United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA)
1. In the past year, has the governing body of your organization taken any decisions to advance sustainable, inclusive, science- and evidence-based solutions for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and ensure that no one is left behind? If yes, please briefly mention these decisions taken by your governing body in 2024 and provide the respective symbols.
In 2024, the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space agreed on the following text and noted that Romania, in its capacity as holder of the Chair of the Subcommittee, would seek its inclusion in the outcome document of the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development to be held in July 2024: “Promote the use of space science, technology, data and applications for agriculture, food security and climate action, and advance capacity - building, education and training in space science and applications, in particular for developing countries”.
2. During 2024, what actions have your entities taken to improve coordination among UN system entities across policy and normative activities as well as with ECOSOC subsidiary bodies with a view to increase impact and accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda? Please provide any relevant links.
UNOOSA implements the United Nations Platform for Space-based Information for Disaster Management and Emergency Response (UN-SPIDER) as a Programme of the UN. UN-SPIDER represents UNOOSA in the UN Geospatial Network, a UN interagency coordination mechanisms that works to improve coordination among UN-system entities on geospatial data and technology. The Network reports to the UN-GGIM Committee of Experts, an ECOSOC subsidiary body.
One of the main goals of the UN Geospatial Network is to better coordinate provision of geospatial data and services to member states for the achievement of their sustainable development related targets. https://www.un.org/geospatialnetwork/
The UN-Space coordination mechanism of which UNOOSA is the Secretariat, similarly coordinates interagency space data and technology access related efforts, with the SDGs being a key focus. https://www.unoosa.org/oosa/en/ourwork/un-space/iam/43rd-session.html
3. In the past year, has your organization organized any intergovernmentally mandated conferences, forums or events that contributed to the achievement of the SDGs, or has been in the process of planning and organizing any such mandated events to be held next year?
Event Name | United Nations/WHO Regional Conference on Space Technology for Advancing Global Health |
Event Dates | 23-25 October 2024 |
Event Location (City, Country) | Vienna, Austria |
Relevant SDGs | SDG 3, Global Health and well-being |
Description (max 150 words): please include a short summary of the event’s mandate and contributions to the SDGs, including its main outcome(s) | The United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs and the World Health Organization are co-organizing, in collaboration with the Space and Global Health Network hosted by the Geneva Digital Health Hub, the Regional Conference on Space Technology for Advancing Global Health to raise awareness, build capacity and increase collaboration between the space domain and the global health domain, by inviting decision-makers and practitioners from both domains to share their experiences in the Latin America and the Caribbean region .
Website (if applicable) |
Event Name | Fourth Space4Water Stakeholder Meeting |
Event Dates | 23-24 October 2024 |
Event Location (City, Country) | Vienna, Austria |
Relevant SDGs | SDG 6, SDG13, SDG 14, SDG 15, SDG 17 |
Description (max 150 words): please include a short summary of the event’s mandate and contributions to the SDGs, including its main outcome(s) | The United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs with the kind support of the Prince Sultan Bin Abdulaziz International Prize for Water organised the Fourth Space4Water Stakeholder Meeting online. During this meeting, presentations from major space agencies, water agencies and a disaster coordination entity were delivered, including two country case studies on the use of space technologies for water management and aquatic ecosystem preservations were delivered, one for Brazil and one for the Gambia. Furthermore, a space-based solution to use Earth observations to identify optimum sites for rainwater harvesting implemented Open Source was presented. Hands on sessions to co-design space-based solutions addressing six water challenges faced by the members of the community of practice (Space4Water Stakeholders) were organised in which participants interacted lively to address the challenges. Follow up sessions to further implement the solutions will be organised online with each group individually.
