United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
1. Since the adoption of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs, has the governing body of your organization taken (or will it take) any decisions or new strategies to guide the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs? If any, please provide a brief summary below, including the overarching vision of your organization.
UNHCR is the global refugee institution and a protection agency, and its mandate is to provide international protection and support states in seeking permanent solutions for the problem of refugees, as well as prevent and find solutions to the problem of statelessness.
In legal terms, the High Commissioner and his Office form a multilateral, intergovernmental institution, established by the GA as its subsidiary organ. The Statue of UNHCR describes the Office's work as humanitarian and social and of an entirely non-political character.
The High Commissioner's refugee mandate is embedded in public international law, and in particular international refugee and human rights law. Through a series of GA resolutions, UNHCR has also been called upon to assist internally displaced persons. Currently, this role is mostly executed within the context of humanitarian emergencies, where UNHCR is part of the interagency coordination approach. This approach has been developed through a series of GA resolutions and inter agency protocols to ensure a more predictable and focused response to humanitarian emergencies, in particular to support the protection and assistance needs of the internally displaced. The approach fully respects the mandates of the respective entities, and with UNHCR focusing specifically on the protection, provision of emergency shelter and ensuring camp coordination for internally displaced in conflict situations. In addition, in line with the SG's Policy Decision on Return of Refugees and IDPs, UNHCR plays a role in IDP returnee settings.
UNHCR's contribution to the SDGs is in the spirit of the overarching principles of "leave no one behind" and "reaching the furthest behind first", targeted to persons of UNHCR's concern - refugees, asylum seekers, returnees, and stateless persons - as well as Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs).
With the above in mind, UNHCR's functions are mainly in advancing, advocating and providing protection and supporting states to ensure that they fulfil their obligations under international law in regards to the achievements of rights, including ensuring protection and providing equal access to basic rights and services, as well as pursuing durable solutions. This is conducted on the one hand through setting policies, providing advice to legal/ legislative process, and advocacy in order to shape the international refugee system and on the other by providing direct assistance to refugees, both legal and material. In addition, UNHCR maintains a strong emergency response capacity that is deployed to new refugee situations to ensure humanitarian assistance and coordination of all actors involved in the refugee response, under the overall leadership of the host Government. Resource mobilisation also plays an important part.
In the lead-up to the 2030 Agenda, UNHCR worked together with other agencies, such as IOM, OCHA and the Special rapporteur of the Human Rights of IDPs, to ensure that all persons of concern to UNHCR were included in its guiding vision through the principle of leave no one behind that underpins the Agenda.
As set out in the organisation's Strategic Directions 2017-2021, UNHCR will:
- "Build on the commitment of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to leave no-one behind, and on the Sustainable Development Goals to promote the inclusion of refugees, the internally displaced and stateless people in National Development Frameworks.
- Engage strongly with States, host communities, civil society and key national service providers to promote the inclusion of refugees, internally displaced and stateless people in mainstream national systems, including health and education, pending durable solutions to their displacement."
In a mandatory instruction issued in December 2017 with an overview of requirements for UNHCR reporting on 2017, implementation in 2018 and planning for 2019, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have a prominent place. Seeking the involvement of development actors in addressing forced displacement and statelessness is an important operational objective of UNHCR. As such, Representatives and Directors must ensure and advocate for the inclusion of refugees and other persons of concern in national development plans in line with the SDG guidance issued in September 2016. Additional UNHCR guidance has been developed relating to programming specifically for education and for prevention and response to statelessness to further support achievement of the relevant SDGs.
Launch of the Solutions and Resilience Division in the UNHCR HQs in 2018 is in spirit of the 2030 Agenda, and development-humanitarian nexus. The new division will foster and institutionalize more close partnership to ensure goals of the 2030 Agenda are achieved for displaced population.
