Thank you Co-Chairs
On behalf of UNEP, I would like to thank the Commission for giving us the opportunity to contribute to
this important issue
I would also like to thank the panelists for their informative presentations
Transport and mobility are essential prerequisites for sustainable development and for achieving the
MDGs. Enhancing access to sustainable mobility can facilitate economic activities and ensure better
access to employment opportunities, social services and education, while increasing road safety.
However, while significant progress has been made in enhancing the efficiency of transport means, this
is offset by growing demand for transport services, and current policies cater mainly for private
motorized users rather than on providing sustainable mobility for all.
There is need for an integrated approach to transport policy-making, which takes into account
accessibility, health impacts and development agendas in addition to environmental aspects. A
combination of approaches are required so as to avoid unnecessary travels through proper transport/
land-use planning, to shift to less polluting and less energy intensive modes by encouraging mass transit
oriented developments and, improve the overall fuel and vehicle efficiency through cleaner
technologies. UNEP supports governments and other stakeholders in all three of these areas.
The development of comprehensive, national sustainable transport strategies should be promoted,
including in the following key areas:
· Investing in sustainable transport, including infrastructure for non-motorized transport and
public transport1.
· Investing in cost-effective mass transport systems such as BRT and light rail, including through
public-private investment partnerships for their development and operation.
· City development strategies that focus on reducing transport needs through planning that
promote density rather than urban sprawl, and develop infrastructure for non-motorized and
public transport.
· Policies and standards for clean and efficient vehicles, including technology transfer, cleaner
fuels, and alternatives to the importation of old, inefficient vehicles2.
1UNEP?s Share the Road programme is promoting this (www.unep.org/transport/sharetheroad).
2 UNEP is involved in two leading global programs to this effect ? the Partnership for Clean Fuels and Vehicles (PCFV -
www.unep.org/pcfv) and the Global Fuel Economy Initiative (www.globalfueleconomy.org).
A combination of these actions would result in reduced urban air pollution, reduced greenhouse gas
emissions, improved access to affordable and high quality transport, reduced energy dependency on
fossil fuels, and, improved road safety. This shows the need for decoupling transport growth and
increased mobility from environmental and social impacts.
UNEP?s role as a catalyst of partnerships that facilitate consensus and dialogue across public-private
divides has been particularly effective in achieving progress on transport issues globally, for example,
the Global Fuel Economy Initiative and the Partnership for Clean Fuels and Vehicles. UNEP is ready to
scale up significantly its initiatives, contribute to a paradigm shift in moving towards a low carbon
transport economy, and an effective transformation to sustainable transport through multi stakeholders,
partnerships, and increased role and responsibility to cities and in close cooperation with other UN
agencies, particularly UN-Habitat.
Thank you
On behalf of UNEP, I would like to thank the Commission for giving us the opportunity to contribute to
this important issue
I would also like to thank the panelists for their informative presentations
Transport and mobility are essential prerequisites for sustainable development and for achieving the
MDGs. Enhancing access to sustainable mobility can facilitate economic activities and ensure better
access to employment opportunities, social services and education, while increasing road safety.
However, while significant progress has been made in enhancing the efficiency of transport means, this
is offset by growing demand for transport services, and current policies cater mainly for private
motorized users rather than on providing sustainable mobility for all.
There is need for an integrated approach to transport policy-making, which takes into account
accessibility, health impacts and development agendas in addition to environmental aspects. A
combination of approaches are required so as to avoid unnecessary travels through proper transport/
land-use planning, to shift to less polluting and less energy intensive modes by encouraging mass transit
oriented developments and, improve the overall fuel and vehicle efficiency through cleaner
technologies. UNEP supports governments and other stakeholders in all three of these areas.
The development of comprehensive, national sustainable transport strategies should be promoted,
including in the following key areas:
· Investing in sustainable transport, including infrastructure for non-motorized transport and
public transport1.
· Investing in cost-effective mass transport systems such as BRT and light rail, including through
public-private investment partnerships for their development and operation.
· City development strategies that focus on reducing transport needs through planning that
promote density rather than urban sprawl, and develop infrastructure for non-motorized and
public transport.
· Policies and standards for clean and efficient vehicles, including technology transfer, cleaner
fuels, and alternatives to the importation of old, inefficient vehicles2.
1UNEP?s Share the Road programme is promoting this (www.unep.org/transport/sharetheroad).
2 UNEP is involved in two leading global programs to this effect ? the Partnership for Clean Fuels and Vehicles (PCFV -
www.unep.org/pcfv) and the Global Fuel Economy Initiative (www.globalfueleconomy.org).
A combination of these actions would result in reduced urban air pollution, reduced greenhouse gas
emissions, improved access to affordable and high quality transport, reduced energy dependency on
fossil fuels, and, improved road safety. This shows the need for decoupling transport growth and
increased mobility from environmental and social impacts.
UNEP?s role as a catalyst of partnerships that facilitate consensus and dialogue across public-private
divides has been particularly effective in achieving progress on transport issues globally, for example,
the Global Fuel Economy Initiative and the Partnership for Clean Fuels and Vehicles. UNEP is ready to
scale up significantly its initiatives, contribute to a paradigm shift in moving towards a low carbon
transport economy, and an effective transformation to sustainable transport through multi stakeholders,
partnerships, and increased role and responsibility to cities and in close cooperation with other UN
agencies, particularly UN-Habitat.
Thank you