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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)

1. Since the adoption of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs, has the governing body of your organization taken (or will it take) any decisions or new strategies to guide the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs? If any, please provide a brief summary below, including the overarching vision of your organization.


UNFPA has developed and started implementing a new Strategic Plan (2018-2021) that is fully in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Furthermore, UNFPA is committed to working together with UNDP, UNICEF as well as UN Women on the principles of "leaving no one behind' and "reaching the furthest behind" and has therefore integrated a Common Chapter in its Strategic Plan that is identical among all four agencies. This will harness the respective collaborative advantage in six key areas to ensure multi-sectoral approaches and positive multiplier effects across the SDGs.

The overarching vision and strategic direction of UNFPA is to ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights, focusing on women, adolescents and youth, which is critical in fulfilling the core principle of the 2030 Agenda "leave no one behind and reach the furthest behind first". The Strategic Plan also addresses transformative results to be achieved by 2030: (a) ending unmet demand for family planning; (b) ending preventable maternal deaths; and (c) ending violence and harmful practices against women and girls. These transformative results will contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, and in particular, good health and well-being, the advancement of gender equality, and the empowerment of women and adolescent girls, with a focus on eradicating poverty.


2.1 SDG-specific strategies, plans or work programmes

UNFPA's Strategic Plan (2018-2021) addresses transformative results that will contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. UNFPA is implementing its strategic plan to mobilize and align its institutional strategies to the 2030 Agenda and is monitoring the 17 UNFPA-prioritized SDG indicators. Furthermore, the Common Chapter of the 4 agencies, funds and programmes (UNDP, UNICEF, UN Women and UNFPA) focuses on poverty eradication, gender equality and women's empowerment, data, the humanitarian and development nexus, climate change, adolescent and maternal health and HIV, The Common Chapter roll-out will contribute jointly to the implementation of the SDGs in a collaborative manner, in accordance with the respective mandates, and in partnership with other members of the United Nations family, building on each other's transformative strength.


2.2 Aligning the structure of the organization with the transformative features of the 2030 Agenda, including any challenges and lessons learned in doing so

With UNFPA's Strategic Plan 2018-2021 in place, the fund committed itself to undergo a Comprehensive Resources Review (CRR) to further improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization to deliver on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The process has a strong focus on headquarters functions, processes and structures following earlier reviews and realignments in Country and Regional Offices. The major aim is to better use UNFPA staff and resources to bring the work of the organization closer to the country level leaving no one behind. Further details will be worked out in the coming weeks under guidance from the Executive Board.


2.4 Action to enhance support to the principle of "leaving no one behind" and to integrated policy approaches:

UNFPA's Strategic Plan has adopted the key principle of the 2030 Agenda "leaving no one behind and reaching the furthest behind first". The Fund's strength in data collection/methodological development/analysis which is intended to measure progress and impact on diverse population groups, including the most vulnerable and marginalized, would inform UNFPA's policies and programmes to support the principle.


3.1 Mainstreaming the SDGs in development plans and policies or through national sustainable development plans/strategies:

Responding to the request for coherent and integrated support from the UN system, the UNDG, including UNFPA, has rolled out a common approach known as MAPS (Mainstreaming, Acceleration, Policy Support). UNFPA, with its broad country-level presence is engaged – and in many cases – leads on behalf of the UNCT in the wide spectrum of the SDG nationalization process.


3.3 Data and statistical capacity building:

As an active member of the Inter-agency Expert Group on SDG Indicators (IAEG-SDGs), UNFPA has worked closely with other UN agencies in developing metadata and methodologies for the selected SDG indicators of which UNFPA is a co-/custodian agency. As a result, UNFPA is currently monitoring the 17 UNFPA-prioritized SDG indicators and supports governments in the substantial implementation. Furthermore, UNFPA conducted the SDG capacity building regional workshops from September to December 2016 to ensure a common understanding of the definitions and metadata, data gaps and required actions at country level for 17 selected SDG indicators that are priority for UNFPA and are critical to the linkages between the SDGs and ICPD monitoring and reporting mechanisms at all levels.