2.1 SDG-specific strategies, plans or work programmes
Noting that UNHCR is not part of the UN Secretariat, UNHCR works closely with all Secretariat entities as well as with other agencies, funds and programmes to ensure that the rights and needs of persons of concern to UNHCR are integrated and these population groups can benefit from the Agenda 2030 and their progress be measured against the same goals and targets as citizens of a country.
UNHCR continues to advocate for accelerated and inclusive implementation of the SDGs globally and at country levels. Official Guidance on the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, Addressing Statelessness, Refugee Education and Sustainable Development and Principles for Identification for Sustainable Development have been issued. This is also made publically available as a ways of sharing good practice and learning on UNHCR's official website: www.unhcr.org/2030-agenda-for-sustainable-development.html.
UNHCR's Biennial Programme Budget and UNHCR's Strategic Directions (2017-2021) provide UNHCR's overall framework of work. Further important developments to guide UNHCR's operations in focusing on this include:
- the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework;
- UNHCR's shift towards Multi-year planning and multi-partner as the organization's new approach to strategic planning, currently launched in 22 operations and as of 2020 across the organization (please see UNHCR's Biennial Programme Budget 2016/17 [revised], paragraph 116)
- A revision of UNHCR's Results-based management system to enable the organization to systematically and reliably plan, monitor and measure this as of 2020.
- An internal review of UNHCR's response to internal displacement, focusing on ensuring stronger and more predictable action to situations of internal displacement.
UNHCR is currently working with other actors (such as the World Bank) to leverage existing data platforms to feed forcibly displaced data for the different sectors (e.g. Energy, Education, Livelihoods, WASH).
UNHCR joined the Global Alliance for SDG16 in late 2017 as a co-chair. UNHCR co-funded SDG16 activities to encourage inclusion of refugees, IDPs, and stateless population in Latin America and European countries.
2.2 Aligning the structure of the organization with the transformative features of the 2030 Agenda, including any challenges and lessons learned in doing so
Following a rapid organisational assessment in 2016 and 2017, a change management team has been established within UNHCR to provide recommendations and follow-up on the organisational assessment. The new Division of Resilience and Solutions formally came in to effect on 1 February 2018, bringing together colleagues from technical units within the Division of International Protection (DIP) and the Division of Programme Support and Management (DPSM).
2.3 Readjusting or updating results-based budgeting and management, including performance indicators:
UNHCR is continuously reviewing ways to simplify programming instruments. UNHCR is currently undertaking a review of its Results Based Management (RBM) programming framework with a view to strengthen compatibility with external planning frameworks in the humanitarian and development area. UNHCR's RBM requires us to identify goals, objectives, performance targets and impact and report back on them. This revision seeks to use and closely align the future RBM System and thereby its planning, programming and monitoring with SDG Goals and relevant indicators.
In support of this process key sectors at UNHCR have recently concluded a revision to their indicators including Education, Energy, Health, and Livelihoods which map to the SDG objectives and indicators. The revised monitoring tools put in place are an effort to strengthen understanding of impact and cost-effectiveness of programs. Each of these sectors have taken steps towards improving the access to their data through online platforms.
2.4 Action to enhance support to the principle of "leaving no one behind" and to integrated policy approaches:
The concept of "leaving no one behind" and reaching "the furthest behind" translates for UNHCR to "people of concern to the organization", including refugees and people in refugee-like situations, asylum seekers, internally displaced, returnees and stateless people and people in risk of statelessness. Within the countries and societies they find themselves in, forcibly displaced and stateless people are often among those 'furthest behind'.
Within the groups of people of concern, UNHCR identifies and addresses the needs of the most vulnerable persons of concern facing heightened protection risks and assistance needs, often referred to as persons with specific needs. UNHCR's Global Strategic Priorities (GSPs) 2016-17 highlight particular groups within UNHCR's persons of concern that may face specific protection risks and needs such as survivors of sexual and gender based violence, unaccompanied and separated children and religious and ethnic minorities.
