Working Document for 5 – 9 May Session of Open Working Group
At this time, Uruguay would like to make some specific preliminary proposals in 6 substantive areas addressed in the working document for the Eleventh Session of the Open Working Group on SDGs. Given that Uruguay is still working on the document, in the next Session we will share some new proposals focused on the language in these and the remaining areas.
Focus area 1. Poverty eradication, building shared prosperity and
promoting equality
End poverty in all its forms everywhere
a) eradicate extreme poverty by 2030
b) reduce by 70% the proportion of people living below national poverty lines by 2030, considering child poverty as a special target.
c) by 2030 implement nationally appropriate social protection measures including floors, with focus on coverage of the most marginalized, especially children.
d) build resilience of the poor and reduce by x% deaths and economic losses related to disasters
e) achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all, including women, and young people and migrants, regardless of their migration status.
f) ensure equality of economic opportunity for all women and men, including secure right to own land, property and other productive assets and access to financial services for all women and men
Appropriate means of implementation
Focus area 2. Sustainable agriculture, food security and nutrition
End hunger and improve nutrition for all through sustainable agriculture and improved food systems
a) all people have access to adequate (safe, affordable, diverse and nutritious) food all year round
b) end malnutrition in all its forms, notably stunting and wasting in children under five years of age
c) by 2030 ensure sustainable food production systems with high yields, and reduce intensity of use of water by at least x%, chemicals by at least y%, and energy by at least z%
d) by 2030 achieve access to adequate inputs, knowledge, productive resources, financial services and markets for small farmers and fishers, with a particular focus on women and indigenous peoples
e) reduce the global rate of loss and waste along the food supply chain by 50 percent by 2030
f) all countries have in place sustainable land-use agriculture policies by 2030, and all drought-prone countries develop and implement drought preparedness policies by 2020
g) achieve climate-smart agriculture that is resilient and adaptable to extreme weather including drought, climate change and natural disasters
h) achieve by 2030 protection of agricultural biodiversity, including through use of the practices and local knowledge related to agro-biodiversity and diversity of food
My delegation would like to propose a new target which would read: "by 2030 reduce by x% harmful chemicals used and waste generated in food systems"
Appropriate means of implementation
Focus area 3. Health and population dynamics
Healthy life at all ages for all
a) by 2030 reduce the maternal mortality ratio to less than 40 per 100,000 live births, end preventable new-born and child deaths and reduce by x% child and maternal morbidity
b) by 2030 end the epidemics of HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and neglected tropical diseases
In target b) Uruguay proposes an alternative language which reads "Ensure universal access to prevention, treatment, care and support of HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections, tuberculosis, malaria and neglected tropical diseases".
c) reduce by x% the risk of premature preventable mortality from non-communicable diseases (NCDs), the exposure to the main NCD risk factors, including tobacco, injuries and promote mental health with strong focus on prevention
d) achieve universal health coverage (UHC), including financial risk protection, with particular attention to the most marginalized
e) by 2030 ensure universal access to affordable essential medicines and vaccines for all, , including the use of generics
f) ensure universal access to comprehensive sexual and reproductive health and services for all, including modern methods of family planning, as well as promote and protect all human rights, including sexual and reproductive rights for all
g) decrease by x% the number of deaths and illnesses from indoor and outdoor air pollution and other forms of environmental degradation
h) Eliminate narcotic drug and substance abuse
We propose a new target which would read: "by 2030 reduce by x% harmful chemicals used and waste generated"
Appropriate means of implementation
Focus Area 4 - Education and life long learning
a) by 2030 ensure universal, free, inclusive, compulsory, equitable access to and completion of quality primary, secondary education for all girls and boys, in particular for children, adolescents and youth in marginal or vulnerable situations, leading to effective learning outcomes. Ensure free and inclusive tertiary education. We also stress the importance of the total inclusion of girls to education.
b) ensure that persons/children with disabilities, children living in rural or remote areas and migrant children have access to inclusive education, skills development and vocational training, on equal opportunities for all children.
c) by 2030 increase by x% the proportion of children able to access and complete quality pre-primary education and early childhood education through the promotion of quality childhood development programmes.
d) by 2030 achieve universal youth and adult literacy, with particular attention to women and the most marginalized in order to reduce inequalities.
f) integrate relevant knowledge and skills in education curricula, including ICT skills, education for sustainable development, human rights education and awareness raising for sustainable development, and awareness raising on culture's contribution to sustainable development
g) all schools to provide safe and healthy environment for all students
h) We would like to support and relocate, due to its relevance in this area, target
c) from focus area 5 with the language inclusion of G77 and China, which reads:
by 2030 ensure equal access to education at all levels, including a commitment to universal and free education at all levels, life long learning and comprehensive sexuality education.
Focus area 5. Gender equality and women’s empowerment
Attain gender equality and women’s empowerment everywhere
a) by 2030 end all forms of discrimination against women of all ages through legislative reforms and its effective implementation and providing equal access to justice
b) by 2030 end gender-based violence and violence against women and girls in all its forms, throughout the life cycle and in every condition of human diversity, and achieve women's access to justice
c) by 2030 ensure equal access to education at all levels including a commitment to universal and free education at all levels, life-long learning and comprehensive sexuality education
d) by 2030 ensure equal employment opportunities for women and equal pay for equal work
e) by 2030 ensure equal access to, and control of, assets and resources, including natural resources management and financial services
f) ensure equal participation and leadership of women in decision-making in public and private institutions allowing an inclusive and participatory governance
g) by 2030 end child, early and forced marriage
h) by 2030 reduce and redistribute the burden of unpaid domestic and care work through shared responsibility by states, private sector, communities, women and men
i) by 2030 ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights
j) promote the availability of gender disaggregated data to improve gender equality policies, including gender sensitive budgeting
In target i) Uruguay strongly support the actual proposal made by the co-facilitators of ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights.
Finally, we support the suggestions made by other delegations to ensure the implementation of CEDAW, CAIRO/CPD and BEIJING.
Focus area 6. Water and sanitation
Water and sanitation for a sustainable world
a) by 2030, provide universal access to safe and affordable drinking water, sanitation and hygiene, especially for women and girls
b) by 2030, improve wastewater management, recycling and reuse by x%
c) by 2030, improve water-use efficiency by x% in all sectors, with particular focus on agriculture
d) implement integrated water resource management, including appropriate trans-boundary co operation. (We need clarification about the basis of this target.)
e) by 2030, bring fresh water extraction in line with sustainable supply, protect and restore ecosystems, to provide water-related services. (We need clarification about the basis of this target.)
f) by 2030, significantly improve water quality, eliminate pollution and dumping of toxic materials in water bodies, and protect aquifers
g) invest in water harvesting and storage technologies, and double the rainwater harvested by 203051
h) decrease by x% mortality and serious injuries, and decrease economic losses caused by water-related disasters, by 2030
Appropriate means of implementation
My delegation would like to propose a new Focus area: "Ending discrimination" - by 2030 eliminate all forms of gender-based discrimination, and any discrimination based on ethnicity, age, sexual orientation and gender identity, migration status, etc. This list doesn't exclude other types of discrimination.