United Nations Human Settlements Programme
United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development – Rio 2010
Second Preparatory Committee
Statement by
Dr. Joan Clos,
Under-Secretary-General, and
Executive Director
New York, Monday 7th March 2011
Mr. Co-Chair,
UN-HABITAT is pleasd to contribute to the debate regarding the specific investments that should be prioritized by
Governments as part of a green economy strategy.
Rapid and unplanned urbanization in developing countries threatens some of the sustainability gains achieved over the past
two decades, unless we see soon significant changes in urban sector policy and financing. In this perspective, investing in
sustainable urban development should be one of the top priorities as part of a green economy strategy.
Cities and city-regions will be central in bringing about tomorrow’s economic benefits and welfare, the provision of decent
jobs and human well-being within an environment liberated from the risks and threats of climate change, pollution, resource
depletion and ecosystem degradation. Achieving such transformative change in cities requires that urban design is
integrated in planning policies, and the harmonious co-integration of nature and human economic development, as well as of
design and construction with nature.
The potential of a dedicated systems approach to urban planning and management is enormous. By integrating green
technology, energy efficiency and design innovations into statutory urban planning and development control systems, cities
can mainstream strategies for sustainable development into planning standards and building regulations. The impact is even
greater when city managers combine regulatory reforms of this kind with partnerships between government, industry and
communities to develop and implement local sustainability innovations.
Well-planned cities that apply regulatory approaches, strive for environmentally sound infrastructures and services, as well
as partnerships, are best placed to make efficient use of space and energy, and thus contribute to a green economy. They can
harness the advantages of concentrated populations in metro areas to reduce the dependency on transportation, and provide
basic services with greater efficiency. Creative planning for compact and dense urban development patterns that include
parks and public spaces can radically reduce commuting distances and energy consumption in buildings, while also
contributing to climate stabilization and biodiversity.
Within such a sustainable urban development framework, some specific sectors can significantly contribute to a green
According to the International Energy Agency, ‘business as usual’ scenarios indicate CO2 emissions from the transport
sector alone are expected to grow by 120 per cent by 2050 (compared to 2000 levels). The global car fleet will triple, with
more than 90 per cent of this growth taking place in non-OECD countries. In order to curb greenhouse gas emissions from
transport, there is need to reduce automobile dependence, foster a rapid modal shift towards less carbon intensive forms of
transport such as rail, and improve fuel and motor efficiency.
Cities can catalyze a modal and efficiency shift by targeting investment at well-planned, greener transport infrastructure that
meets the needs of all users – both motorised and non-motorised. The planning of urban centres and their peripheries based
on mixed-use and smart growth design principles must be part of a sustainable transport future. Policies promoting city
densification can reduce demand for long-distance transport. Together with integrated transport planning and demand
management, low-carbon fuels and greater electrification of transport are also needed to meet short- and long-term economic
and sustainability targets.
Incentives and regulations in the building and construction sector offer opportunities for cities and local governments to
leverage their authority by setting mandatory investments in energy-efficiency or the installation of renewable energy
technologies in buildings. In addition to making a substantial impact in reducing the ecological footprint of cities, this would
also provide many new jobs. Reports have estimated that investments in improved energy efficiency in buildings could
generate an additional 2 to 3.5 million green jobs in Europe and the United States alone. The potential is much higher in
developing countries and in countries in transition, which often have large stocks of energy-inefficient buildings, and where
the large majority of new buildings will be constructed over the next 40 years.
To achieve this, the emphasis should be on the need for integrated policy approaches in governance, planning and finance
and broader developmental and poverty dimensions which are all critical elements for cities to serve as a powerful
geographical unit in the emergence of a green economy.
United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development – Rio 2010
Second Preparatory Committee
Statement by
Dr. Joan Clos,
Under-Secretary-General, and
Executive Director
New York, Monday 7th March 2011
Mr. Co-Chair,
UN-HABITAT is pleasd to contribute to the debate regarding the specific investments that should be prioritized by
Governments as part of a green economy strategy.
Rapid and unplanned urbanization in developing countries threatens some of the sustainability gains achieved over the past
two decades, unless we see soon significant changes in urban sector policy and financing. In this perspective, investing in
sustainable urban development should be one of the top priorities as part of a green economy strategy.
Cities and city-regions will be central in bringing about tomorrow’s economic benefits and welfare, the provision of decent
jobs and human well-being within an environment liberated from the risks and threats of climate change, pollution, resource
depletion and ecosystem degradation. Achieving such transformative change in cities requires that urban design is
integrated in planning policies, and the harmonious co-integration of nature and human economic development, as well as of
design and construction with nature.
The potential of a dedicated systems approach to urban planning and management is enormous. By integrating green
technology, energy efficiency and design innovations into statutory urban planning and development control systems, cities
can mainstream strategies for sustainable development into planning standards and building regulations. The impact is even
greater when city managers combine regulatory reforms of this kind with partnerships between government, industry and
communities to develop and implement local sustainability innovations.
Well-planned cities that apply regulatory approaches, strive for environmentally sound infrastructures and services, as well
as partnerships, are best placed to make efficient use of space and energy, and thus contribute to a green economy. They can
harness the advantages of concentrated populations in metro areas to reduce the dependency on transportation, and provide
basic services with greater efficiency. Creative planning for compact and dense urban development patterns that include
parks and public spaces can radically reduce commuting distances and energy consumption in buildings, while also
contributing to climate stabilization and biodiversity.
Within such a sustainable urban development framework, some specific sectors can significantly contribute to a green
According to the International Energy Agency, ‘business as usual’ scenarios indicate CO2 emissions from the transport
sector alone are expected to grow by 120 per cent by 2050 (compared to 2000 levels). The global car fleet will triple, with
more than 90 per cent of this growth taking place in non-OECD countries. In order to curb greenhouse gas emissions from
transport, there is need to reduce automobile dependence, foster a rapid modal shift towards less carbon intensive forms of
transport such as rail, and improve fuel and motor efficiency.
Cities can catalyze a modal and efficiency shift by targeting investment at well-planned, greener transport infrastructure that
meets the needs of all users – both motorised and non-motorised. The planning of urban centres and their peripheries based
on mixed-use and smart growth design principles must be part of a sustainable transport future. Policies promoting city
densification can reduce demand for long-distance transport. Together with integrated transport planning and demand
management, low-carbon fuels and greater electrification of transport are also needed to meet short- and long-term economic
and sustainability targets.
Incentives and regulations in the building and construction sector offer opportunities for cities and local governments to
leverage their authority by setting mandatory investments in energy-efficiency or the installation of renewable energy
technologies in buildings. In addition to making a substantial impact in reducing the ecological footprint of cities, this would
also provide many new jobs. Reports have estimated that investments in improved energy efficiency in buildings could
generate an additional 2 to 3.5 million green jobs in Europe and the United States alone. The potential is much higher in
developing countries and in countries in transition, which often have large stocks of energy-inefficient buildings, and where
the large majority of new buildings will be constructed over the next 40 years.
To achieve this, the emphasis should be on the need for integrated policy approaches in governance, planning and finance
and broader developmental and poverty dimensions which are all critical elements for cities to serve as a powerful
geographical unit in the emergence of a green economy.