At the start of each operations management cycle, all UNHCR operations conduct a comprehensive needs assessment that identifies the priorities and needs of people of concern to the organization, including the most vulnerable in line with UNHCR's Age, Gender and Diversity approach. UNHCR's Needs Assessment Handbook (http://needsassessment.unhcr.org) issued in August 2017 brings systematically together objectives, principles, standards, procedures, working methods and global commitments such as those arising from the Grand Bargain and the New York Declaration and explains how Operations can use them practically to meet UNHCR's existing institutional due diligence and accountability to populations of concern and affected communities.
UNHCR's Tool for Participatory Assessments supports the continuous dialogue and engagement with people of concern to better understand needs and risks (http://www.unhcr.org/publications/legal/450e963f2/unhcr-tool-participatory-assessment-operations.html). UNHCR's registration and case management tools support the organisation in the identification of specific needs and in addressing needs in an appropriate and time-sensitive way.
UNHCR's Strategic Priorities and its AGD approach are reflected in UNHCR's Biennial Programme of Work (paragraph 4, Annex V): http://www.unhcr.org/excom/scaf/57c574ab7/biennial-programme-budget-2016-2017-revised-office-united-nations-high.html
UNHCR's Age, gender and diversity policy: http://www.unhcr.org/protection/women/4e7757449/unhcr-age-gender-diversity-policy-working-people-communities-equality-protection.html
UNHCR's AGD accountability report 2016: http://www.unhcr.org/protection/women/595cdf5c7/unhcr-age-gender-diversity-accountability-report-2016.html
UNHCR Guidance on the identification of people with specific needs: https://emergency.unhcr.org/topic/14429/specific-needs
Furthermore, UNHCR's Strategic directions 2017-2021 express the organization's commitment to "maintain the expertise and capability to deliver assistance in emergencies and beyond, prioritizing the most vulnerable, wherever the capacity of local and national partners is weak, where assistance is not available from other sources, or when the delivery of assistance yields important protection dividends." (UNHCR's Strategic directions 2017-2021, p. 20)
In addition, the Strategic Directions express that UNHCR commits "as part of a broader inter-agency response, (to) engage in a more consistent, predictable and in a sustainable way in situations of internal displacement, assuming both a coordination and an operational delivery role in the areas of protection, camp coordination and camp management, and emergency shelter, and making every effort to ensure that key needs are met, focusing on the most vulnerable." (UNHCR's Strategic directions 2017-2021, p. 21).
Bilaterally with governments, through interagency partnership with development actors (UNDP and ILO) or through government engagement within the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework (CRRF), UNHCR ensures refugees are included into national systems and services to the extent possible. Examples include easing the access to the labour market, access to justice and local governance system, national education and health care system.
3.1 Mainstreaming the SDGs in development plans and policies or through national sustainable development plans/strategies:
As a humanitarian and protection organization, UNHCR's role is to support and advise Governments and other stakeholders in providing protection and solutions to forcibly displaced and stateless people. Types of engagement include global monitoring, normative support and advice in keeping with UNHCR's statutory responsibilities under international refugee law, capacity building and technical assistance, data management and direct support.
UNHCR's dual mandate of solutions and protection for forcibly displaced calls for sustainable solutions such as mainstreaming access to services and programs into national development plans. At the sector level the Education and Health team have mainstreaming into national systems as a core pillar to the approach, and Livelihoods, Energy, and Environment work closely at building sustainable solutions through non-traditional partners particularly through development, government line ministries, and private sector partners.
In Turkey, the joint programme on rule of law and human rights will build on existing support from UN agencies to national rule of law systems. The programme will ensure the inclusion of refugees with specific attention to needs related to gender based violence and women's empowerment.
In Myanmar, the joint project aims to enable policy-makers and local stakeholders to include the needs of forcibly displaced persons and affected communities in administrative justice reform processes. It will also strengthen the capacity of the national justice sector and local legal aid providers on issues such as HLP, civil documentation and registration and includes displaced persons and affected communities as part of legal information, counselling and assistance services.
