Misión Permanente ante las Naciones Unidas
Thank you, Mr. co-facilitator,
My delegation strongly supports the implementation of the 2030 agenda including SDG 14, even though we have made a formal reservation to SDG 14 (C).
We express our unwavering constructive support and participation to contribute actively throughout the process.
My delegation associates its self with the statement made by the distinguished delegation of Ecuador on behalf of G77 and China.
We generally support the 7 dialogue themes mentioned in the background note, with only one constructive consideration with regard to the proposed theme 7, we view that it has been proposed to be reflected in a more specific way by quoting the language of target 14(c) as follows: “Enhance the conservation and sustainable use of oceans and their resources by implementing international law as reflected in UNCLOS (the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea)”, my delegation in its national capacity proposes to add “and other relevant instruments and programs applicable”.
The Rationale behind this proposal is that including the mention of other relevant instruments and programs applicable we would be able to enhance and broaden the spectrum of the legal framework applicable. In our view, this proposal does not undermine the mention of the overarching framework of UNCLOS, it actually compliments it by addressing relevant and important anthropogenic activities performed outside the oceans, meaning in-land originated marine debris including plastics and micro plastics production and disposal, sanitary water treatment, CO2 production, ocean warming, acidification, climate change and other relevant elements needed to have an integral assessment to be able to overturn the imminent and present threats and dangers that impact our Oceans.
If I may list a few of this instruments and programs, only as an example for reference, and not limited to, would be: the 2030 agenda for sustainable development, the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, the London Convention and the Aichi Targets, Convention on Biodiversity, the Global Program of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from land based Activities (GPA UNEP), FAO, IMO MARPOL, UNFCCC, UNESCO (ICO) and many other global relevant instruments and programs that will be needed to make a strong and solid framework for a commitment to change this prejudicial trend.
We kindly encourage the full participation of all member states, weather state parties or non-parties of UNCLOS on equal basis.
Guarantying a universal participation will deliver a universal commitment, crucial for a beneficial outcome of the conference, a global call for action of the international community, and reverting the trend declining the health of our Oceans for generations to come.
Thank you