3.6 Sub-national plans/strategies and implementation for the SDGs:

In late 2016, UNFPA developed an integrated guidance note on operationalizing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the ICPD. The document serves as a guidance for UNFPA country offices and its purpose is three-fold. First, it is intended to provide UNFPA staff in the field with a better understanding of the 2030 Agenda, particularly as it relates to the ICPD Agenda and the mandate of UNFPA. This includes the linkages between both development agendas. Second, it aims at supporting UNFPA to position the ICPD in the emerging development landscape, including at national and regional levels. This guide also sheds light on the transitional arrangements in place for the development of new country programmes in the context of the 2030 Agenda and ICPD.


4.1 Supporting the intergovernmental body of your organization in contributing to the thematic review of the HLPF:

UNFPA has contributed actively to and participated in the work of the HLPF. The Organization contributed substantive inputs to the thematic briefs for the HLPF, organized a number of side events that are relevant to UNFPA's work; developed and disseminated advisory notes to all UNFPA business units including UNFPA Regional and Country Offices which helped facilitating their engagements with national counterparts; and provided support for the preparations and of voluntary national reviews through UNFPA Country Offices. UNFPA has also provided technical support to Member States in the lead-up to and during the intergovernmental consultations which effectively informed the negotiations of the Ministerial Declaration of the HLPF.


5. How has your organization cooperated with other UN system organizations to achieve coherence and synergies in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs? In this regard, has your organization launched or intend to launch any joint programmes or projects in collaboration with other UN entities? Are there any results or lessons you would like to highlight that might help improve the design and impact of such efforts? Has your organization participated in any of the following coordination systemwide mechanisms or any other relevant platform - CEB, UNDG, EC-ESA Plus, RCMs, UN-Energy, UN-Water, UN-Ocean, IAEG, IATT?  Please specify which and indicate any suggestions you may have about improving collaborations within and across these mechanisms/platforms:


UNFPA has a strong commitment to enhance coherence and synergies by collaborating with other UN system organizations such as UNDP, UNICEF and UN Women for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, in line with the 2016 Quadrennial Comprehensive Policy Review (QCPR) and the SG's UN Reform initiatives. The Common Chapter of the 4 agencies, funds and programmes' Strategic Plans contributes jointly to the implementation of the SDGs in a collaborative manner by building on each other's transformative strength. Furthermore, UNFPA is also committed to the "Delivering as One" approach and the system-wide coherence principles contained in the Standard Operating Procedures, and its country programmes are fully aligned with the United Nations Development Assistance Frameworks (UNDAF).

As an active member of the Inter-agency Expert Group on SDG Indicators (IAEG-SDGs), UNFPA has worked closely with other UN agencies in developing metadata and methodologies for the selected SDG indicators of which UNFPA is a co-/custodian agency.

UNFPA has worked closely with UN Regional Economic Commissions to ensure that the resolutions establishing the Regional Forums for Sustainable Development (RFSD), as well as the work programmes of the RFSD, incorporated the follow up to the outcomes of the major UN Conferences and Summits of the 1990s, including the ICPD Programme of Action.

On the programmatic side, there are a number of joint initiatives that UNFPA is undertaking with other UN organizations. The UNFPA-UNICEF Joint Programme on Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) has demonstrated the effectiveness of the two UN agencies working as partners to eliminate the FGM, and UNFPA has launched a new roadmap to reduce new HIV infections with UNAIDS in 2017. All of these joint initiatives/programmes contribute to achieving the SDGs.

Furthermore, the UNDG has rolled out a common approach known as MAPS (Mainstreaming, Acceleration, Policy Support) to better support Member States in the implementation of the SDGs. MAPS de-facto represents a set of tools and shared resource to the UNCTs to engage with the governments and partners on the SDGs. At the global level, UNFPA has actively participated in the development of different elements of the common approach, including the Reference Guide on Mainstreaming the SDGs. UNFPA field colleagues viewed a common platform as a means to facilitate coordinated and harmonious support to the SDGs delivery, improved division of labor with leveraged resources and individual comparative advantages of UN agencies. UNFPA, with its broad country-level presence is engaged - and in many cases - leads on behalf of the UNCT in the wide spectrum of the SDG nationalization process. Following the broad categories of the UNDG Mainstreaming Guide under the MAPS approach, UNFPA colleagues are active in raising public awareness, applying multi- stakeholder approaches, tailoring the SDGs to the national context, and based on our comparative advantage in data, supporting monitoring and reporting of SDGs.