3.2 Mainstreaming the SDGs in sectoral strategies, including specific SDG/target strategies:
In support of this process key sectors at UNHCR have recently concluded a revision to their indicators including Education, Energy, Health, and Livelihoods which map to the SDG objectives and indicators. The revised monitoring tools put in place are an effort to strengthen understanding of impact and cost-effectiveness of programs. Each of these sectors have taken steps towards improving the access to their data through online platforms.
3.3 Data and statistical capacity building:
UNHCR, together with the UN Statistical Division, EUROSTAT and Statistics Norway, are leading the Expert Group on Refugee and IDP Statistics which has drafted International Recommendation on Refugee Statistics, accompanied by a technical report on IDP statistics, which will be presented to the UN Statistical Committee in March 2018 for adoption. The Recommendations make specific reference to reporting on refugee populations along SDG indicators, and provide recommendations for building capacity and coordination among statistical entities to assist in such reporting.
To improve sustainable solutions for refugees, promoting the economic inclusion of refugees has been a core pillar of the CRRF and wider solutions approach. To inform policy makers on the benefits and risks of economic inclusion of forcibly displaced, UNHCR has invested in building the evidence base of the economic impact of refugees on host communities and in partnerships with development actors like the World Bank to improve data on poverty. To that end, UNHCR has a set of projects open to improve data and evidence with the World Bank particularly to inform the design of the WB IDA 18 refugee and host community sub-window. A Joint Data Centre between UNHCR and the World Bank has been announced between the two organizations to be launched in Q3 2018.
3.4 Science, technology and innovation for the SDGs:
UNHCR is currently working with other actors (such as the World Bank) to leverage existing data platforms to feed forcibly displaced data for the different sectors (e.g. Energy, Education, Livelihoods, WASH).
3.5 Multi-stakeholder partnerships:
In 2014, UNHCR published the refugee coordination model, aimed at providing increased transparency and solidifying a more diverse and partner friendly approach to its coordination role in refugee settings, as per the organisation's statue. The two main tools under the refugee coordination model is the Regional Refugee coordinator and the Regional Refugee Response Plans that aim to ensure one coordinated approach to support the host governments. Under this model, all organisations working with refugees can publish their plans and seek funding. In some countries this has developed into a 3RP approach, linking humanitarian and development agencies together. In the MENA region, in the past 5 years, this has resulted in a 13 billion aid programme, coordinated by UNHCR, in support of the governments hosting Syrian refugees. On an annual basis the RRPs bring in around 4 billion USD, with more than 50 % of funds granted to partner agencies. The RRP process answers the donor and host country demand for one coordinated plan to avoid duplication and better address gaps in the initial refugee response.
UNHCR has also shift towards Multi-year and multi-partner planning with the organization's new approach to strategic planning. It is currently launched in 22 operations and as of 2020, it will be across the organization.
3.6 Sub-national plans/strategies and implementation for the SDGs:
Nothing to report at this moment.
3.7 Leveraging interlinkages across SDG goals and targets:
Nothing to report at this moment.
4.1 Supporting the intergovernmental body of your organization in contributing to the thematic review of the HLPF:
So far UNHCR has participated in the HLPF at the technical level. There has been no involvement of the UNHCR's Executive Committee (EXCOM) in the review of the 2030 agenda and the SDG by the HLPF. There are no plans in this regard for 2018.
4.2 Contributing to policy/background briefs for the HLPF:
So far UNHCR has not contributed to the policy/background briefs for the HLPF, but will participate in its formulation in 2018 and 2019.