Website (if applicable) |
Event Name | Space Situational Awareness Training Events |
Event Dates | 3 and 4 June 2024 |
Event Location (City, Country) | Online |
Relevant SDGs | SDG 4 on quality education, SDG 8 on decent work and economic growth and SDG 9 on industry, innovation and infrastructure |
Description (max 150 words): please include a short summary of the event’s mandate and contributions to the SDGs, including its main outcome(s) | In connection, in particular, with SDG 4 on quality education and SDG 9 on industry, innovation and infrastructure, the Office for Outer Space Affairs held two trainings, which provided demonstrations of, and information on, free, publicly accessible space situational awareness tools. Participants were invited to have interactive exchanges with the presenters, focusing on how to access and make practical use of the tools. The trainings took place online on 3 and 4 June 2024 as part of the Office's ongoing "Awareness-raising and capacity-building related to the implementation of the Guidelines for the Long-term Sustainability of Outer Space Activities" project. |
Website (if applicable) | spacesustainability.unoosa.org |
Event Name | United Nations/Costa Rica/PSIPW Sixth Conference on the Use of Space Technology for Water Management |
Event Dates | 07-11 May 2024 |
Event Location (City, Country) | San José, Costa Rica |
Relevant SDGs | SDG 6 Clean Water and Sanitation, SDG 2, Zero Hunger, SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals |
Description (max 150 words): please include a short summary of the event’s mandate and contributions to the SDGs, including its main outcome(s) | The United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA), in collaboration with the Government of Costa Rica and the Prince Sultan Bin Abdulaziz International Prize for Water (PSIPW), organized a conference from 7-11 May 2024 in San José, Costa Rica, hosted by the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA). The event aimed to empower developing countries by enhancing their capacity to utilize space technology for water management and research. The current conference edition focused on monitoring the water-food nexus. It featured scientific and technical presentations and discussions addressing global and regional water challenges. Experts from various regions presented case studies on how space-based technology has tangibly improved water management. Additionally, a panel discussion explored can support end users in governmental organisations. Complementing the theoretical sessions, hands-on trainings on Earth Observation for Water Quality Monitoring and on using GEOGloWS ECMWF Streamflow Services was offered. The conference also facilitated multilateral discussions with Costa Rican water management institutions, fostering knowledge sharing and cooperation to support water-related initiatives. |
Website (if applicable) |
Event Name | UNOOSA/UNU Regional Space Law Technical Advisory Mission for Asia and the Pacific Countries |
Event Dates | 16 - 18 January 2024 |
Event Location (City, Country) | Tokyo, Japan |
Relevant SDGs | SDG 4: Quality Education, SDG 5: Gender Equality, SDG 16: Peace and Justice Institution |
Description (max 150 words): please include a short summary of the event’s mandate and contributions to the SDGs, including its main outcome(s) | UNOOSA and the UNU co-organized a Regional Space Law Technical Advisory Mission targeted and tailored for the governmental authorities of Asia and the Pacific countries. The three-day in-person event was held at UNU in Tokyo and featured various central aspects of global governance of outer space activities, fundamental principles of international space law, and mechanisms for developing national regulatory and policy frameworks. The mission focused on two of the seven key elements of a nation space law, namely authorization and licensing, as well as continuing supervision of outer space activities, which also included the licensing of commercial telecommunication and EO services, licensing of spacecraft performing on-orbit service and authorization and licensing of launch activities. The event was attended by more than 24 experts from the seven countries in Asia and the Pacific region, namely Bhutan, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mongolia, the Philippines, and Thailand, as well as observers from Japan. Female participants accounted for 50% of all participating officials. The event raised awareness of the importance of implementing national space laws to foster the safe and sustainable use of outer space. |
Website (if applicable) |
Event Name | Technical Advisory Mission to Malaysia, 2024 |
Event Dates | 14-16 May 2024
Event Location (City, Country) | Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia |
Relevant SDGs | SDG 4: Quality Education, SDG 5: Gender Equality, SDG 16: Peace and Justice Institution, SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals |
Description (max 150 words): please include a short summary of the event’s mandate and contributions to the SDGs, including its main outcome(s) | UNOOSA, with the support of France, delivered the Space Law Technical Advisory Mission targeted and tailored for the governmental authorities of Malaysia. The three-day in-person event featured various central aspects of importance of international and regional cooperation, fundamental principles of international space law, and mechanisms for developing national regulatory and policy frameworks. The event was attended by more than 65 Malaysian governmental officials, representatives of academia, and the private sector. This was the first event of its kind in Malaysia, where the Regulator connected with key space industry to discuss safe and sustainable space activities, thereby fostering dialogue not only cross-governmentally, but with all key stakeholders. Additionally, academia was invited to explore possibilities to include space law in future curriculum at university level. |
Website (if applicable) |
Event Name | Technical Advisory Mission to Monaco, 2024 |
Event Dates | 4-6 September 2024
Event Location (City, Country) | Monaco |
