United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
Statement on behalf of UNESCO and its Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission
Thank you Mr Co-facilitator,
I am honored to address this Preparatory Meeting on behalf of UNESCO and its Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, the IOC.
To successfully reach Goal 14 targets, ocean research and a Global Ocean Observing System will be key enablers for nations. The IOC and its 148 Member States stand ready to support the SDG 14 process as the leading UN mechanism for global cooperation in ocean science and observations, including through our custodian role for targets 14.3 and 14.a, and more broadly, with science capacity for other Goal 14 targets.
We support the 7 proposed themes for the partnership dialogues. IOC and UNESCO will be ready to contribute to these, and to address the critical issues of capacity development and marine technology gaps that strongly constrain many states in their efforts to conduct ocean science and to use ocean data.
IOC will also put forward a number of voluntary commitments and partnerships in ocean science, ocean acidification, capacity development and transfer of marine technology, presented in more detail in a side event tonight in Room 8.
Thank you.
Thank you Mr Co-facilitator,
I am honored to address this Preparatory Meeting on behalf of UNESCO and its Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, the IOC.
To successfully reach Goal 14 targets, ocean research and a Global Ocean Observing System will be key enablers for nations. The IOC and its 148 Member States stand ready to support the SDG 14 process as the leading UN mechanism for global cooperation in ocean science and observations, including through our custodian role for targets 14.3 and 14.a, and more broadly, with science capacity for other Goal 14 targets.
We support the 7 proposed themes for the partnership dialogues. IOC and UNESCO will be ready to contribute to these, and to address the critical issues of capacity development and marine technology gaps that strongly constrain many states in their efforts to conduct ocean science and to use ocean data.
IOC will also put forward a number of voluntary commitments and partnerships in ocean science, ocean acidification, capacity development and transfer of marine technology, presented in more detail in a side event tonight in Room 8.
Thank you.