6. How has your organization engaged with stakeholder groups, both in supporting implementation at the country, regional and global levels, and within your own organization? If yes, please provide main highlights, including any lessons learned:

UNFPA has engaged with various stakeholders including Member States and has a proven record of unleashing the creative potential of partnerships through alliances with the, civil society, such as youth organization, faith-based organizations, religious groups, parliamentarians, philanthropic organizations, International Financial Institutions (IFIs), the scientific community and the private sector at all levels for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. UNFPA has organized a number of regional consultations with Member States and convened a series of briefings with civil society organizations to provide evidence-based information, best practices and lessons learned on the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the ICPD. UNFPA's advocacy initiatives and joint programmes with various stakeholders continue to strengthen its partnerships for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda.


7. Has your organization organized any conferences, forums or events designed to facilitate exchange of experience, peer and mutual learning? If yes, please provide a brief summary below and include lessons learned and gaps identified based on the outcomes of these events. Please also include any events you plan to organize in the coming years.


UNFPA has organized a range of webinars including on Gender Based Violence in Emergencies, Capacity Building for Disasters as Opportunities, Capacity building for the SDGs and the impact on UNFPA Programming. In addition, UNFPA co-/organized some side events during the HLPF in 2016-2017 including on: a) "Linking reducing inequalities to eradicating poverty in the changing region of Latin America and the Caribbean: The perspectives of faith communities"; and b) "Making sustainable development work at all ages: Eradicating poverty and promoting prosperity for older persons".

UNFPA conducted the SDG capacity building regional workshops from September to December 2016 to ensure a common understanding of the definitions and metadata, data gaps and required actions at country level for 17 selected SDG indicators that are priority for UNFPA and are critical to the linkages between the SDGs and ICPD monitoring and reporting mechanisms at all levels.


8. Is there any other information you would like to share, including annual reports of your organization and any impact assessment or evaluation reports? If yes, please use the space below and attach the document(s). Please also use this space to provide any other information, comments or remarks you deem necessary:

Please find attached the UNFPA Annual Report 2016. The Annual Report 2017 is currently drafted and will be made available later this year.


9. In your view, what should a strategic plan for the UN system in support of the 2030 Agenda and SDGs look like? What key elements should it include and major challenges address in such a road map?

A strategic plan for the UN system in support of the 2030 Agenda and SDG should be aligned with the System-Wide Strategic Document of the UNDG The System-Wide Strategic Document provides a roadmap for more coherent UN development system support to countries in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.More concretely, the Strategic Plan's common chapter, which spells out the comparative advantage of the UN system to deliver on the 2030 Agenda, as well as other strategic organizational guidance should be taken into consideration in order to operationalize the system accordingly.


10. Please indicate one or two endeavor or initiatives you suggest that the UN system organizations could undertake together to support the implementation of the SDGs between now and 2030:


- Delivering as One (DaO) remains as the "model" for the UN's work at country level and the Fund commits to enhancement, simplification and harmonization efforts especially across business operations to achieve further efficiencies. Thereby, UNFPA will seek to ensure that in line with the Strategic Plan 2018-21, our programmes achieve optimal alignment with national development needs and priorities, regional agendas and with universal values and norms.

- UNDS reforms acknowledge and re-assert internationally agreed objectives, norms and values, such as those in the ICPD PoA, all of which had served as a basis for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and safeguard human rights advancement around the globe. Sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights should be seen as an integral and central part of the sustainable development agenda, without which other objectives in the social, economic and environmental pillars cannot be achieved.



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ECESA Plus Member
Year of submission: 2019