Way forward by Minister Borbély, Romania
Concluding remarks on way forward by
H.E. Mr. László Borbély
Minister of Environment and Forestry of Romania
and Chair of CSD19
Madam Minister, colleagues
We have just heard from Madam Minister the most salient points of the Chair’s Summary and I would like to say a few words about the way forward as the Chair of the CSD-19 and therefore together with my other colleagues in the Bureau responsible for the process to bring us to the agreed conclusions of the CSD-19.
This meeting, I hope you will agree with me, was necessary, timely and also successful and productive. In my view it was a kind of a clearing house and a catalyst to discuss the most important issues concerning 10YFP.
I believe that all of us are much clearer on where there is a broad agreement.
There is a broad convergence on the need to catalyze political will towards launching an ambitious and yet realistic 10FYP at CSD-19. It would be a very positive step towards strengthening SCP.
I sense broad support for a number of elements of the common vision and objectives of the 10YFP. In particular:
SCP should be treated as a cross-cutting issue based on life-cycle approach;
The 10YFP has to be based on the sustainable development framework including all its three pillars;
The 10YFP has to incorporate the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities;
The involvement of all stakeholders including industry and private sector is essential.
Means of implementation and technology transfer together with capacity building are necessary for successful implementation of SCP.
I also see an emerging convergence on the functions of a 10YFP. The six themes identified in the background paper provide a good basis for further discussion.
We have more work to do on the appropriate institutional structure, but we made significant headway in assessing the alternative models reviewed jointly by UN-DESA and UNEP. There is convergence that the 10YFP must be supported by a strong an efficient institutional arrangement, which should be built on existing structures by improving them, enhancing coordination, and adapting them to the functions. Positive lessons from SAICM and Marrakesh Process have been mentioned.
We have also had the opportunity to review some possible options for programmes. The concreteness of programmes is essential for mobilizing the required political and financial support for the 10YFP. We agree that programmes need to be based on explicit criteria, including resource and material efficiency, addressing multiple stages of the lifecycle, advancing all three pillars of sustainable development, incorporating regional and national specificities, and taking into account different levels of development.
Dear Colleagues,
As is to be expected, however, there remain some areas where more discussion is necessary in order to reach consensus on a meaningful agreement. They often include ways of how to achieve something where there is broad agreement.
These are just some of the issues that we will be working on with the support of all relevant parties. The IPM will be the next opportunity to bring our thoughts together so that we can prepare a robust and forward looking negotiations text for CSD-19.
The level of ambition depends on all of us and our political will. I would like to appeal to all of you, governments as well as Major Groups, to inform your capitals and decision-makers of what has been discussed here, get clear instructions on the direction to take, and engage with your regional and political groups to develop widening areas of consensus and agreement.
Let me reiterate again the important role of Major Groups both in articulating their vision, communicating best practices as well as expectations, and ensuring that the issues that they deem important for their countries, regions, and constituencies receive a fair hearing.
We, as the Bureau, will do our utmost to support you in this endeavor. It is very important to brief New York delegations on the outcome of our discussions here.
In this context, I would like to say that the Chair’s summary from this Intersessional will be posted on the CSD-19 website shortly. The formal report of the Intersessional will be an official document for CSD-19 and will be an important contribution to our future discussions and negotiations.
Dear Colleagues,
We have a short time ahead of us, so let us work all together towards achieving a 10YFP which represents a highest common denominator. I believe there is an emerging convergence on the functions, a coordinated institutional structure and the need for criteria to help develop effective programmes. Sufficient resources and capacity are also important elements discussed at the meeting.
In preparing for IPM, I believe there is a need for a background document jointly prepared between UN-DESA and UNEP to elaborate further on those elements where there is a sense of convergence. This document is intended to further facilitate our discussions during the IPM.
Thank you.
H.E. Mr. László Borbély
Minister of Environment and Forestry of Romania
and Chair of CSD19
Madam Minister, colleagues
We have just heard from Madam Minister the most salient points of the Chair’s Summary and I would like to say a few words about the way forward as the Chair of the CSD-19 and therefore together with my other colleagues in the Bureau responsible for the process to bring us to the agreed conclusions of the CSD-19.
This meeting, I hope you will agree with me, was necessary, timely and also successful and productive. In my view it was a kind of a clearing house and a catalyst to discuss the most important issues concerning 10YFP.
I believe that all of us are much clearer on where there is a broad agreement.
There is a broad convergence on the need to catalyze political will towards launching an ambitious and yet realistic 10FYP at CSD-19. It would be a very positive step towards strengthening SCP.
I sense broad support for a number of elements of the common vision and objectives of the 10YFP. In particular:
SCP should be treated as a cross-cutting issue based on life-cycle approach;
The 10YFP has to be based on the sustainable development framework including all its three pillars;
The 10YFP has to incorporate the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities;
The involvement of all stakeholders including industry and private sector is essential.
Means of implementation and technology transfer together with capacity building are necessary for successful implementation of SCP.
I also see an emerging convergence on the functions of a 10YFP. The six themes identified in the background paper provide a good basis for further discussion.
We have more work to do on the appropriate institutional structure, but we made significant headway in assessing the alternative models reviewed jointly by UN-DESA and UNEP. There is convergence that the 10YFP must be supported by a strong an efficient institutional arrangement, which should be built on existing structures by improving them, enhancing coordination, and adapting them to the functions. Positive lessons from SAICM and Marrakesh Process have been mentioned.
We have also had the opportunity to review some possible options for programmes. The concreteness of programmes is essential for mobilizing the required political and financial support for the 10YFP. We agree that programmes need to be based on explicit criteria, including resource and material efficiency, addressing multiple stages of the lifecycle, advancing all three pillars of sustainable development, incorporating regional and national specificities, and taking into account different levels of development.
Dear Colleagues,
As is to be expected, however, there remain some areas where more discussion is necessary in order to reach consensus on a meaningful agreement. They often include ways of how to achieve something where there is broad agreement.
These are just some of the issues that we will be working on with the support of all relevant parties. The IPM will be the next opportunity to bring our thoughts together so that we can prepare a robust and forward looking negotiations text for CSD-19.
The level of ambition depends on all of us and our political will. I would like to appeal to all of you, governments as well as Major Groups, to inform your capitals and decision-makers of what has been discussed here, get clear instructions on the direction to take, and engage with your regional and political groups to develop widening areas of consensus and agreement.
Let me reiterate again the important role of Major Groups both in articulating their vision, communicating best practices as well as expectations, and ensuring that the issues that they deem important for their countries, regions, and constituencies receive a fair hearing.
We, as the Bureau, will do our utmost to support you in this endeavor. It is very important to brief New York delegations on the outcome of our discussions here.
In this context, I would like to say that the Chair’s summary from this Intersessional will be posted on the CSD-19 website shortly. The formal report of the Intersessional will be an official document for CSD-19 and will be an important contribution to our future discussions and negotiations.
Dear Colleagues,
We have a short time ahead of us, so let us work all together towards achieving a 10YFP which represents a highest common denominator. I believe there is an emerging convergence on the functions, a coordinated institutional structure and the need for criteria to help develop effective programmes. Sufficient resources and capacity are also important elements discussed at the meeting.
In preparing for IPM, I believe there is a need for a background document jointly prepared between UN-DESA and UNEP to elaborate further on those elements where there is a sense of convergence. This document is intended to further facilitate our discussions during the IPM.
Thank you.