Technology (GIST)_ Startup Pitch Showcase for Innovative Water Solutions.pdf OBZ_Guided Tour of ALGATEC Eco Business Park, the largest microalgae production platform in Europe.pdf OBZ_I’s on the Ocean_ Integration, Implementation, Impact.pdf OBZ_Interoperable, transparent, and accessible marine data for the UN 2030 Agenda, the UN Ocean Decade, and for the benefit of all.pdf OBZ_Justice - A Manual for Criminal Justice Practioners.pdf OBZ_Launch of “Urban Rivers” documentary_ interactions among people, the urban environment, rivers, and the sea.pdf OBZ_Biodiversity for a Resilient Planet A Deeper Look - DOSI Comms.pdf OBZ_Ocean Conservation Journeys_ Stories from Leaders Advancing Ocean Conservation at New Scales.pdf OBZ_Ocean Literacy Dialogues.pdf OBZ_Ocean Sand_ Risks and Opportunities for Sustainability and Equity.pdf OBZ _ Addressing Marine Pollution in the Atlantic Ocean- The role of interregional cooperation and EU leverages.pdf OBZ_ The future and ocean WE (ALL) want_ Inclusion and integration for strong, sustainable and equitable blue economies.pdf OBZ_Launch of the Global Ocean Energy Alliance (GLOEA).pdf OBZ_Managing Antibiotic Risks in Aquaculture.pdf OBZ_Marine Cloud Brightening-a governance dilemma.pdf OBZ_Marine Debris Monitoring and Assessment_ Recommendation for Monitoring Debris Trend in Marine Environment.pdf OBZ_Marine Life Observations_ Integrating Biology and ecology observations.pdf OBZ_Marine megafauna _ blue carbon_ how protecting charismatic ocean species contributes to climate protection.pdf OBZ_Ocean Acidification_ Co-designing data connections to underserved communities for equitable outcomes.pdf OBZ_Ocean Bachelor (under preparation) Meet the Ocean NOW.pdf OBZ_Ocean Literate Society - Youth Engagement and Intergenerational Collaboration.pdf OBZ_Ocean Observing for Ocean Sustainability.pdf OBZ_Ocean of Solutions to Tackle Climate Change and Biodiversity Loss.pdf OBZ_Ocean Science Capacity as a Condition to Achieving SDG 14- Perspectives and Solutions.pdf OBZ_Our Ocean Future_ Empowering the next generation of Ocean Leaders.pdf OBZ_Production of green energy from organic waste to preserve mangroves and increase the income of women salt producers in the village of Djègbadji, in southwestern Benin.pdf OBZ_Putting theory into practice_ systems change as a tool for tackling ocean plastic pollution at source.pdf OBZ_Reduce ocean noise and save our ocean.pdf OBZ_Research and Innovation as Key Pillars of a Regenerative Development of the Red Sea.pdf OBZ_Seabed Cleaning_ From Microplastics to Human Health.pdf OBZ_Small-scale fisheries’ contribution to food and nutrition security and healthy oceans in West Africa.pdf OBZ_SMART Subsea Cables in One Sustainable Ocean_ Observing the Global Ocean for Climate Monitoring and Disaster Warning and Risk Reduction.pdf OBZ_Solutions and partnerships to promote sustainable fishing and strengthen implementation of international instruments to prevent, deter and eliminate IUU fishing.pdf OBZ_Sounds of the Ocean.pdf OBZ_The case for territorial seas in achieving 30x30_ Conserving coastal ecosystems for locally led livelihoods.pdf OBZ_The Ocean as a global common Connecting generations of stakeholders through storytelling.pdf OBZ_The Ocean Impact Navigator_ Harnessing Innovation and a New Impact Measurement Framework to Regenerate Ocean Health.pdf OBZ_United by the Sea Film Sessions – film and debate.pdf OBZ_Welcome Outside the Box! From Blue Food for Thought to Blue Food for Action - Making Ocean Protection the Norm rather than the Exception.pdf OBZ_Why are we not saving the ocean.pdf