4.3 Helping organize SDG-specific events in the preparatory process:
Not applicable
4.4 Organizing side evens or speaking at the HLPF:
Not applicable
4.5 Supporting VNR process:
UNHCR provides support for the VNR process as a member of the UNCT based on a request from the government concerned. UNHCR has been advocating for inclusion of refugee element in SDG discussions at the country-level, under the overarching principle of 'leave no one behind", particularly in relation to integration of refugee assistance into national system.
UNHCR (through UNCT participation in MAPS mission) will also be providing support to the European countries undertaking VNRs in 2018 and 2019, with regard to SDG 10 and SDG 16, and ensuring that our persons of concern are included under 'leave no one behind' principle.
5. How has your organization cooperated with other UN system organizations to achieve coherence and synergies in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs? In this regard, has your organization launched or intend to launch any joint programmes or projects in collaboration with other UN entities? Are there any results or lessons you would like to highlight that might help improve the design and impact of such efforts? Has your organization participated in any of the following coordination systemwide mechanisms or any other relevant platform - CEB, UNDG, EC-ESA Plus, RCMs, UN-Energy, UN-Water, UN-Ocean, IAEG, IATT? Please specify which and indicate any suggestions you may have about improving collaborations within and across these mechanisms/platforms:
UNHCR is an active member of the CEB, UNDG, ECESA Plus, RCM, and UN-Water.
For the UNDG, in 2017, UNHCR was a member of the ASG Advisory Group and all of the Results Groups and the various Task Team of the UNDG. In 2018, UNHCR is a member of the UNDG Core Group as well as a member of the Joint Steering Committee to Advance Humanitarian - Development Collaboration. UNHCR continues to recommend a reduction in results groups, working groups and task forces in favour of a select number of prioritised groups (ensuring no overlap) focusing on the most pressing issues needing attention by the UNDG. This could be achieved by comprehensively mapping the entire eco-system of coordination mechanism that exists which touches on development and/or UNDS to ensure that there are no duplications in the work plans and discussions in order to avoid the same topics being discussed at multiple forum with slightly differing membership. For example, the current TOR of the revamped UNDG plans for 5 results groups. It would be preferable to have fewer results group taking into consideration existing coordination mechanisms (eg HLCM, HLCP, IASC, SPG, PCG, ECESA Plus) and newly established (eg Joint Steering Committee on enhancing Development and Humanitarian Collaboration). Moreover, UNHCR recommends far less voluminous policy guidance to the field in favour of a similar streamlined approach as well as more streamlined data collection by various UN coordination mechanism on seemingly similar topics.
UNHCR is a member of UN-Water and also sits on the Executive committee. UNHCR is most actively involved in policy advice, normative support, and general advocacy. Specifically this involves identification of strategic issues and priorities in key summary reports (e.g. World Water Development Reports (WWDR) and through the identification of solutions (e.g. UN-Water Expert Groups and Task Forces). UN-Water also is responsible for dissemination and communication around UN-Water family reports including JMP, GLAAS and GEMI- relevant to the water-related SDGs (e.g. 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 11.5, and 13).
In Europe and Central-Asia, UNHCR is co-Chairing with UNDP the Issue-Based Coalition (IBC) on Large Movements of People, Displacement and Resilience. UNHCR facilitated adoption of the 'Key Messages' - a high level advocacy document agreed among the IBC members (UNDP, UNHCR, UNICEF, UNFPA, UNWOMEN, UNOPS, IOM and UN Environment) that will be used by UN agencies in all applicable fora to advocate for solutions for persons of concern in Europe and Central Asia. In 2018, the IBC will continue serving as a platform for UN agencies to address the current issues with regard to persons of concern, with the aim of positively influencing perceptions, public discourse and policies on refugees, migrants and affected populations. The IBC will also provide coherent UN support at country level towards SDGs nationalization, making sure that the persons of concern are included under 'no one left behind' principle.
