The exhibitions programme for the UN 2023 Water Conference featured a curated set of exhibitions within the UN Headquarters in New York, hosted by Member States, UN system entities, many of which were organized in collaboration with relevant stakeholders. Revisit the exhibitions through the slideshow below.
The Water Tunnel
Organized by the Governments of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Republic of Tajikistan
Let yourself get inspired in the ‘Water Tunnel’, right in front of the main entrance of the United Nations Headquarters. You can walk through three different rooms with different themes: The Netherlands and Tajikistan as water countries, global water challenges and hope and solutions for a water secure world.
Run Blue Campaign
Organized by Thirst Foundation and supported by the Governments of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Republic of Tajikistan
Water is everything. But the world’s efforts to achieve SDG6 are way off track. The Run Blue Campaign is helping to change this by inspiring a global grassroots movement for water, sparking interest in the UN Water Conference, and driving urgent action by governments, businesses and individuals on water. At the heart of Run Blue is an extraordinary journey. On World Water Day in 2022, Mina Guli, a renowned water activist and ultra-distance runner, set off to run 200 marathon across the globe in 1 year to raise awareness about the scale of the world’s water crisis – with the final marathon ending here in New York at the start of the UN Water Conference.
For more information, visit Mina Guli | Run Blue
Sanitation Work: Light at the end of the tunnel
Organized by International Labour Organization, WaterAid, World Bank, World Health Organization, SNV Netherlands Development Organization
Sanitation workers provide an essential public service around the world, but often at the cost of their health, safety, and dignity. Despite their important role, they are some of the most vulnerable people in the workforce. Too few countries have sufficient policies and regulations to protect these workers, and their plight continues to go unrecognized. Efforts to achieve ambitious global targets on safely managed sanitation cannot be achieved at the cost of sanitation workers’ rights. This exhibition is the testimony of nine sanitation workers in their own words. Some have their rights upheld. Others do not.
For more information, visit https://sanitationwork.wateraid.org/
Road to the 10th World Water Forum, Bali, 18-24 May 2024
Organized by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the World Water Council
World Water Forum is the largest international forum in the water sector which is held every three years. The forum addresses challenging water issues and discusses the solutions into actions to solve those issues. The Forum brings together participants from all levels and areas, including politics, multilateral institutions, academia, civil society, and the private sector. The 10th World Water Forum will take place in Bali, Indonesia from 18th to 24th May 2024 bearing the theme of “Water for Shared Prosperity”.
For more information, visit https://worldwaterforum.org/
Tajikistan's Development Story **
Organized by the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, with support from UNICEF and the EU on VR
For the last two decades Tajikistan has played a crucial role in promoting the global water agenda as an initiator of the Dushanbe Water Process. By organizing "Tajikistan's Development Story" Exhibition, Tajikistan would like to showcase the pathway of its historical development towards gaining independence, from civil war agony to peaceful and sustainable development the linchpin of which is country's commitment to promote the global water agenda, the integrated water resources management and enhancing mutually beneficial cooperation. Through Paintings and short videos in the Exhibition the participants will have a chance to see Tajikistan's history from the ancient and medieval times to the modern period, including the establishment and further reinforcement of the Tajikistan-UN ties. Given the importance of technologies and innovation advancement, the Exhibition will offer the opportunity to enjoy the natural landscape of Tajikistan using VR Goggles.
** Restricted access: Only accessible to D and O pass holders during business hours. UN Staff can access during business hours if in possession of an all-area UNGA 77 secondary pass. NGOs Pass holders, temporary conference pass holders and staff can access after 6pm with a secondary special event ticket.
Walk of Water: An Intergenerational Journey
Organized by: UNESCO World Water Assessment Programme (WWAP); EU Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC); IHE Institute for Water Education, Delft; InfoNile; UNESCO IHP's Global Network of Water Museums; Water Science Policy (WSP); with support from the Arts Coalition for Water: UNESCO Intergovernmental Hydrological Programme; UNESCO International Centre for Water Security and Sustainable Management; UNESCO Chair Water, Ports and Historic Cities; UNESCO Culture Division; Aquafed; Global Water Partnership –Mediterranean; Greening the Islands; International Water Resources Association; Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Italy; Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia; Netherlands National IHP-HWRP Committee; Oxford Water Network; Union for the Mediterranean; Univerde Foundation; Water Youth Network; Women for Water Partnership; and Youth 2030: The UN Youth Strategy.
The Walk of Water will highlight different perspectives of water across a temporal scale: past, present, and future. It will feature five different exhibitions which have been combined into an overall installation, each focusing on a specific aspect of time. These are:
- ‘I Remember Water’ photographs (past)
- ‘EverydayNile’ photographs (present)
- ‘Water, Partnerships and Cooperation’ photostories (present)
- ‘The Water We Want’ children’s drawings (future)
- ‘Gateway for the Future of the Mediterranean’ paintings and augmented reality book launch (future)
For more information, visit: https://walkofwater.org/
Innovation Pavilion - Accelerating Change
Organized by the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
Get inspired by the solutions and technologies showcased at the Innovation Pavilion hosted by the Kingdom of the Netherlands during the UN 2023 Water Conference. The Innovation Pavilion consists of 6 exhibition booths showcasing transformative and scalable solutions under the following daily themes:
DAY 1: Water Quantity |
DAY 2: Water Quality |
Aquifer Recharge (Acacia Water) | Climate Smart Agriculture (Netherland Food Partnership HZPC) | Sanitation Challenge (Toiletboard Coalition) |
Supply Chain Risk (WaterPlan) | Decentral drinking water (Source.co) | Utility of the Future (World Bank Group) |
Data Innovation (World Bank Group) | Youth Innovations (Genu/Wavemakers) | SDG 6 Monitoring (SDG 6 Group/ UN Water) |
Circularity (Van der Hoeven Horticulture) | Nature Based Solutions (The Nature Conservancy) | Nature Based Solutions (Safe Water Gardens) |
Urban Climate Resilience (Wavin/Global Compact) | Limiting Waste (What Design Can Do) | Results based funding (Uptime Water) |
Quantity Challenge (100+ Accelerator) | Quality Challenge (WEF & Uplink) |
Innovative Finance (Aqua for All) |
For more information, visit Overview of Exhibitors - Innovation Pavilion (powered by the Kingdom of the Netherlands)
SDG Media Zone
Organized by the UN Department of Global Communications, in collaboration with the PVBLIC Foundation and the UN System.
Join the conversation in the SDG Media Zone on the transformation and solutions needed to achieve SDG 6 and hear how the global community are accelerating progress towards this goal.
For more information, https://www.un.org/en/sdgmediazone/programme