Relevant SDGs | SDG 4: Quality Education, SDG 5: Gender Equality, SDG 16: Peace and Justice Institution, SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals |
Description (max 150 words): please include a short summary of the event’s mandate and contributions to the SDGs, including its main outcome(s) | UNOOSA, upon the request from Monaco, delivered the Space Law Technical Advisory Mission targeted and tailored for the governmental authorities of Monaco. The three-day in-person event featured various central aspects of importance of international and regional cooperation, fundamental principles of international space law, and mechanisms for developing national regulatory and policy frameworks, including specifically the sustainable use of outer space through the implementation of space debris mitigation and remediation requirements. UNOOSA was asked to identify possible gaps in the draft space law of Monaco, and working together with international experts, promoted a regulatory approach which included forward thinking safety and sustainability mechanisms. In addition, benefits of COPUOS membership were highlighted during a high-level bilateral meeting. |
Website (if applicable) |
Event Name | Technical Advisory Mission to Morocco, 2024 |
Event Dates | 26 September 2024
Event Location (City, Country) | Rabat, Morocco |
Relevant SDGs | SDG 4: Quality Education, SDG 5: Gender Equality, SDG 16: Peace and Justice Institution, SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals |
Description (max 150 words): please include a short summary of the event’s mandate and contributions to the SDGs, including its main outcome(s) | UNOOSA delivered a Space Law Technical Advisory Mission targeted and tailored for the governmental authorities of Morocco. The event featured various central aspects of importance of international and regional cooperation, fundamental principles of international space law, and mechanisms for developing national regulatory and policy frameworks. The mission presented a broad range of ideas and national examples of models addressing: the importance of awareness of, and adherence to, the existing international legal instruments applicable to outer space activities, global governance of outer space activities, purpose and scope of a national space law, authorization, licensing and continuing supervision of space activities, state responsibility and liability, registration of space objects, and safety of space activities and debris mitigation requirements. International experts (out of which 60% were women)and UNOOSA staff shared their knowledge, expertise and country specific case-studies and diverse approaches regarding the safe and sustainable use of outer space.. |
Website (if applicable) |
Event Name | United Nations/Finland Workshop on the Applications of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) |
Event Dates | 23 – 26 October 2023 |
Event Location (City, Country) | Helsinki, Finland |
Relevant SDGs | 3, 7, 9 and 11 |
Description (max 150 words): please include a short summary of the event’s mandate and contributions to the SDGs, including its main outcome(s) | At its 65th session, the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space endorsed the programme of workshops, training courses, symposiums and conferences scheduled to be held in 2023 (A/77/20). Subsequently, the General Assembly recognized the capacity-building activities under the United Nations Programme on Space Applications in its resolution A/RES/77/121 of 12 December 2022 (para. 24).
The discussion session provided guidance on how institutions could work together through regional partnerships to share and transfer knowledge and develop joint activities and project proposals on the use of GNSS signals for navigation and positioning of in-orbit space operations particularly from low-Earth orbit to cis-Lunar (SDG 9) and use of GNSS technology for urban planning in order to pinpoint structures and reference points for cadastral and urban planning purpose (SDG 11).
Website (if applicable) |
Event Name | World Space Forum 2023 |
Event Dates | 5 – 7 December 2023 |
Event Location (City, Country) | Vienna, Austria |
Relevant SDGs | 4, 9, 13, and 17 |
Description (max 150 words): please include a short summary of the event’s mandate and contributions to the SDGs, including its main outcome(s) | At its 66th session, the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space supported the programme of activities under the United Nations Programme on Space Applications, which included the World Space Forum 2023 (A/78/20). The General Assembly further highlighted the importance of such initiatives in fostering international cooperation for the peaceful use of outer space in its resolution A/RES/78/110 of 15 December 2023. The World Space Forum 2023 provided a high-level platform for promoting sustainable space practices, in line with the Space 2030 Agenda. Key outcomes included strengthened collaboration between governments, the private sector, and civil society, with a focus on building capacity for developing countries to access and benefit from space technology (SDGs 4, 9, 13). Additionally, the forum emphasized climate resilience through satellite data and solutions, as well as reinforcing partnerships that promote space sustainability for all Member States (SDG 17). |
Website (if applicable) |
Event Name | United Nations workshop on the International Space Weather Initiative (ISWI): The way Forward |
Event Dates | 26 – 30 June 2023 |
Event Location (City, Country) | Vienna, Austria |
Relevant SDGs | 4, 9 and 17 |
Description (max 150 words): please include a short summary of the event’s mandate and contributions to the SDGs, including its main outcome(s) | At its 65th session, the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space endorsed the programme of workshops, training courses, symposiums and conferences scheduled to be held in 2023 (A/77/20). Subsequently, the General Assembly recognized the capacity-building activities under the United Nations Programme on Space Applications in its resolution A/RES/77/121 of 12 December 2022 (para. 24).