Currently, there are over 10.5 million refugees, migrants, stateless and IDPs in Europe and Central Asia. Europe is likely to remain a destination for refugees fleeing conflict and persecution in 2018, from situations as far afield as Afghanistan, Iraq, and the Syrian Arab Republic (Syria), as well as from crises within Europe, such as that in Ukraine. Turkey remains host to the world's largest refugee population, with 3.4 million refugees and asylum-seekers, the vast majority of whom (3.15 million) originate from Syria. The lack of durable solutions—including limited integration prospects in many first countries of asylum and a limited number of legal pathways—leaves many with few choices but to attempt migration to Europe, and refugees and migrants are likely to continue to risk their lives to cross the Mediterranean Sea in search of safety.
6. How has your organization engaged with stakeholder groups, both in supporting implementation at the country, regional and global levels, and within your own organization? If yes, please provide main highlights, including any lessons learned:
UNHCR and its engagement with development actors is further strengthened via the New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants (A/RES/71/1) and its Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework (CRRF), which encapsulates the principles of solidarity with and responsibility sharing for refugee situations. The resolution calls upon UNHCR to facilitate the CRRF with the aim to ease pressure on host countries; enhance refugee self-reliance; expand third-country solutions; and support conditions in countries of origin for return in safety and dignity.
The CRRF approach is being piloted in Central America, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Somalia Situation, Tanzania and Uganda. Host governments' leadership and ownership are central to an effective and sustainable comprehensive response. In CRRF countries, governments are engaging a variety of stakeholders, including line ministries, local authorities, development partners, UN and NGO partners, the private sector and financial institutions, while ensuring the partnership with the refugees themselves. This is being done through government-led CRRF secretariats or steering-groups that work with stakeholders to assess needs and develop prioritized strategies. Existing UN coordination mechanisms are being leveraged through active involvement of the Resident Coordinators and Humanitarian Coordinators, encouraging greater cooperation across institutional mandates. Engagement with development actors within and outside the UNCTs has intensified in these locations and UNHCR is an active provider of key good practices and advocacy messages on refugee related issues.
7. Has your organization organized any conferences, forums or events designed to facilitate exchange of experience, peer and mutual learning? If yes, please provide a brief summary below and include lessons learned and gaps identified based on the outcomes of these events. Please also include any events you plan to organize in the coming years.
Nothing to report at the moment.
8. Is there any other information you would like to share, including annual reports of your organization and any impact assessment or evaluation reports? If yes, please use the space below and attach the document(s). Please also use this space to provide any other information, comments or remarks you deem necessary:
Evaluation reports are made available online with a management response at the dedicated UNHCR portal page here: http://www.unhcr.org/evaluation-and-research.html . For your information, we would like to draw your attention to the 2017 completed evaluations:
- Evaluation Synthesis of UNHCR's cash based interventions in Jordan issued in December 2017.
- Evaluation of UNHCR's Ukraine Country Programme including a management response issued in October 2017.
- Evaluation of UNHCR's implementation of three of its protection strategies: the Global Education Strategy, the Updated SGBV Strategy, and the Child Protection Framework. A 4 page summary is available here together with the management response to the evaluation issued in October 2017.
- Evaluation of UNHCR's Leadership of the Global Protection Cluster and Field Protection Clusters: 2014-2016 (management response pending).
9. In your view, what should a strategic plan for the UN system in support of the 2030 Agenda and SDGs look like? What key elements should it include and major challenges address in such a road map?
The SWSD should focus on a few key UN priorities where it makes sense for us to join forces (e.g. climate change, data, knowledge management). It should provide an overarching direction for the UNDAFs and country level frameworks, but should not micro-manage what should be a country owned strategy. We should avoid creating parallel results and indicators frameworks and avoid heavy processes while at the same time seeking to establish a few benchmarks applicable across operations. Enhancing disaggregated data collection, management and analysis should be a key priority.
10. Please indicate one or two endeavor or initiatives you suggest that the UN system organizations could undertake together to support the implementation of the SDGs between now and 2030:
Climate change Data and knowledge management