WWF International
Session 3 or 4
Thank you Mr co-facilitator,
This statement is on behalf of Conservation International, the Waitt Foundation, The Nature Conservancy, the Wildlife Conservation Society and WWF
The Outcome Document of the Ocean Conference and its Call for Action must include the following elements:
1) A roadmap towards 2030, setting out a clear process and timeline for implementation of SDG14, including transparent reporting of commitments and partnerships recorded at the Conference to ensure accountability, and linking to the High Level Political Forum. This roadmap should take into account the relevance of SDG14 to the success of other SDGs.
2) Means of implementation, emphasising the paramount importance of ensuring enabling conditions are put in place: to support implementation of SDG14, where the implementation of related SDGs is equally important. The private sector needs to be proactively encouraged and incentivised to engage in their delivery.
3) A commitment to invest in social capital, including empowerment of women, to ensure better stewardship of ocean and coastal resources: This is a prerequisite for achieving SDG14, and indeed the 2030 Development Agenda as a whole, especially in ocean dependent economies.
4) A set of major areas of focus and priority actions in order to swiftly embark upon the implementation of SDG14, and ensure they are given the prominence required in decision making at all levels and in all sectors.
We suggest the following areas of focus to form the basis of the Call for Action, and we propose these could also be cross-cutting-themes for the Partnership Dialogues:
1) Build more resilient oceans to support human health and well-being to secure provision of food and livelihoods from the sea, including urgently achieve the CBD Aichi Targets, especially Target 11.
2) Build a climate resilient and carbon neutral economy – and mitigate emissions.
3) Adopt a sustainable, inclusive Blue Economy approach.
4) Implement integrated ocean planning and management to ensure all sectors are addressed as a whole and that necessary trade-offs between users are mitigated.
5) Secure additional financing for oceans solutions, from public and private sources.
Thank you, co-facilitator.
Thank you Mr co-facilitator,
This statement is on behalf of Conservation International, the Waitt Foundation, The Nature Conservancy, the Wildlife Conservation Society and WWF
The Outcome Document of the Ocean Conference and its Call for Action must include the following elements:
1) A roadmap towards 2030, setting out a clear process and timeline for implementation of SDG14, including transparent reporting of commitments and partnerships recorded at the Conference to ensure accountability, and linking to the High Level Political Forum. This roadmap should take into account the relevance of SDG14 to the success of other SDGs.
2) Means of implementation, emphasising the paramount importance of ensuring enabling conditions are put in place: to support implementation of SDG14, where the implementation of related SDGs is equally important. The private sector needs to be proactively encouraged and incentivised to engage in their delivery.
3) A commitment to invest in social capital, including empowerment of women, to ensure better stewardship of ocean and coastal resources: This is a prerequisite for achieving SDG14, and indeed the 2030 Development Agenda as a whole, especially in ocean dependent economies.
4) A set of major areas of focus and priority actions in order to swiftly embark upon the implementation of SDG14, and ensure they are given the prominence required in decision making at all levels and in all sectors.
We suggest the following areas of focus to form the basis of the Call for Action, and we propose these could also be cross-cutting-themes for the Partnership Dialogues:
1) Build more resilient oceans to support human health and well-being to secure provision of food and livelihoods from the sea, including urgently achieve the CBD Aichi Targets, especially Target 11.
2) Build a climate resilient and carbon neutral economy – and mitigate emissions.
3) Adopt a sustainable, inclusive Blue Economy approach.
4) Implement integrated ocean planning and management to ensure all sectors are addressed as a whole and that necessary trade-offs between users are mitigated.
5) Secure additional financing for oceans solutions, from public and private sources.
Thank you, co-facilitator.