The key conclusions reached during the discussions highlighted that the annual United Nations workshops on ISWI should be continued in the future, for the training of less experienced researchers in ISWI instrument operation and the science of heliophysics in order to better define and characterize severe space weather events and their impacts on technological systems (SDGs 4 and 9). The partnerships already established with international scientific organizations need to be strengthened to ensure that such capacity-building activities are accomplished efficiently and for the benefit of all Member States (SDG 17). |
Website (if applicable) |
4. In the past year, has your organization published or planned to publish any analytical work, guidance or reference materials, or toolkits to guide and support the implementation of SDGs at national, regional and global levels? Please select up to three to highlight, especially those that address interlinkages among the SDGs.
Resource Name | Leveraging Space Technology for Agricultural Development and Food Security |
Relevant SDGs (list all relevant goals) | SDG2 Zero Hunger |
Publishing entity/entities | UNOOSA and FAO |
Target audience | Policy and decision-makers may engage with the publication to help inform themselves of work in the area and about opportunities for support, capacity-building and collaboration. More technical readers will also find value in the publication, as they may better understand the views of others working in other segments. |
Description (max 150 words) | Food security is increasingly critical as the global population is expected to reach 9.7 billion by 2050. Agriculture faces numerous challenges, and innovative solutions are necessary for addressing those challenges. Space technologies such as satellite imagery and Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) provide high-resolution data essential for precision agriculture, effective water management, crop monitoring, and accurate weather forecasting, thereby supporting informed decision-making and promoting sustainable agricultural practices. The publication aims to strengthen the link between GNSS, remote sensing technologies and the overall space sector with applications in the agrifood sector, for the advancement of updated and effective technologies ensuring food security. |
Language(s) | English only |
Website (if applicable) | Un-space.org |
5. The United Nations has defined six key transitions, or transformative entry points, that can have catalytic and multiplier effects across the SDGs and which have been guiding the UN development system work since the 2023 SDG Summit. In the past year, how has your organization contributed to these transformative actions and how various actors are being rallied behind them to mobilize further leadership and investment to bring progress to scale? Please provide any relevant links.
1. Food systems
UNOOSA has worked with FAO and others to raise awareness of the importance of geospatial data for food security and in support of agricultural activities.
2. Energy access and affordability
3. Digital connectivity
4. Education
5. Jobs and social protection
6. Climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution
UNOOSA’s UN-SPIDER Programme has continued to work with external partners and UN entities, also in the context of the new EW4All initiative, to bring the benefits of space technology and space data to governments of developing countries. Much of the disaster management efforts and EW efforts are closely linked to Climate action.
UNOOSA works with UNEP on various pollution aspects stemming from space activities, while also supporting other entities in their use of space-based data to better pinpoint pollution and biodiversity loss, bouth through its Programme on Space Applications and Un-SPIDER.
6. Please provide strategies (policies, guidance, plan) and/or collective actions taken to implement the 2024 Ministerial Declaration of the Economic and Social Council and the high-level political forum on sustainable development convened under the auspices of the Council. Please note any challenges foreseen and provide any relevant links.
7. What collective efforts is your entity undertaking to support countries in accelerating the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, especially in the areas of Goal 3 (Good health and well-being), Goal 5 (Gender equality), Goal 8 (Decent work and economic growth), Goal 14 (Life below water) and Goal 17 (Partnerships), which will go under in-depth review at the HLPF in 2025? Please note any achievements, challenges and gaps and provide any relevant links.
Initiative/Partnership Name | Long-term strategy on space and global health for the period 2025–2035 |
Partners (please list all partners) | UN Office for Outer Space Affairs, WHO, Space and Global Health Network |
Relevant SDGs (list all relevant goals) | SDG 3 |
Member States benefiting from it | All UN Member States |
Description (max 150 words) | The long-term strategy on space and global health for the period 2025–2035 was developed to support the implementation of recommendations contained in General Assembly resolution 77/120 on Space for Global Health |
Website |